Sharing some thoughts and ideas on relocated "quick tune" tables -

With limited space I wonder if it's possible to create a few clusters of tables to choose between depending on what a user might be doing. Examples might be VE alone, MAF+PE(+more?), and spark+PE(+KR?). Looks like there might be room to squeeze some transient fueling parameters and injector tables in along with MAF?

I'd also be interested to know if/how this approach could be applied to auto trans tables. I haven't dug in enough to try to figure the space required for various tables vs how much space might be available, but if it's possible this is another useful application.

These relocated tables also provide the opportunity to make quick tune adjustments when vehicle usage changes (daily, tow, track, etc). This would be a nice improvement over a full bin rewrite or swapping PCMs.

Thoughts and comments on the above are more than welcome.


PS I like kur4o's comment on using an onboard bin id and compare for selective write. Simplifies the case when more than one computer may be used for flashing.