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Thread: Beware of RockAuto

  1. #1
    Fuel Injected! CDeeZ's Avatar
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    Beware of RockAuto

    A word of warning about

    I have bought several things from RockAuto before and had no issues. But when you encounter an issue, is when you really learn about the customer service of a company.

    Long story short, I bought a BRAND NEW AC compressor and drier from RockAuto. The system was flushed, a new orifice tube was installed, the new compressor and drier were installed and the system was charged with the proper oil level and refrigerant. All of this work was done professionally by a reputable shop.

    The compressor started malfunctioning within just days of installing it. The clutch slipped profusely, to the point where it was billowing smoke out the front of the compressor/pulley area. It got so hot, that it melted the plug where the wires come into feed electricity to the electromagnetic coil that activates the clutch on the compressor. Finally, the compressor got so hot it broke my belt.

    After going round and round with RockAuto, it became quite clear that they were not going to honor their faulty part. The compressor that they sold me failed, and thus necessitated that a new compressor would have to be installed (again) and the system would have to be evacuated and recharged (again). I felt like they should help cover at least some of these costs since it's not cheap, and most importantly, it was their faulty part that caused me all this expense, hassle and aggravation.

    RockAuto only gave me two choices, send it back for another compressor, or refund it. I didn't want to swap it for another one because who is to say it would be any better than this piece of junk? I told RockAuto to refund me and that I was through with them.

    So beware…. IF you buy anything from RockAuto and by chance happen to have an issue such as this, be prepared to be disappointed, jerked around, and just drug over the coals so to say.

    Being the ever curious type, I dismantled the clutch assembly to see exactly, what the hell went wrong with this new compressor????

    I will tell you that the bearing in the clutch/hub experienced a complete and catastrophic failure because it was probably not put together right. Also, the snap ring that holds it down was only HALF WAY ON…… Not sure which one went first but it's clear that it was no fault of my own, or of the shop that installed the compressor for me. The pictures speak for themselves

    Don't risk getting screwed by RockAuto, buy your parts somewhere else…….

    Where are those missing ball bearings?!?!?!?

    Look at how "cooked" the clutch coil became as a result of the bearing failure

    Same as above


  2. #2
    RIP EagleMark's Avatar
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    Rock Auto wants to keep it's good reputation and does not like to see internet postings like this.

    You also have to understand they sell parts to anyone and who knows how they will be installed so yes getting refunds is hard.

    But I had a similar experience and had pictures and thread like this. As so as I showed it to Rock Auto it was elevated to supervisor who made everything right with me and I reported it in the thread.

    1990 Chevy Suburban 5.7L Auto ECM 1227747 $42!
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    -= =-

  3. #3
    Fuel Injected! CDeeZ's Avatar
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    Yeah. I'm just really frustrated about the whole deal. I've already taken flak on some other forums I've shared it on, but I'm just calling it how I see it.

    That's ironic that you mention that, I asked the people I spoke to on the phone several times if I could speak to their supervisor and they all told me that there was no one higher than them..... Hmmmm Everybody in the company is running it, even the people answering the phones; they're all the boss!

  4. #4
    Fuel Injected!
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    this is why i buy local whenever i can, lifetime warrenties or any warrenties are not bargains when not honored and even when they are the shipping kills the good deals quickly. also keeps money in the local economy. jmho

    also you gotta watch wording like rebuilt, reconditioned, remanufactored now days, as alot of times those words just only mean they opened it up, cleaned it up and just replaced what was bad or a few seals etc...just like so many people refering others to and i quote "get some new injectors from ***" or "get some rebuilt injectors from ***". i dont know why people dont call it like it is... cleaned, there just cleaned with a new lil filter and couple seals..

    ok "end rant" lol
    Last edited by xtreamvette69; 08-13-2013 at 03:12 AM.

  5. #5
    Super Moderator Six_Shooter's Avatar
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    So how exactly did you get screwed? They offered to exchange the item or refund the price. Sounds pretty normal operating procedure to me for anywhere that one deals with.
    The man who says something is impossible, is usually interrupted by the man doing it.

  6. #6
    Fuel Injected! CDeeZ's Avatar
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    I agree with you on that one, there is a lot of misuse of terms such as that...


    Look I don't have all the answers, I'm just calling it how I see it. You can either agree or disagree with me I really don't care.

  7. #7
    Super Moderator Six_Shooter's Avatar
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    I'm just waiting for an explanation on how you "got screwed" in this situation.
    The man who says something is impossible, is usually interrupted by the man doing it.

  8. #8
    Fuel Injected! CDeeZ's Avatar
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    Well I already explained myself. I'll try to sum it up again. Their part failed. They wanted to replace it. Fine, but what about the additional costs as a result of their part's failure?

    The way they (RockAuto), a bunch of computer chair mechanics on other forums, and perhaps you view this is that I'm supposed to eat the total loss of having to evacuate, refill etc the system, B/C THEIR PART FAILED.

    I'm sorry but I don't agree with that, IMO that is not acceptable.

  9. #9
    Super Moderator Six_Shooter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CDeeZ View Post
    Well I already explained myself. I'll try to sum it up again. Their part failed. They wanted to replace it. Fine, but what about the additional costs as a result of their part's failure?

    The way they (RockAuto), a bunch of computer chair mechanics on other forums, and perhaps you view this is that I'm supposed to eat the total loss of having to evacuate, refill etc the system, B/C THEIR PART FAILED.

    I'm sorry but I don't agree with that, IMO that is not acceptable.
    Ahh, now we are getting somewhere.

    What you have is called an "Entitlement complex". Where just because something happened, that someone ELSE should have to pay for it. Sorry, but life doesn't work that way. The way I read this, they did exactly their part. They have not screwed you at all.

    Yes, it sucks to have to pay for anything, I agree, but that's how life works.

    If they didn't offer to exchange the failed item or refund, then they would have screwed you.
    The man who says something is impossible, is usually interrupted by the man doing it.

  10. #10
    Fuel Injected! CDeeZ's Avatar
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    Excuse me? What I have is called "I bust my ass for my money". Or how about "I don't like to pay TWICE for things"

    You can read it exactly however you choose, that's not my concern.

    And paying for something doesn't "suck". Paying TWICE for something is what sucks. Paying for something is good, just like working for something because it gives you an appreciation for things.

    You just don't know me bud

  11. #11
    Fuel Injected! bentrod's Avatar
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    It happens man. I'm not sure what else they can do though because they are just a frontend/reseller for tons of warehouses. If they were to refund you everything and time and labor + other things, they would be out of biz for sure. Then you would have just got pretty much the same garbage compressor from pepboys or whereever.

    The only way you can keep from getting crap compressors from is learning to how to rebuild it yourself and know it inside and out.

    I'd go over what it takes to rebuild an A/C compressor, but I'm more a windows down kinda I have no idea LOL
    1990 GMC C1500, 5spd, 1993 LT1 (ECM 16159278 $DA3)

  12. #12
    Fuel Injected! CDeeZ's Avatar
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    Yes sir, such is life. Some people apparently think that when life gives you lemons you just deal with it. I will squeeze those lemons into water pistols and shoot somebody in the eye, I don't care

    Yes if they had to do this for every part they sold they would certainly be out of business. But I can't see that this happens more than rarely, just a fluke. Which is why I wanted them to help a little more than they were offering to.

    You're absolutely right; learning to rebuild compressors is the next step, I've been searching the net and found a pretty good writeup that somebody did on the topic of overhauling these R4 compressors.

    I still have the original Delphi compressor from 1990, I may try to rebuild it and keep it on the shelf as a spare unit.

    Dude, I have been windows down for a long time, and I still am; whenever the weather is not too bad. It's been hot this sumer, but last summer was BRUTAL. And the humidity in OK makes it feel 10 degrees hotter than it actually is b/c your sweat just sticks to your skin as opposed to evaporating and actually cooling you off!

  13. #13
    Super Moderator Six_Shooter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CDeeZ View Post
    Excuse me? What I have is called "I bust my ass for my money". Or how about "I don't like to pay TWICE for things"

    You can read it exactly however you choose, that's not my concern.

    And paying for something doesn't "suck". Paying TWICE for something is what sucks. Paying for something is good, just like working for something because it gives you an appreciation for things.

    You just don't know me bud
    You think I don't bust my ass for my money? You think I don't occasionally get a bad product? You think I like paying for stuff twice?

    What you got is exactly what you deserved, you are not entitled to anything more than the exchange of the item OR refund. Asking for anything more is just being like these snotty nosed kids that are being raised today that feel that OTHER people should pay for their things or when something gets messed up along the way.

    I may not know you, but I know your type.

    You did not get screwed by Rock Auto, not even in the slightest.
    The man who says something is impossible, is usually interrupted by the man doing it.

  14. #14
    Fuel Injected! CDeeZ's Avatar
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    I really don't care what you do, nor anything about you, not even in the slightest. You made a very erroneous assumption about me. But you don't know anything about me so your ignorance shows.

    I've had bad products more than once, there is USUALLY a cheap, effective workaround, BUT not so in this case. Which, is why it is the exception IMO.

    I didn't get what I deserved because I deserved customer service that bends over backwards to make customers happy. This is the way I was raised, and the way I conduct my own business. My family has been in business where I live for nearly 100 years and that is part of our culture, our belief system, however rare it may be these days. Without a happy customer, there can be no business.

    I believe in a fair business transaction. IMO this was not one. I'm not looking for a handout or anything remotely resembling it so you can stop making your recalcitrant insinuations whenever you feel like ok bud

  15. #15
    Fuel Injected!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Six_Shooter View Post
    So how exactly did you get screwed? They offered to exchange the item or refund the price. Sounds pretty normal operating procedure to me for anywhere that one deals with.
    oh , i guess i didnt pay attention to the part about them willing to replace.. i cant say i have ever gotten back or asked for labor on defective parts so idk what would happen local. i have heard some people have gotten reimbersed for labor though from local suppliers.

    i guess though if i wanted labor and parts warented i would have the shop doing the work get the parts, thats why they mark up the parts to cover there azz's in situations like this. but ya thats the only way i would expect the part + labor to be free if an installed part was defective.

    just a note .. i have even heard of walmart refunding part + labor for speakers someone bought / had installed and were junk out of the box, they just bitched and made a public scene about it till the manager refunded the speakers and the guys shop bill(installed at independant shop , not walmarts auto center)


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