OK, so I'll be using Ostrich and TunerPro RT in the future. There's the EPROM with the tune in the car, the emulator cable, the emu itself, and the PC (which will always be in the car when it is operating). From what I understand, the original chip is an EPROM, and that is different from an EEPROM primarily by speed of erasure being a difference of a moment or many minutes; so, I need an EEPROM to tune with, and an adapter to plug it into the ECU with the memcal, which has the hard-wired EPROM with the stock tune.

This is where I'm lost: I need to start from the original tune. How do I make sure the car starts with that tune? Does the adapter allow the ECU to run the original memcal EPROM? If not, how do I get the original tune into TunerPro if I only have the Ostrich and cable? Would I need to buy something else? Finally, once I have the stock tune in Tunerpro, can I just hook the ostrich up to a G1 and always run the car with TunerPro, or how would that work?