Onto the next ESC Done patch in the Zip package. Since we already know how to use the program and command prompt I'll leave pictures out. Procedure is the same just differant files.

Copy your bin into the folder and rename from the origanal.

At the command prompt: Enter the command: s19_pat_ ESC_DONE.S19 0xD000 file2bepatched.bin
Note: The last argument is the name of the file that you want to be patched. This utility patches THAT file.
Hit enter. Your done. Copy that bin, rename it and use TunerPro Differance Tool to see the changes in bin file. Open TunerPro and click on Tools, then Difference tool and find the original bin file and the one you changed and renamed asdu-hiway.bin or whatever in the compare box and hit OK. The Difference window will open, make sure you have the original in one side and the hiway in the other and click search. You should see 55 bytes difference.

Remember to always save a copy of your origanal bin. Here is the progression of how I named mine.

Here's what I used.
ASDU-$42-5.7L-Auto.bin was my origanal.
asdu.bin was the copy I used in the HiWay enable program.
ASDU-$42-5.7L-Auto-Hiway.bin was what I saved the file to after HiWay enable.
asduhw.bin was what I used to do the ESC Done patch.
ASDU-$42-5.7L-Auto-HiWay-ESC-Done.bin was the final version after running these 2 patches.