on a 7747, TPS is updated at 80Hz, correct? assuming the engine is running at 2000RPM and you jump from 10% throttle up to 100% in 1/10th of a second, the TPS is going to be read and acted upon 8 times in that scenario.
the engine is going to complete 3.333 revolutions in that 1/10th of a second.
the engine is going to make .417 revolutions between TPS updates at that speed.
with a 6 cylinder, that's 1.25 ignition events between updates. with an 8 cylinder, it's 1.67.

you would have to be able to feel 1 or 2 fuel/ignition events being less than optimal for there to be any sense of improvement. a hard miss is easy to detect, but a very mild misfire is awful difficult to detect.

if the TPS read is done at 160Hz(some GM OBD1 ECMs do this), then even with a V8, you're at less than one fuel/ignition event before the TPS is read and accounted for.