as near as I can tell, 5 bytes can be passed over SPI from E to T(where the main communications from PCM to laptop occur, though E can be communicated with using a wildly different ADX) without having to remove anything or otherwise cripple some function for any of the applications this PCM is used on. 4 of the bytes are continuous(currently used to transfer the E-side calibration part number to the T-side), 1 is on its own. I'm going to use one of the 2-byte blocks for this patch, leaving a 16-bit value and an 8-bit value able to be transferred in the future. the 16-bit value will likely be used for the MAF patch, while I have no plans for the 8-bit value.

finally on the home stretch of this patch, i'll run it through the disassembler to make sure nothing funny pops up and i'll call it a beta release. as such, I wouldn't recommend using it in a vehicle that has to make it to X location at Y time until any other quirks that might exist are discovered and fixed.