I am trying to do the VATS delete so my car won't have me sitting until the security light goes off every other time I try to drive it! My key is extremely worn out and will slide in or out of the ignition when it is already on or running. Also can turn the ignition without the key in it, but won't start do to no resistance value from key. I have already read numerous postings about doing this, and most of the m refer to 2 entries or switches to disable in TunerCat as well as disable the DTC 46. I'm using TunerPro RT for my tuning and am only seeing the one VATS switch and the DTC 46 switch. Any other switches or entries I need to disable? If anyone can help me on this I would greatly appreciate it! The car will still start with the key I'm using but not all the time, Security light comes on. I have tried to read the resistance value so I can get a resistor to bypassthe key portion, but am getting no reading on the key at all? Even when testing the key through the wires from the ignition switch I get no resistance value which is weird because last month I had started to do this and got a reading, just can't remember what the value was!

On another note, when I was trying to test the key value with the wires from the ign. switch, I turned the key on for a second and my gauges went all retarded and started jumping around, the rpm gauge pegged out and I could hear what I think was the injectors clicking? Really weird!