With TunerPro RT open go to File, Open Bin and find your bin you downloaded from the info thread I gave you in other post.

With TunerPro still open go to XDF and Select XDF and find the file you downloaded.

Both of those instructions let you look at, modify, and screw up a bin file, a bin file is what is on the chip.

With TunerPro still open go to Acquisition, Load Definition file and find the ADX file you downloaded. This is the data logging half of the program. You are now ready to data log if you have a cable to hook to vehicle.

To see what data looks like in Monitors, Dash boards, Item lists, History tables etc... go to Acquisition, Load Log file and find the xdl file downloaded from info thread. Acquisition Play/Pause or use the icons in Tool Bar.

Speaking of tool bar right click on a=it and choose everything! Then Hoover over the icon and it will tell you what it is, same as going into Menu items like File, Acquisition, Play/Pause ETC... much easier...

Push some buttons and play! Can't screw anything up as all you have right now are test files.