View Full Version : 97-98 LS1A Controller Recovery - BDM?

08-17-2019, 05:58 PM
I have a couple LS1A controllers I'm trying to recover that had flashes fail really early in the flash process with SPS and are unresponsive. Trying to use a USB BDM NT from www.usbjtag.com to do so. I've hooked it up like the P01/P59 pinouts after reasonably determining that the 90 pin area on this is probably the same, but after working with the usbjtag.com guy we figure that either the pinout is wrong or something just isn't compatible. I hooked up to a P01 0411 the same exact way and it reads out fine, the LS1A reads out inconsistently, every read the values change no matter what we tried. Anyone every try and recover one of these pieces of junk?