just a thread so i can get some help in trying to play with table lookups in $4d, or at least so you can all watch me fail miserably

first time trying to mess with table lookups, so chances of me doing the obvious and failing miserably are high.

my goal is, want both tables to be re-ranged from 20kpa to 100kpa. i do a LOT of decel and very light crusing, and spend a ton of time 20-40kpa, so i want more fine grained control in that range, and there is NO way to force an LO3 above 100kpa.

i'd like to increase VE resolution too, but maybe that's next, since there's very little free space to shove stuff around with only a 4k bin.

relavent code;

;-Main %VE table
LD278   FCB       0		;row offset
        FCB      16		;Col offset
        FCB       8		;# of cols

;    RPM/1k  .4   .8  1.2  1.6  2.0  2.4  2.8  3.2 ;kPa
        FCB  50,  49,  54,  57,  60,  62,  63,  65 ; 30
        FCB  51,  52,  55,  63,  69,  76,  86,  90 ; 40
        FCB  53,  54,  61,  65,  79,  88,  99, 103 ; 50
        FCB  55,  59,  75,  82,  86,  94, 101, 108 ; 60
        FCB  65,  71,  88,  91,  93,  99, 110, 116 ; 70
        FCB  95, 107, 112, 108, 103, 103, 111, 120 ; 80
        FCB  98, 106, 121, 121, 119, 119, 122, 127 ; 90
        FCB  99, 107, 121, 125, 124, 125, 125, 129 ;100
        FCB  99, 106, 120, 127, 126, 124, 126, 130 ;110

;main %VE lookup
LD596   LDAB    L001B		;RPM/25
        BPL     LD59C		;bra if <3200
        LDAB    #$0080		;3200 rpm
LD59C   LDX     #LD278		;%VE table
        JSR     LFB99		;Do 3D lookup
        ADDA    L00AC		;add %VE in
        BCC     LD5A8		;Bra if overflow
        LDAA    #$00FF		;clr overflow
LD5A8   STAA    L00AC		;Store it, %VE

;>3D lookup routine
LFB99   SUBA    $0000,X		;Subtract row offset from A
        BCC     LFB9E		;Bra if > offset
        CLRA 			;Clr A 
LFB9E   SUBB    $0001,X		;Subtract column offset from B
        BCC     LFBA3		;Bra if > offset
        CLRB			;Clr B
LFBA3   STAB    L004B		;tmp storage
        LDAB    #$0010		;
        MUL  			;Calc column offset   
        PSHB			;Push the leftovers to the stack
        LDAB    $0002,X		;Load in # of cols. into B
        PSHB  			;Push that to the stack too  
        MUL 			;Offset in A x # cols.      
        ABX 			;Add in offset to X
        INX			;Addr +1     
        INX 			; "    
        INX 			; "   
        PSHX 			;Addr of column ----> stack   
        LDAA    L004B		;Load row offset into A
        BSR     LFB7B		;Go do 2D lookup
        STAA    L004A		;tmp storage
        LDAA    L004B		;load row offset into B
        PULX    		;Get column address off the stack
        PULB  			;Get # of columns from stack  
        ABX 			;Add # of columns to X, go over one row    
        BSR     LFB7B		;2D lookup, get value next to it
        TAB			;Value ----> B     
        LDAA    L004A		;Get that value back into A
        BRA     LFB83		;Go interpolate it and return