I don't know what file to use. I have tried 3 different files this morning. Much more and the neighbors will probably throw me a "blanket party" tonight when I am sleeping.

Read my saga HERE. Trying to conserve space. TIA if anyone has the proper file so it doesn't have to cycle between DA Connected and DA Data Error.

Latest findings: Using A100 lists 6 squares for the "Dash" but not filled. Prom ID is correct but very slow in data acquisition since the values don't change. Refresh rate is probably very slow.

CaptainKawasaki's file: $8D-1227727-1990Corvette.adx shows all 8 gauges seems ok, doesn't show PromID but values are close to the others. Refresh rate is reasonable. Still cycles between DA Data Error and DA Connected

$8D-1227730-90-Y-Car-V1.adx seems ok too. Shows all 8 gauges, No PromID. Also cycles the same way as above.
My first born son will be up for trade for the right file. Will substitute for beer since I have no kids. LOL
So how to trust the values if it is in and out?