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Thread: TN - Welcome from the great Mid South!

  1. #1
    Carb and Points!
    Join Date
    Jun 2022

    TN - Welcome from the great Mid South!

    Hi Im new
    I need a GREAT $88 def file for my bone stock 1992 LH0 v6 3.1 Camaro.
    My chip is AZTY and my COMPUTER is



    Did searches here last night, not finding 16171331

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Lakes Region, NH
    Hello and Welcome to the forum.

    You will have more luck in your searches using 1227730. I'm not sure what a great $88 definition file consists of. It seems as though most are missing details. But there are tools to help you add parameters to a file of your choosing. Are you currently working with a definition for $88? What is missing from that file?

  3. #3
    Fuel Injected!
    Join Date
    Jan 2022
    Memphis, TN
    Nice. I am from the Memphis area myself.

  4. #4
    Carb and Points!
    Join Date
    Jun 2022
    hey brandon, im really in Chattanooga, so more easterly i suppose than you. Hello.

  5. #5
    Carb and Points!
    Join Date
    Jun 2022
    Sorry this took me so long to reply, I was awaiting my CQ-4x4 burner so I could see how it all worked before I said anymore.
    Im not sure how to know what is missing. Does it mean Im ok if the setting I want comes up in TunerPro ? If some things are missing in the xdf, how does the chip work when i burn it ?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Lakes Region, NH
    A definition file is essentially a map of the calibration. At a minimum it will include a location in the calibration file, a description of what data is at the location, and a formula or method to turn the data into numbers more easily understood. It's kind of like a super-secret decoder ring. An incomplete definition file is missing some of the map information. This means that (1) you will not see all of the data points that can be altered, and (2) the calibration file is unaffected. Most definition files are incomplete as some information just doesn't need to be accessed, some information is still undefined, and some folks don't want to deal with too much info. If it turns out that you need to alter a setting that isn't included in the definition file, then it is possible to add that setting to the definition file.

    Think of the definition file like a set of magic wrenches that only let you see nuts and bolts that you already have the right wrenches for. The car won't fall apart just because you cannot see all the nuts and bolts. But you may not be able to adjust more complex things unless you add new tools.

  7. #7
    Carb and Points!
    Join Date
    Jun 2022
    Quote Originally Posted by 1project2many View Post
    A definition file is essentially a map of the calibration. At a minimum it will include a location in the calibration file, a description of what data is at the location, and a formula or method to turn the data into numbers more easily understood. It's kind of like a super-secret decoder ring. An incomplete definition file is missing some of the map information. This means that (1) you will not see all of the data points that can be altered, and (2) the calibration file is unaffected. Most definition files are incomplete as some information just doesn't need to be accessed, some information is still undefined, and some folks don't want to deal with too much info. If it turns out that you need to alter a setting that isn't included in the definition file, then it is possible to add that setting to the definition file.

    Think of the definition file like a set of magic wrenches that only let you see nuts and bolts that you already have the right wrenches for. The car won't fall apart just because you cannot see all the nuts and bolts. But you may not be able to adjust more complex things unless you add new tools.

    Thank you so much for being thorough in this explanation! I only am trying to change the "Fan On" settings, as my camaro runs way too hot - and this setting does appear on my xdf I downloaded from this website! Thanks!

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