View Full Version : EEHACK query for Steveo

01-31-2021, 04:12 PM
Hiya, Quick query for Steveo re AFR Target display .

Condensation in car over the winter killed the laptop so i've replaced it.
Running EEHACK 4.93 & the lastest Flashhack download.

I Reflashed using Flashhack and didn't have the AFR Target display.
I think I read that you now do alter the .bin file for the patches so I rechecked the 2 patches from your EEX_4_1.xdf, ( E-side diag.comms & Patch v3 )

The last flash was still missing the AFR Target display

What did I miss ?


02-02-2021, 01:28 AM
I quick workaround. Flash with eehack[patch applied]. Than read with flash hack and tune from there. Now the patch will be in the bin all the time.

02-02-2021, 05:46 AM
i was pretty sure that afr patch was in eex now, can someone confirm its missing ?

02-03-2021, 06:49 AM
Part of the EEHack V3 patches in EEX 4.1 is indeed "Open Loop AFR." It's listed as "Enables Open Loop AFR Target (replaces oil temp on Corvette)" and the patch changes the code at F3DB to 023F.

02-03-2021, 07:16 PM
Part of the EEHack V3 patches in EEX 4.1 is indeed "Open Loop AFR." It's listed as "Enables Open Loop AFR Target (replaces oil temp on Corvette)" and the patch changes the code at F3DB to 023F.

OK the current .bin is showing both patches as being selected.
If I open the 'edit parameters' on th patches for EEX4_1.xdf, it shows Eside comms with a list of changes
and EEHack patch v3 does list PATCH_VERSION, AFR & SPEEDLOGGING.

So I think the current .bin is patched.

If I run EEHack 4,93 There is no Target AFR displayed under the O2 values & BLM Cell, BLM Learn etc
If I go to the User Parameters There is only "IDLETARGET - Idle Target RPM selectable (with any level of view)


OK. I've just loaded a previous LOG that would have been flashed with about v4_91 and that now displays the AFR Target.

Not sure where to go now with it.


02-03-2021, 11:27 PM
Maybe a bug introduced due to how Flashhack handles patching the recovery ROM? According to the source code for EEHack 4.93, the AFR Target Display is shown if the result of log->info.patch_version.get() returns a value equal to or greater than 0x01. The routine for checking the patch version is here:

if(config.get_disable_patch() == true) {
} else {
int raw_patch_version = m3_get(0x3C,0xB3);
if(raw_patch_version == -9999) {
success = false;
} else {
The top 'if' is if you check the box for "Force un-patched" in EEHack's settings page. If this box is unchecked, then the patch version check uses a mode 3 request to get the hex value from address 3CB3, and then sets the result as the value of log->info.patch_version. So if the value of this address is 0x03, then it should be set accordingly in the datalog, and AFR Target should display in EEHack. Clearly your earlier EEHack log file does have this value properly set, and your new one does not. So the question becomes, why?

The answer isn't the patch version check routine; this routine has not changed since at least EEHack 4.84, if not earlier. In addition, since your 4.91 log opened in 4.93 displays the AFR Target, again, that rules out a problem in EEHack. So then the only other possibilities are a problem with EEX 4.1's patch function, or a problem in Flashhack. EEX 4.1's EEHack V3 patch does set the value of address 3CB3 to 0x03, which would appear to be correct operation. So this leaves a problem in Flashhack that would cause the value of 3CB3 in the BIN to be -9999 or 0x00 (as either one of these two values would cause the AFR Target Display to be hidden).

Sadly I can't find anything in the source for Flashhack that would give me a clue.

EDIT: As an aside, kind of interesting is that EEHack will assume that you have the E-Side Comms patch installed if the patch version check returns 0x02 or greater. This is interesting because in EEX 4.1, installing the EEHack V3 patch sets the version number to 0x03...but does not install the E-Side Comms patch. This is a separate patch that does not affect the patch version number. I would recommend either changing how EEHack works or how EEX 4.1's patches work so that this lines up correctly.

02-04-2021, 01:56 AM
That's pretty in depth,

I've checked the settings and the "force Unpached" WAS set on my PC... So it's Probably set in the car, will check tomorrow.

I've just dumped the file through TunerPros Hex editor And it is set for 03


02-04-2021, 02:31 AM
That's pretty in depth,

I've checked the settings and the "force Unpached" WAS set on my PC... So it's Probably set in the car, will check tomorrow.

I've just dumped the file through TunerPros Hex editor And it is set for 03

Well there's your problem, then!!! If you datalog with that set, it'll force the value to 00, which disables the AFR display.

Uncheck that box and log again and you should be good to go!

02-04-2021, 08:36 AM
so the recovery rom patch is borking the afr display patch? i'll have to fix that

02-04-2021, 08:53 AM
so the recovery rom patch is borking the afr display patch? i'll have to fix that
No, it looks like OP just accidentally had "Force Un-Patched" checked in EEHack while logging.

However, if you'd like to fix something, there's that EEX 4.1 sets the Patch_Version to 0x03, and EEHack 4.93 interprets this as having the E-Side Comms Patch enabled. But the E-Side Comms Patch is totally separate and doesn't affect the Patch_Version number at all. This is because if Patch_Version is 0x01 or higher, EEHack assumes you have the EEHack V3 Patch enabled. If Patch_Version is 0x02 or higher, it assumes you have both the EEHack V3 patch and the E-Side Comms Patch enabled. And if Patch_Version is 0x04 or higher, it assumes EEHack is out of date.

Basically, as it stands, you can choose to enable the EEHack V3 patch, choose not to enable the E-Side Comms patch, and EEHack will think you have the E-Side Comms patch. And while it wouldn't really make sense to do, you could also enable the E-Side Comms patch without enabling the EEHack V3 patch and EEHack would assume you don't have any patches at all.

02-04-2021, 08:43 PM
I have it working now thanks.

Both my PC & the car Laptop had the "Force Patched" enabled, not sure how or why.
I've reflashed my .bin this evening.
The help popup in EEHack says you must reconnect to ensure this.
After a couple of attempts, I quit EEHack & relaunched it and up came up the AFR Target display.

Cheers Guys much appreciated.
