View Full Version : LT1 $EE cross counts not matching

06-25-2019, 01:27 AM
Good evening gentlemen,
Another oddity to discuss please.

Does anyone else see or have discrepancies in the no of cross counts when logging?
I have 1 bank that always gets 50%-100% more crosscounts than the other.
Is this common or normal?

It isn’t lazy O2’s either.

Is more cross counts better?


06-25-2019, 05:35 PM
a cross count is just a switch from low to high.. if you have no cross counts it means you've never gone from low to high so your o2 is probably dead.. (or there's a bug in whatever is calculating your cross counts; as $EE doesn't calculate them itself)

06-25-2019, 05:40 PM
oh i misread. i'd say if your cross counts are that far off with a larger log, you have one o2 (or its fueling) behaving differently than another in some way. if both banks were truly equal the cross counts should be close. for a smaller log all bets are off.

yes more cross counts are better, a tight closed loop with good base fueling map should switch like mad especially during cruising without big throttle changes

06-25-2019, 05:42 PM
oh and also remember that the loop interval that measures o2 voltage is much, much shorter than the datastream speed of $EE so it'll always miss an arbitrary number of cross count events.

06-26-2019, 01:46 AM
Cheers Steveo, just wanted a sanity check.
Just been out for a good hour 40+ mile cruise.

if both banks were truly equal the cross counts should be close. for a smaller log all bets are off.

Cross counts are certainly much closer - 4150 to 4700 but always higher on the rhs.
RHS O2 has always logged a slightly lower voltage until CL.
It's had 3 sets of O2's on so deffo not O2 issue in itself, it just leans out faster than the left.

yes more cross counts are better, a tight closed loop with good base fueling map should switch like mad especially during cruising without big throttle changes

I'll start having a play with some O2 settings.

oh and also remember that the loop interval that measures o2 voltage is much, much shorter than the datastream speed of $EE so it'll always miss an arbitrary number of cross count events.

Yep, I'd still expect them to average out similar though.


06-26-2019, 05:55 PM
How hard is it to swap O2 sensors from side to side?

06-26-2019, 09:43 PM
It's had 3 maybe 4 sets in.
They've been swapped previously.
Doesn't make any difference.
