View Full Version : BLM & INT go to minimum in Closed Loop -- AFR good

07-05-2019, 07:43 PM

I've been using TunerPro RT for years without issue tuning C4 LT-5's. While working on my first LT-1 (1993 Corvette), I could not get BLM nor INT data once the engine went into closed loop.. Open Loop locked in at 128, but everytime the car goes into closed loop, the values quickly go to minimum (108 & 64). Looked over my .ADX, but don't see anything out of order. The engine is not running rich, as validated by the Wide Band O2 sensor that is installed in the header. Anyone have any ideas? Copies of the BIN, XDF and ADX are attached. O2 Sensors working fine. Even put new ones in and still had same issue.



07-06-2019, 03:36 AM
Idk if this has anything to do with anything...click here CCM (https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1EJFB_enUS725US725&ei=O-sfXZGKCs2t0PEPp6KryAc&q=site%3Agearhead-efi.com+ccm&oq=site%3Agearhead-efi.com+ccm&gs_l=psy-ab.3...0.0..8239...0.0..0.0.0.......0......gws-wiz.RVdVLfZ_I1w)

07-06-2019, 06:04 AM
Contact steveo on this forum or at : http://fbodytech.com/

Sound like you need $EEHack.

07-06-2019, 06:53 AM
1993 lt1 cant use eehack

if your trims are limiting out that badly you might have a mechanical problem or failed o2

07-07-2019, 05:30 AM
Ordinarily, I'd say yessir.. But I put a new set of O2 sensors in.. same issue and the Wideband indicated that AFR was very close to STOICH at idle up to 2000 rpm.. The engine is a fresh build, with LT4 Hot Cam, Stainless Works Headers and Corsa Sport exhaust.. I'm wondering if my .ADX is picking up the right Packet Offset for Left/Right BLM and INT.. The setup should be lean, not rich with stock tune in it..

07-07-2019, 05:32 AM
Ref $EEHack.. How would that help? I can log data fine, just seeing the BLM and INT go to minimum, even though the engine is definitely not rich.. If anything, it was a bit lean as evidenced by the Wideband O2 sensor..