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View Full Version : Hanging when loading

06-11-2012, 03:40 PM
Having a odd problem with the board in the last few days. Not sure if its on my end or not. Probably is. But figured I post up just to see.
I can pull up the forum just fine, I can pull up the sections just fine, but when I click on individual threads, it will hang. I click on a thread, the thread comes up right away, but instantly freezes, and stays frozen for anywhere between 15-30 seconds (yes I counted...lol) then it finishes loading and all is well untill I click on another thread.
Last week, say like thursday or friday, it was completely locking down my browser, and would cause it to reset. It would hang while loading the threads, then I would get a error message saying it encountered a problem, it would then reset, and start reloading the thread. It would then freeze/hang again, then reset again. It would just keep doing that over and over. I ended up having to use my phone to read the threads (witch worked fine) I for some reason did not have this problem prior to wed-thurs of last week. I first suspected my computer. I deleted all browser history, cookies, catch, etc, everything I could. Reset internet connection, everything short of completely uninstalling and reinstalling my browser. Still no change. I was finally able to get it to pull up threads about 50% of the time on saturday. Finally sunday and today I am able to pull up threads but it will hang every time for 15-30 seconds. I think I have figured out whats causing it. I notice, then when it freezes, it does not un freeze untill the facebook "like" button/link pops up. Once that finally pops up at the top of the thread, it all unfreezes and I can read the thread as normal. I notice that facebook button is not there on the main forum index or the sections, but is on the threads. I thinking this might could be my problem, as its the same on every thread. It freezes untill that button loads/pops up. I do not use facebook and have no use for it. Is there anyway I can remove this button? Like mabey a option I have missed, or is it perminately there? Or is there something else I could do to make it stop this.
I first though it was a problem with forums, so I pulled up every forum I am a member of (like 6-7) and most of them have the same forum software as here, and I had no problem with them. Only here. If it was doing it on other forums I would know its my computer/browser. But for some reason its only gearhead.
Ideas, suggestions?

06-11-2012, 05:22 PM
Has not been an issue for me? Maybe your facebook page is an issue or your not signed in?

I turned the button off to see if that was your issue...

06-11-2012, 07:22 PM
There was a Crackbook button?

06-12-2012, 02:53 AM
Maybe your facebook page is an issue or your not signed in?

I do not have a facbook account/page/whatever its called. Never been to that site in my life.

Well it seems getting rid of that button has turned the problem into a 50/50 problem. Now it only hangs about half the time. Some I clicked on came on up, while others still hung. Its very odd. I am not smart enough to know/figure out whats going on and if its on my end or the site.
It didnt used to hang like this. Has anything changed lately? Any updates? I havent done any updates to my computer or browser unless they were done in the background without telling me.

06-12-2012, 03:09 AM
Haven't touched a thing?

06-12-2012, 05:09 AM
might be a slow internet connection. mine hangs like that when I surf on my laptop teathered to my phone.

06-12-2012, 02:42 PM
Using the same computer I always have, using the same connection, same speed, and all other sites I try load fine and fast. Thats whats making this so strange. And I dont know enough about computers and internet connections to know what to check or try.

06-12-2012, 02:54 PM
I know your ruling out everything but the site here, but I don't know how that could be without it happening to others as well?

Unless you had an issue with your cookies? :laugh:

Sorry that was funny... but you already deleted them? If your using IE look around Tools Internet Options for browsing history or cache. Can also try logging out and back in...

06-13-2012, 03:13 AM
Now its kinda intermittent, or is picking and choosing what threads its doing it on. Like I can view page 6 of the oil temp thread, but not page 5. Page 5 causes the freeze and reset, then freezes while trying to reload. Now some threads are coming up find, then about 2-3 seconds of working, it refreezes and then finally unfreezes.
Forum works fine on my laptop (that I use for tuning) and works on my phone too. I guess my desktop just doesnt want me to read threads on here :laugh:
If I have some time this weekend, I may try completely uninstalling and reinstalling my browser. See if that might help.

06-13-2012, 03:35 AM
I gave up viewing this forum with my usual browser on my desktop. I'd see posts with half of the sentences missing and others with sentences repeated over each other. I just fire up IE and use that. I rarely have trouble using the other browser, which is a descendent of Mozilla, on other forums but for some reason it just doesn't like this one.

Sometimes antivirus scanners will scan data before it's passed to the browser. If you have an active AV you might try turning it off for the briefest moment. You might also try saving a copy of some of the pages locally then disconnect your internet connection and try loading the local copies to see if they hang up.

06-13-2012, 04:43 AM
I use Chrome without issue.

the funny thing about that, is that Google "Chrome" is the only chrome I like...

06-13-2012, 03:03 PM
I have chrome on my laptop and it works fine.
Just downloaded chrome on my desktop and it will work just fine on this site. All threads load up just fine. So now I figure its definately gotta be my normal browser. But I wonder why my browser hangs only on this site?

06-13-2012, 04:02 PM
I'm guessing JavaScript updates for both you guys that have issues. The vBulletin software uses quite a bit, as newer versions come out it get's worse for older browsers or non updated JavaScript.

06-14-2012, 02:48 AM
Had to google that to know what it is. But even still dont know, just that it has something to do with computer language.
How would I go about updating it, or can I?

06-14-2012, 06:07 AM
You still haven't told us what you're using for a browser. :)

06-14-2012, 06:46 AM
The vBulletin software uses quite a bit, as newer versions come out it get's worse for older browsers or non updated JavaScript

This translates to downloading the latest version of the Browser.

I have always assumed JavaScript comes with whatever Browser you are using. If this isn't true, you could download both the latest version of JavaScript & the latest version of your web browser.

JavaScript is a programming language which people use to do fancy things on web pages.

On a more practical matter download the latest version of Chrome, FireFox, or Safari & the problem will most likely go away.

For some reason, I read these forums in Safari and do most of the rest of my web browsing in a FireFox variant. I'm kind of converting to Safari because it is faster on my machine.


06-14-2012, 07:10 AM
One of these days I will try something other then IE when it doesn't work...

06-14-2012, 02:48 PM
you still haven't told us what you're using for a browser. :)

aol 9.7

06-14-2012, 04:47 PM
aol 9.7:laugh:

06-14-2012, 07:24 PM
IE when it doesn't work...

I never knew that IE worked. There have been numerous security wholes in IE. I'd say this counts as not working. Activex is a major design bug.

As a web administrator that has been hacked, I'd adverse using some other browser. They are all basically the same.


06-14-2012, 08:16 PM
I just never had an issue with it? Comes installed free, updatres itself, always works? Although I have ran others it was always a battle to get them to work with microsoft, only one I have ever had issue with including problems with email is AOL... but that was always helping other people be on the internet, not the AOL net...

06-15-2012, 05:27 AM