View Full Version : Needing some info on reading/writing BINs

12-23-2019, 08:44 AM
Hey guys! I currently have HP tuners and use that most of the time. There have been a lot of instances that I have been asked to flash older vehicles 96-04 both Ford and Chevy. HP tuners doesn't do anything older than 98 and only on certain vehicles on a GM, and on a Ford, typically anything older than 05 you cannot flash.

A long time ago, I remember taking an 02 mustang gt to a dyno shop, and they used nothing more than an OBD cable and a laptop. I am not sure as to what they used, but I'm assuming something along the lines of TunerPro. I am not seeing the info that I am needing. For the most part I am only seeing talk about OBD1 GM vehicles with a homemade or bought cable, but I don't see good info on GM's, and even less on Fords.

I have a VXDiag GM MDI and a Ford IDS clone, but I doubt any of those will get me anywhere. I don't mind buying whatever cables I need in order to read/write the bin files after they have been edited with TunerPro, but getting up to that point I am a little lost of the subject.

I have played around a little with TunerPro, and I believe I have most of that figured out (for the most part).

I am sure that this info is somewhere, but I am having a difficult time searching for this info, so any insight would be appreciated on this subject.

12-24-2019, 04:30 AM
a lot of those mid to late 90s GM vehicles (both the reflash tools and definition files) were covered well enough by what WAS tunercat's obd-ii software.

he sold out most of that and it was rebranded as Jet DST. i used it once, it was alright.

if you go here and click 'supported vehicles' you'll see the list. https://jetchip.com/shop/chips-modules-programmers/dst/jet-performance-dynamic-spectrum-tuner-programmer-2/

12-24-2019, 06:07 PM
a lot of those mid to late 90s GM vehicles (both the reflash tools and definition files) were covered well enough by what WAS tunercat's obd-ii software.

he sold out most of that and it was rebranded as Jet DST. i used it once, it was alright.

if you go here and click 'supported vehicles' you'll see the list. https://jetchip.com/shop/chips-modules-programmers/dst/jet-performance-dynamic-spectrum-tuner-programmer-2/

I appreciate the reply!

I had stumbled across this as well. This is a credit based system, which I don't mind, but I do feel like $100 for additional vehicles is a little steep for such dated vehicles. Can one use this interface to strickly read/write the bin files and do all of the editing with TunerPro?