View Full Version : LT1 UnBrick

Tom H
06-06-2020, 03:26 PM
I am creating this thread to separate discussions regarding LT1 Un-Bricking away from OBD2 LT1 XDF $EE EEX creation.

I have already started a document for unbricking the '96-7 ESide processor enclosed here. I am not the best technical writer but I hope you can get from it what you need. As time passes I hope to include debrick for both processors of the earlier and later board sets.


06-06-2020, 04:15 PM
Hi Carl,
Sounds OK. I will start working on instructions. Plan is that we will never need flash chips, sockets or programming equipment. I want to keep the conformal coating intact. Let's program in place!

This process is best managed in layers. Let's start with recovering an Eside board from your 96/7 PCM. On your side there are a number of things and setups needed:

- Bricked 96/7 PCM (which you have)
- Bench setup to power it
- USB-serial cable
- Various tools like soldering iron, pliers and so on
- Various electronic bits like resistors and hookup wire
- A PC with a terminal program with the capability to set baud rate to 1890 baud, send binary files to the port, receive and interpret incoming hex characters. I have been using Realterm but I am sure there are a bunch of terminals that will work.
It is also preferred that the terminal display when things like break are present.

I will get to work and post in a day or two. Q for you: Should this be in a separate thread in the forum? Continue here??


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ From the other thread.
I have all of the above, it's been a long time since I used a terminal program. I'll check into the one you are using so we can be on the same page. As far as sockets and such, just mainly meant I don't mind if I kill some stuff along the way with all the stuff I have laying around allowing me to repair easily and keep going. I was planning to pull the chips off and read/save them, then socket and use for testing as well as duplicate if needed. I can't imagine a socket causing much difference in testing, thoughts on that?

Tom H
06-06-2020, 04:26 PM
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ From the other thread.
I have all of the above, it's been a long time since I used a terminal program. I'll check into the one you are using so we can be on the same page. As far as sockets and such, just mainly meant I don't mind if I kill some stuff along the way with all the stuff I have laying around allowing me to repair easily and keep going. I was planning to pull the chips off and read/save them, then socket and use for testing as well as duplicate if needed. I can't imagine a socket causing much difference in testing, thoughts on that?

First thing to try once the above is set is to dump the complete content of your flash (just eside for now). This will give you a binary and so on.


06-06-2020, 10:44 PM
Great initial write up. I am eager to test, but can`t sacrifice a pcm now.

It will be best to get a header with external header, for emergency revive of pcm. So these pins are at the processor side and we need to trace them to board header. We need to add a chart how to count processor pins and maybe some pics with the header for 4-95 and 96-97 pcms when all is figured.

I guess the best approach and simplest will be to run some script via terminal program. Load bin and dump. On error dump again and so on until success.

06-06-2020, 10:49 PM
i'll test this as soon as i have time

might be a week

i have an '96 ecm where i dont know which side is bricked and i don't really care about it, so i can test both sides

Tom H
06-07-2020, 03:01 PM
It will be best to get a header with external header, for emergency revive of pcm. So these pins are at the processor side and we need to trace them to board header. We need to add a chart how to count processor pins and maybe some pics with the header for 4-95 and 96-97 pcms when all is figured.

My concern regarding exposing these pins with an external header is that they are not protected against static in any way. Once static strikes there will be no revive.
The picture includes marking of pin 1 and 2. Is that not enough? I can create some sort of picture if needed.

Tom H
06-07-2020, 03:49 PM
Here are some updates to the instructions and some of the files...


Tom H
06-07-2020, 03:59 PM
Here are the files for turning the saved GM style responses back into binary. The executable is a console application. Just make a batch file with the captured file name as an arguement...


06-08-2020, 12:54 PM
Hi All,
I'll be experimenting with this soon. I decided to step into the millennia and fix up another laptop so I can dual boot WinXP and Win10. I got that working last night(Dell D630 w/real serial port, 4 USB, 500gb SSD, 8gb ram, 3 partitions, XP, 10 and Data, etc.) and now need to spend some time loading software, ugghhhhh, lol. :thumbsup:

Tom H
06-08-2020, 08:35 PM
Some more updates and files for you...

Tom H
06-09-2020, 02:45 PM
I think this is the last of it...

Tom H
06-09-2020, 02:48 PM
Hi All,
I'll be experimenting with this soon. I decided to step into the millennia and fix up another laptop so I can dual boot WinXP and Win10. I got that working last night(Dell D630 w/real serial port, 4 USB, 500gb SSD, 8gb ram, 3 partitions, XP, 10 and Data, etc.) and now need to spend some time loading software, ugghhhhh, lol. :thumbsup:

I think the destructions (which almost killed me) and crudeamentary code are all complete. Let me know any troubles you run into. Happy computer upgrading.
