View Full Version : 91 corvette xdf file issue

02-25-2020, 06:32 PM
i have the burn2 and have read and saved the bin. when i open the file on tunerpro with various different xdf files there all 0. the car does run but is not a stock tune. i havent used tunerpro for like 15 years.

02-26-2020, 01:21 AM
Well I mean...your answer is right there in the attachment. There is no way your EPROM data is 1 byte.

There’s nothing wrong with the XDF and everything wrong with the BIN you saved. Or, more accurately, how you saved your BIN. Try again from there.

02-26-2020, 04:08 AM
thank you so much i will start by how to use flash and burn.

02-26-2020, 05:49 AM
well i changed how i read the chip and now have a bin with code in it. but i dont know what xdf file was used so the files just load numbers.

dave w
02-26-2020, 04:00 PM
I'm thinking the 91 Vette uses ECM part number 1227727, which is a 32K chip.

The 32K Chip uses Hexadecimal (Hex) addresses, 000000 to 007FFF To read a 32K chip starting address is 000000 / ending address 007FFF

Flash & Burn Information: http://static.moates.net/manuals/FlashAndBurn.pdf

dave w

02-26-2020, 05:39 PM
the chip i have out of the car is not oem it says 27sf512 and was attached to a moates adapter. i think i got the data off the chip with the second try. but how can i find the xdf file if i dont know who wrote the bin. i wont be able to get data into the correct tables.

dave w
02-26-2020, 08:23 PM
The 27SF512 chip is 64K. The original chip is 32K.

To use the 27SF512 chip with the 1227727 computer, the 27SF512 chip must be programmed with OFFSETS: http://support.moates.net/programming-chips-using-offsets/

The offset for programming the 32K .bin file into a 27SF512 chip is address 008000 to 00FFFF.

Maybe the Burn 2 can be "configured" to read the 32K .bin file programmed into the 27SF512 chip using starting address 008000 to 00FFFF????

Perhaps your up to speed with "binary editing" and can edit the 32K .bin file from the full 64K .bin file from the 27SF512 chip?

Link to the .xdf file for the 1227727 Corvette computer: http://www.gearhead-efi.com/Fuel-Injection/showthread.php?394-1227727-1227730-ECM-Information-8D The link includes information for the 1227730 which is electrically identical to the 1227727. Chips are interchangeable 1227727 / 1227730.

dave w

02-29-2020, 09:27 AM
I have reorganized the $8D XDF to be easier to read and follow. Here is a copy to try out.