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Thread: WBO2-Tuning Spreadsheet

  1. #1
    Super Moderator dave w's Avatar
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    WBO2-Tuning Spreadsheet

    Attached in the .zip file is a '7427 Excel spreadsheet (Protected) that will allow pasting a .csv file into the spreadsheet to view the WBO2 averages for tuning. The WBO2 data is filtered and sorted, Closed Loop, Near Idle Flag (on / off), AE, and PE. See sample screen shots. After data logging with TunerPro RT, export the data log to a .csv file. To use the spreadsheet your data log must have WBO2 data, instruction included in the .zip file. WBO2 tuning is a must for any modified engine. dave w
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by dave w; 08-10-2020 at 07:06 PM.

  2. #2
    Fuel Injected!
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Fresno, CA
    Thanks Dave! I'll have to try this out soon.
    1973 K-5 Blazer, TBI 350, TH400, 1 ton axles & 38" SSRs'
    1975 280Z, TBI 350, 700R4
    1953 M-38A1, TBI Buick 231
    1951 Ford Panel, 5.3 with 4L80E

  3. #3
    Super Moderator dave w's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fastacton View Post
    Thanks Dave! I'll have to try this out soon.
    Please update me with your thoughts / results after using the spreadsheet.

    dave w

  4. #4
    Fuel Injected!
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    Oct 2013
    You can use a if(ISERROR(... test to set the cells to "" instead of displaying the div/0 errors. You do have to repeat the formula twice but it makes it much prettier to look at.

    The next thing to do is add a count and desired AFR cell and use those to create another table with the amount of error or correction factor.

  5. #5
    Super Moderator dave w's Avatar
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    The cells count table is below the AFR tables.

    I'm working on the layout, see attached.

    dave w

  6. #6
    Fuel Injected!
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    Not a counts table, a cell with the minimum number of records before you use the average so you don't get a small number of results messing up the data.

    You can then use the counts to add another table that shows either percentage error, or lambda which is basically the same thing.

  7. #7
    Super Moderator dave w's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lionelhutz View Post
    Not a counts table, a cell with the minimum number of records before you use the average so you don't get a small number of results messing up the data.

    You can then use the counts to add another table that shows either percentage error, or lambda which is basically the same thing.
    I've been thinking deviation, minimum, maximum, & range information is available in TunerPro RT? Basically I wanted the spreadsheet cells to align with the VE tables / filter closed loop / near idle / off idle / power enrichment, which is not filtered in TunerPro RT.

    dave w

  8. #8
    LT1 specialist steveo's Avatar
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    Not a counts table, a cell with the minimum number of records before you use the average so you don't get a small number of results messing up the data.
    i agree, without enforcing a minimum cell count, you will end up with erroneous spikes in your data from cells with only one or two records that averaging hasn't been able to smooth out.

    you should also provide a percentage against target AFR data, if any is available, people find that really handy.

    im not entirely sure how to do this stuff with a spreadsheet. this is the kind of stuff that always drove me towards programmed tools for analysis.

    really wish tunerpro had filtering in its history tables.....

  9. #9
    Super Moderator dave w's Avatar
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    I agree, it would be useful to have a minimum cell count as function of the AVERAGEIFS formula. I'm currently looking at the number of records in the table below the AFR Averages table to determine data validity.

    The basic near idle formula I started with:
    AVERAGEIFS('Insert Datalog'!,'Insert Datalog'!,"=Closed",'Insert Datalog'!,"=On",'Insert Datalog'!,"=Inactive",'Insert Datalog'!,"=Inactive",'Insert Datalog'!,">=XX",'Insert Datalog'!,"<=YY",'Insert Datalog'!,">=XXX",'Insert Datalog'!,"<YYYY")

    dave w

  10. #10
    Electronic Ignition! Tbrendal's Avatar
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    What would I have to do to use this with a 7747 ecm?

  11. #11
    Super Moderator dave w's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tbrendal View Post
    What would I have to do to use this with a 7747 ecm?
    The spreadsheet is for the second generation TBI PCM, 16168625, 16197427, 16156930, & 16196395.

    Information to upgrade the 1227747 to the second generation TBI PCM is here:!

    dave w

  12. #12
    Electronic Ignition! Tbrendal's Avatar
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    Will a 16197427 out of a S-10 or V-6 application work? Or do I need to get the V-8 one?

  13. #13
    Super Moderator dave w's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tbrendal View Post
    Will a 16197427 out of a S-10 or V-6 application work? Or do I need to get the V-8 one?
    The basic difference between the V6 16197427 vs. V8 16197427 is the Memcal, the blue thing in the pic below. The Memcal has three functions, PROM Chip, Knock Filter, and Limp Home Mode. If possible, I would try find a 16197427 with a Memcal for the same size engine I am installing the 16197427 PCM to operate.

    dave w

  14. #14
    Fuel Injected!
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    New Zealand
    Hi Dave,

    I'd like to try and use your Wideband spreadsheet but I'm having a problem. I'm guessing your spreadsheet is designed to take the original "WBO2 AFR" .csv info from the "Data Log" but I'm using an Inovate MTX-L WB AFR gauge hooked up to my Autoprom, while I've managed to set up a history table showing my Wideband AFR's I haven't managed to get that information into the "Data Log" for export to your spreadsheet.
    I'm not using the hack where the Wideband O2 sensor output is supplied to the PCM via re-tasked EGR output and I'm guessing that's thats what the Data Log is expecting.
    I'm not sure how to get my MTX-L WB AFR outputs into the Data log in the "WBO2 AFR" location so that your spreadsheet can then use the data or is there another way to get the info into your spreadsheet?

  15. #15
    Super Moderator dave w's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kitch View Post
    I'm not sure how to get my MTX-L WB AFR outputs into the Data log in the "WBO2 AFR" location so that your spreadsheet can then use the data or is there another way to get the info into your spreadsheet?
    The use of the Autoprom is not required to get the WBO2 information into the data log. The 0v ~ 5v output from the MTX-L has to be wired directly into the computer, pin B16. See attached screen shot.

    The MTX-L will need to be re-programmed for 0v = 10 AFR / 5v = 20 AFR

    dave w

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