There are a lot of stock bins we start with in $42 that are Open Loop Idle. Remember these are truck systems. Back then it stilled passed emissions, not many newer systems... or any I'm aware of run OL idle other then cold start warm up. The newer the vehicle the faster they go CL idle and some use INT/STFT even if in OL AFR tables!

I forget your motor specs but sometimes big cams need OL idle! If it's within reason I like CL Idle. Can use BLM data to adjust VE and if idle is not smooth a bais to change AFR at idle "O2 - Idle AFR Bias Value" Along with many IAC and other adjustments. Good rock steady idle is the hardest part of a tune in a built motor.

The most common setting for Open Loop Idle is "Open Loop - RPM Threshold"
Adjust here for Open Loop idle on big cam/low MAP idle engines.

The Open Loop Off Idle RPM is the RPM threshold at which the ECM leaves open loop mode. To return to open loop mode the RPM must drop below Open Loop Off Idle RPM minus the Open Loop On Idle RPM
Use the compare feature of TunerPro and load compare bin ASDU and look at those settings compared to yours, they are very low. 25 and 50 RPM so it's always Closed Loop Idle.

There are also other settings that can effect this, look in the "O2 Open/Closed Loop" folder.

By the way I finally ordered a burn 2 from Moates today so that I can take what I have learned to the next step and actually be able to burn my own chip.
It's about time!