Since we have been looking for odd information lately and getting cars we are really not sure what ALDL file goes to what body? I thought we could have a TunerPro Lookup!
Simalar to the BCC lookup for bins. BTW we are working on a online version of this to find bins!

I found half the information already done in excel for Moates products so we have a pretty good start of masks matched to cars from both TunerPro and TunerCat website information. I added columns for ads, adx, xdf and ALDL information we need to develope new ADX files.

This is a work in progress but should be a must for people who don't even know what mask or ALDL file they need to start.

Anyone who would like to add, help yourself and post up the updated version. Questions, comments and sugestions?

EDIT: Removed origanal... Latest edition can be found at this link: