With a carb and distributor engine, the adage was "Get your timing right FIRST, then refine your Fuel..." (and sometimes you went back and forth a bit).

Dave's working on tuning a $12P BIN on my Indy Pace Car I've outlined here:

We had a hiccup with fuel pressure problems, but that's sorted out now. It's driving pretty good now, but if we change the ignition tables, aren't we going to have to "start over" to some degree with the fuel?

I been doing lots of reading and can't find an information on how to create a timing table based on how your weights/springs/vacuum HEI distributor was set up. With my Indy SD4 engine was carb'd, I had an HEI distributor with a base timing of 16 degrees BTDC, and 38 degrees by 2800rpm. Vacuum advance was limited to 12 degrees. With the big cam and high compression, it idled pretty good there, and ran like a scalded cat.

We started with a BIN that had a basic Camaro TPI 350 timing table that's fairly safe and won't melt my engine while we were getting the fuel map sorted out. The Camaro's base timing is 6-8 degrees BTDC (running it at 10 and Dave's pulled some a bit based on Knock Sensor counts).

Will it simply be a matter of subtracting from the timing table if we move my base timing up by 6 degrees (to 16)?