View Full Version : $42-1227747-V4.adx

04-23-2012, 11:36 PM
Stumbled across the $42-1227747-V4.2.xdf somewhere either here or on thirdgen.org but can't seem for the life of me to find the $42-1227747-V4.adx that goes with it. Anyone got a copy they can upload?

04-24-2012, 04:55 AM
V3 is the last one posted in $42 info thread. They will work together. I just increase the V number whenever I make a signifcant change to either file so the V number do not have to match.

$42 is a personal project and I keep working on them so here is latest version. Enjoy!

04-24-2012, 04:59 AM
Biggest reason I was looking for it was that the info with the xdf said that the V4.adx was needed to do the logging of the BPW, and Spark advance.
