View Full Version : Get to know me!

04-26-2021, 05:50 PM
Hi all. New here obviously. I have a 2007 Chevy Cobalt SS/SC (LSJ) with some mild performance mods. I am interested in getting started using TunerPro. I was able to find a bin file on this forum for my specific vehicle.
Thank you for that! I recently sent my PCM out to ZZPerformance for a tune. My thinking was that I really didn't need/want to go the HP Tuners route. It's a bit expensive for my hobby status, although I do like to do some
track days and so forth. I also didn't like the whole "credits" model and locking to a license, etc. I wanted to get a decent tune, and then be able to do some data logging and some minor tweaks if I wanted. I didn't really
think I'd spend the time learning HP Tuner and all that jazz. If I can grab a tool and learn as I go, without spending too much $$$ I am good with that. Which is what lead me to Tuner Pro, RT specifically. After a LOT of looking.
I did the PCM (or ECM if you prefer) last Saturday. At this point I am a bit underwhelmed with the results.

Anyway, glad to be here. See you around!

dave w
04-26-2021, 09:43 PM

I'm not sure if a TunerPro .adx file for the 2007 Cobalt is available on gearhead-efi.

Possibly the information at OBD Diagnostics will help with an affordable OBD2 data logger? http://aldlcable.com/allinone.asp

dave w