View Full Version : "XDF Mover" - a tool to move Xdf entries addresses.

09-10-2020, 02:39 PM

I made a small program to help editing XDF files, especially for OBD2 applications.
Many OSes have same parameters but located at different addresses, usually just moved an offset as variables were added in development.
This tool allows to offset addresses of all the xdf entries in specified address range. Simple as that.

I hope it will be also useful for you folks :)
The repository is https://github.com/dzidaV8/XdfMover
(https://github.com/dzidaV8/XdfMover)There is also a compiled Windows File (https://github.com/dzidaV8/XdfMover/blob/master/Releases/XdfMover_v1a.exe) (right click and save as)


To use, you just load the base XDF, and edit the offset and range. Offset can be negative. The program will tell you if the values are out of range.
Select a name for modified file (it adds "_mod" suffix to the base file by default) and click Modify XDF.
You can also select the same name as base file, then it will update the file. Might be useful moving a few different ranges in one file.

[EDIT] If any of you downloaded XdfMover_v1 then delete it and get v1a. I uploaded wrong file and it did not process Xdf tables. Now is all OK.