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Thread: Hello from the wild wild west

  1. #1
    Carb and Points!
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Hello from the wild wild west

    I got here though robertisaar as I would image many have. I was looking for a way to tune the 1994 gm 3100 v6 using the flash ecu. Since I have been working to get a decent tune for it and am almost there. Hoping to add a turbo if I can tune it.

    I'm also in the middle of getting an 87 Regal with a 92 LO5 5.7 with a 142 series blower and TBI right. Thinking 7730 and $59. Both engines obviously not native to the vehicle make for some real fun, for me anyway.

    I wanted to add a BLM calculator for the P66 V6 post that I modified from the TBI calculator in the "Adjusting VE Fueling tables with BLM data Tutorial!" from EagleMark. That's when I found I couldn't add to it and I should have been deleted as I haven't stopped by to introduce myself. My apologies.

    Anyway, I'm no professional.
    I've already got so much here it's amazing, so I hope I can give some back.

  2. #2
    Super Moderator dave w's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    dave w

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