I added the boost control circuit to the MS.

Typically the instructions suggest using jumper wires directly to the transistor or MOSFET being used, then drilling a hole in the case to mount the device. As you can imagine if you've been following along this isn't my style, so I looked over the board and realized that I'm not using the high current coil driver (Q16), and probably never will, since I don't plan on using any single coil ignition systems. The pads for this driver are also isolated from other circuits, so it's easy to use any TO-220 packaged device. So I removed that driver and replaced it with a MOSFET, an IRFZ44 following the Diyautotune boost control circuit diagram, I added a jumper between the drain (IGNBTOUT) of the MOSFET to the SPR4 output pin. The source pin that comes out at R43 and a simple jumper was added here to the other side of the R43 footprint, this provided a ground source.

To control the MOSFET I used the JS11. The gate circuit needs two resistors, one that is in series and one that attaches to ground. For the one that pulls down to ground I used the R57 location for the 10k ohm resistor, and installed the 100 ohm resistor in the proto area. I hate resistors floating around, or inline in jumper wires. It also makes it easier to change the values if I ever need to when they are soldered to the board and easily seen like this.

Anyway a couple jumpers later and the boost control hardware is installed. The grey/yellow wires in the picture below:

And the circuit I'm using: