View Full Version : looking for a way to tune 96 ,97 6.5 diesel

04-09-2020, 10:24 PM
Hello im looking for a way to tun my 96 suburban with a 6.5 diesel
I have tried to read/write the pc witn pc hammer without success i was wondering if a tech 2 tool would be able to do this any thoughts.

04-09-2020, 10:51 PM
A Tech 2 can't change the fuel total or curve on a 6.5, but it will allow you to initiate an TDC offset learn, which in combination with moving the pump might gain you a very slight performance increase depending on where the current setting is.

Westers Garage used to sell programming tools for the OBD2 6.5s, but I'm not sure they still support that. Otherwise give QuadStar Tuning a call, he can sell you a re-flashed ECM. I'm un-aware of any other tools available.

04-09-2020, 10:58 PM
I have seen the westers but its expensive I was hoping to write a new bin with the tech 2 I found a bin and xdf and made changes in tunerpro. Just having trouble uploading it to the ecm

04-10-2020, 12:29 AM
Interesting. Although I don't have access to a Tech 2, please report back if you end up getting it to work.