Then if you can figure it out? I read on TGO that a guy is commenting a disassembled code and he is up to 20,000 lines and about half done! He new were most things were. TunerPro software is 40,000 lines of code I read somewhere Mark has into it...

I have over 100 hours into making an adx for LT1 and half the code was written by TunerPro, I just entered parameter information, it's only 2000 lines... and I had the address of where things were.

Cracking GM code was done as a project at Ohio State University way back when by genius type computer geeks who knew microprocessor languages and took a team and years to get it done... luckily all the rest of GM code was similar so we have hacks for most...

I commend you for even thinking about doing this and the conversation is great! I am enjoying it... but even if you had the info you are talking about years of work... but you are getting closer and may find a way!