OK got the chip problem figured out. When I was reading the chip I did not set the chip type correctly. I still only end up with a 4kb file, then looked at some of my TBI files and some are only 4kb as well and have burned and worked fine. So I guess I have some learning to do there as well?

I looked up the chip and found 2 listed for the ECM which I don't understand... but it's either 27C128 or 27C256 as listed here:

Why are there two differant chips for one ECM?

Biggest problem I can see in the aftermarket chip is Injector Flow Rate is off by almost 4 pounds. Comparing the aftermarket chip to a stock AUJP there is a lot of work done and looks good. But there seems to be a mistake in spark advance at idle causing knock retard which is set at 30 degrees? Wow taking out 30 degrees would explain low power... maybe he meant 3 degrees?

Anyway I can record data tomorrow and see what it's doing.