View Full Version : Understanding and Tuning Acceleration Enrichment

09-19-2020, 02:53 AM
Have recently updated the subject document. Despite the document specifically addressing the $8d AUJP code and calibration, the concepts apply equally to both MAF and other SD masks.


dave w
09-19-2020, 07:52 PM
Thank you for posting the update:thumbsup:

dave w

11-25-2021, 08:07 PM
Have recently updated the subject document. Despite the document specifically addressing the $8d AUJP code and calibration, the concepts apply equally to both MAF and other SD masks.


I've just recently discovered this paper and it is excellent for helping to understand the logic for AE, despite the fact that my application is TBI. Thank you for your efforts in putting it together and sharing it out.

Does anyone know of a similar effort done for TBI, specifically 7427 and $0D/E mask? The paper is great for the basics in logic, as well as understanding differences between AE Map and AE TPS, but of course many specifics don't match up between MAF/SD systems and TBI. I'd settle for a thread that has a quarter of the info as this paper does! Thanks in advance.