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Thread: EFI live DBC, DBW, tune files

  1. #1
    Carb and Points!
    Join Date
    May 2020

    EFI live DBC, DBW, tune files

    Hello all,
    I have EFIlive V2 to learn to tune and set up some projects I have. Im running SBC and everything I am set up for is drive by cable. All the tuning files I am looking at are for the express platform, my understanding this platform used SBC with the 411. I downloaded many files thinking they would be DBC but when I open the file it has Electric throttle folders so obviously I have a bunch of wrong files. Does anyone here have EFIlive and have any experience with this? I was told by someone in a group on FB that it just pops up on the program even if it isnt supported, I have a hard time believing that. Im building a 350 and also have a 4.3 turbo project. I was able to get a HPtuners file of what looks to be correct but the files do not cross to EFIlive, HPtuners has a .HPT file and EFlive uses .CTZ. I downloaded HPtuners to be able to access the tune and seen nothing that referred to electric throttle in it. Does someone with EFIlive have correct files or give me an understanding as to why I keep seeing this electric throttle folder popping up in these tunes. Have access to the onedrive site with the EFIlive files but everything is looking to be DBW.


    Alan Hulse

  2. #2
    Fuel Injected!
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Hello and Welcome,
    I have EfiLive, HPTuner, TunerCat and some other non-commercial software(s). When you know exactly what file you would like to start with, I will program that and "suck it out" with EfiLive so you have a .ctz to start with.

  3. #3
    Super Moderator dave w's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Hi Alan,
    Let's think through '0411 DBC vs. DBW vehicle applications. I'll focus on the '0411 2002 model year with Operating System (OS)12212156 ( ). EFI Live will open .bin files and can be saved as .ctz files. The 2002 Corvette LS1 and 2002 Chevy Yukon LQ4 are DBW using OS 12212156. The 2002 Express Van L31 also uses OS 12212156.

    The 2002 DBW system is not popular with very scarce factory or aftermarket support / parts.

    Due to the challenges of the 2002 DBW system, it's not going to be the easy forward path.

    EFI Live has "Compare Feature" which provides a path to convert a DBC Flash to DBW Flash. The link above has .bin files to help you compare with, post #1 and post #34

    Attached is a 2002 Corvette EFI Live .tun file.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  4. #4
    Carb and Points!
    Join Date
    May 2020
    Thanks for the reply, is this the converting software similar to autoxdiag? I will have to look it up a bit more. I do have a file I received as said that is HPtuners where I didnt see anything ETC related. I know its and 01 02 express van that was pretty much the only one that used DBW.
    Lemme do some research and get back with you.

  5. #5
    Carb and Points!
    Join Date
    May 2020

    So this is the bit that is confusing me, I did find the files in the link provided in the search bar the other day but they too have the ETC tab. The tables are all zero'd out and the corvette one that you provided has numbers in its tables. So even if it does not have ETC it shows the tab for it? The PCMs are different correct? Has an additional driver to drive ETC.

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