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Thread: Fuel gauge calibration

  1. #1
    Fuel Injected! MO LS Noobie's Avatar
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    Apr 2022
    Missouri Ozarks

    Fuel gauge calibration

    Everything is working on my tune for my 99 Denali w/ a stroked 6.7 LQ9 except I do not seem to be able to get the fuel gauge working. The needle stays at overfull. It used to work only wasn't calibrated correctly. Currently BIN is Nellie 408 9-2-23 Fuel Gauge V6 + Lean Cruise. I put an earlier file on a spare PCM (Nellie 408 6-1-23 Fuel Gauge Ver1 GAUGE FIX) and it at least reads in the normal range. I do not seem to be able to change some of the fuel categories and I have not been able to segment swap the whole section. I am using 12587603 - Release 2023-02-26.xdf. Can someone please help me by segment swapping the fuel section from these two files and then confirming that the swap actually happened? When I try it saves the file but goes back to the original settings.
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  2. #2
    Fuel Injected! MO LS Noobie's Avatar
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    Apr 2022
    Missouri Ozarks
    Finally got back to a operational but not properly calibrated fuel gauge by using LS Droid swapping the fuel system segment to a 12578805 out of a 04 express Van. I tried to do it with Tuner Pro RT and Universal Patcher, I'm sure they can do it I just couldn't figure it out. The key things are the fuel checksum was changed to 9740, the fuel sender type was change from 3 to 0, instrument cluster needs to be set to smart cluster because the 1999 uses pulse width modulation for the fuel gauge only. I hope this helps out somebody fighting the same issue.

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