Yes, you will need to use and plug in your car (16188051) obd1 PCM to communicate with TunerPro. Take the OBD2 PCM out and forget it for now. They make great door stops... Jus Kidding.

Then if you haven't go here : and scroll down until you see the GM block of definitions. Under Mask ID scroll down about 22 items down and find $EE Thats your mask Id Then move over to the right and download the EE.xdf and over more download the EE_auto.adx or the EE_Manual.adx for which ever trans you need for your car. Depending on which kind of PC and operating system you have will determine the download process you use. My PC is Windows 7 and I right click, then save link as to download on my PC. You will end up with a file that windows doesn't recognize, but TunerPro will.

These 2 downloads you need to place in your TunerPro file on your PC that was created when you installed TunerPro. With those in place you can now use TunerPro to successfully open and manipulate an LT1 file for your car. Also now you should be able to communicate in TunerPro to be able to data log. You still need the WinFlash program to read the .bin file (tune) out of your existing PCM ( the obd1 one ). And then later use it to program your PCM ( OBD1) with your new tune.

But first you need to open TunerPro and select these two files in Tunerpro to get the program set for your vehicle.

Once you open TunerPro in the menu bar across the top click on the "XDF" label. Then select from the menu that drops down "select XDF", this will open a box that is the folder created when you installed TunerPro. Scroll down and find the "EE.xdf" you put in there earlier, find it in the list and click on it to highlight it, then click OK. This will set that Mask Id in TunerPro.

Go back up to the menu bar and select Acquisition, it's 3 over from the XDF you just used. In the drop down menu, select "load definition file" this will open the same folder created by TunerPro used for the XDF above. You won't see the XDF there because now the file it's looking for is the .adx. Select the one you downloaded and placed in TunerPro,( EE_Auto or the EE_Manual). Do the same, highlight and OK it and now your ready to use TunerPro for anything you want to. Except with the 16188051, there is no way to emulate, because the chip inside the PCM is for all practical purposes not removable. So forget the emulation for this PCM.

There is a great tutorial done here to see it step by step.

It's a bit intimidating, but stay with it. It aint that bad.

And yea, it's a good thing you have internet, or you wouldn't be reading this...Ha Ha..

Search out this on You Tube as well. Lots of info there too!
