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View Full Version : Has anybody ever used this ??

04-12-2012, 01:57 AM
2217I ran across this in some of my tuning things, I think I bought it just before my ostrich and never used it. Its a rom emulator by intronics rev 2A 32 pin on the board and 28 on the ribbon side. I talked to george a few weeks ago at intronics kinda a weird guy and he was of no help and vaguely remembered it. Any information wold be appreciated .2216

04-12-2012, 03:47 AM
That unit was made before the current romulators. It doesn't work on GM vehicles and several guys on gmecm including myself bought one before the web page actually stated it wasn't capable of operating the vehicle. I still have mine although I never came up with a use for it.

04-12-2012, 03:53 AM
Great all I need is another paper weight :thumbsup: Wasn't this $250 back then ?

04-12-2012, 04:19 AM
But a very cool paperweight! :thumbsup:

04-12-2012, 04:45 AM
It's probably been 10+ years since I bought mine. I don't know how much it cost but I do remember being upset that they wouldn't take it back when I was buying the romulator. But at the time there was no other game in town. Maybe it will work in another make of ecm. Try Ebay.

04-12-2012, 05:08 AM
Thanks again guy's will be listed soon

04-12-2012, 06:58 AM
i assume the issue is one of PROM pinouts?

04-12-2012, 01:37 PM
I don't believe it was pinouts. IIRC there were discussions about data access speed. Grumpy might have had luck on one ecm with some modifications but I believe those modifications may have led to the Romulator being produced.

04-12-2012, 05:03 PM
ugh, slow PROM... i can't remember off-hand, but i think 90nS or better is required for the P4 units?

i imagine it could be calculated out knowing the 2.1MHz clock speed.

04-13-2012, 06:38 AM
Anyone know what ecm's this was sold for I have seen honda But I have no clue it it's just garbage

04-13-2012, 02:23 PM
It wasn't sold for ecm's. It was sold as an emulator. Later on it was sold as an emulator that wouldn't work with GM ecm's.

04-13-2012, 06:32 PM
Thanks again 1project2many, ebay it will go

04-14-2012, 05:21 AM
I'll be watching. If you get decent money I might sell mine.

04-14-2012, 06:28 AM
I will not be able to list it until the middle of next week any description will be greatly appreciated.

04-14-2012, 06:52 AM
For sale: Really cool Paper Weight for Tuner! Best offer... :laugh:

04-14-2012, 07:45 AM
Not really what I had in mind EagleMark, I will trade it here for a Jim stim

04-14-2012, 08:11 AM
Sorry I had to... JimStim are OK but the adjustments are touchy, hard to get an even sweep on anything, jumpy, have to wire in an EST too. I was wondering if the one Moates has for Hondas would be better? Wish we could get those GM boards built again.

I get way better results with an intake manifold with everything on it, distributor down side of bench with varible speed drill clamped on shaft, vacuum pump for MAP, ECM and harness with relays, CEL, O2 fuel pump and knock sensor mounted to wall, small garden tractor batterey under bench with small charger and Pos and Neg posts on bench. Can test any sensor, ECM, chip etc... ALDL port is over to my desktop PC, but then again I use it to build harness's too.

04-14-2012, 09:21 AM
That does sound like a ideal setup maybe ditch the lawn and garden battery for pc power supply. Im so limited in garage space. Some day I will get my shop up at our vacation home ;). You think if people keep posting the boards can be made again. I wish I wouldn't of missed out. Maybe I should find his email. I have a kinda rare paper weight for tuner's up for trade. lol

04-14-2012, 09:44 AM
That device was supposed to work with the pocket programmer. You would load the program to it through the burner but I do not know if you could load partial programs or not. And I don't know what the erase protocol was. Part of my problem may have been my pocket programmer. It's an early version and may not have been compatible. There's also a mention by the mfgr on the thirdgen board that there was a hardware problem with one version of the emulator but it had been fixed in software, but the old hardware couldn't run new software and vice versa.

I may have some documentation around somewhere. I may also have some software. I looked in the gmecm archives and it looks like I would have purchased mine around July or August of 2000 so finding all the "stuff" may not happen overnight.

Maybe send a note to transtronics asking for a manual and softwarefor your version.

04-14-2012, 09:52 PM
Thanks Again, I will shoot off a email. I surprised the manufacture couldn't tell me much. But George fixed my pp2 for free and I got my old Pp1 fixed by soldering on 3 .001uf caps. I know this is old school but I still do some uv reprograming and can't justify the pp3

04-14-2012, 11:48 PM
GQ-4x is excellent for old UV chips and a bizillion others... I just found another 100 ST 2732a chips new!

04-15-2012, 12:34 AM
Thanks eaglemark, I work with 27c128 and 27c256. I think I have I have a dozen or more of the new uv 2732a and alot of the robinson nugget holders.

04-15-2012, 04:26 AM
JimStim works great for me, yes the pots are not of high quality, but I always planned to use different ones anyway, I only installed the original ones just to get it up and running.

I can't see the Honda Stim being any better, and possibly not compatible with the GM ECMs, depending on the triggers it has for DRP/RPM.

04-15-2012, 05:32 AM
Hey Chris, Hope that memcal comes soon to the great white north :) I think I will order a Jim Stim

04-16-2012, 12:42 AM
updated email back from intronics. I think they misunderstood what I have. I emailed them back with a picture of the rom emulator. I can't view the exe file on dialup on a mac so I will look at it in a few days.

There is a readme file that gets installed with the romulator software - see


on http://xtronics.com/memory/updates.html

am kinda confused I
> purchased this for my gm ecm and the board has a 32 pin header do I need
> a adapter to use it as a 28 pin and what is the size of the rom emulator
> is 512K ??

Depends on if you have the romulator 1 (256K ) or romulator 2 ( 512K )

I'm thinking you might have a memcal? http://syclone.invisibill.net/memcal1.jpg (http://xtronics.com/memory/updates.html)

There are memcal adapters available here:

04-16-2012, 04:03 AM
Not sure how to respond to this? so does the 28 pin ribbon attach to a g1? and what do you program this rom emulator as. I guess the people who sold it don't know either. Just a bogus product? :mad1:

> Hi karl, now Im really confused I will look at the file. The moates hdr1
> is for reading a memcal? I am using a memcal and have one of those. But
> how do you connect a male to a male on the pins? -Brian

?? The mail pins of the memcal adapter plug into the socket on the programmer.

There is a second version that has a socket for the romulator:


> http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e390/brianlvs/IMG_0437.jpg

04-16-2012, 05:41 AM
I read all that and looked at your emulater (paper weight) and it dosen't have any pins so it's female? I don't understand any of it,,,

Now your asking a company for tech support on a product they have not sold since 2000... when I needed tech support on the newest pocket programmer that just came out in 2006ish they could not help with it either.

Their UV eraser has worked flawless and has never needed tech support! Maybe ask them for latest software vesion update for the UV eraser and see what they say? :laugh:

04-16-2012, 06:41 AM
Eaglemark, Its 28 pin male on the ribbon and 32 pin male on the board. So at first he tells me to install it to a hdr1. Two males that's gay !! Then after I explain to him that will not work he tells me to use the g1. ok but does the 32 go onto the g1, or does the 32 go to a programer and I do not see how the 28 pin is indexed. I don't want to let the smoke out of the paper weight. Now I remember why I never fooled with this when I bought it. I think its a 512K but who know's maybe well wishful thinking the .exe will say anything. George at intronics has no people skills I will never call that guy again.

04-16-2012, 06:50 AM
Back then it was probably top of the line emulater. But on what?

04-16-2012, 07:45 AM
Mark, it was never a top of the line emulator. It was a $200 emulator when the ones needed for ecm work were selling for $500 to over $1k.

I just found my software. It's actually in the pocket programmer directory. Look at rom.doc for instructions. There are multiple versions of software, one for DOS and one for Win95/98. There are also a couple of setup programs that might have newer versions of the software. win_rom.exe is just a modified version of the pocket programmer software so maybe a newer version of PP software will work in XP?

Whoops! Those install programs are password protected. Not sure if it's faster to try and find the PW or to try and root it out.

04-17-2012, 12:46 AM
So today's great reply when they sent me a link and said I need a moates g1 and I asked is there any instruction for this will it in fact work with pp1 or pp2 and what is the setting. Does the 32 pin insert onto the g1 or the 28 pin ribbon and what is the direction or orientation. The reply from this smuck is we do not know what a g1 is please contact that automotive supplier.

04-17-2012, 02:33 AM
I don't understand how a business survives in this day and age like that? Basically their tech support has not changes since I dealt with them once 6 plus years ago.

04-17-2012, 05:30 AM
Well one last shot, I forwarded asking george indorf The guy at intronics too see what kinda answers I get from them. I can't figure it out either must be nice to be a middle man not know products and have a two year old answer emails.

04-17-2012, 06:46 AM
Those guys are really geared toward techies, not the average Joe. They always have been. Are you trying to figure out how to use the emulator, or just trying to get Intronics to answer your questions? Did the instructions help? What exactly do you want answered?

04-17-2012, 07:05 AM
I can't view the instructions for a few days Im on a mac on dial up and my pc is at my other house. I wanted to know if the 32 pin goes to a pp1 or pp2 or is it the 28 pin on the ribbon and what is the orientation. Is it a 256k or 512K? what setting do I chose on the ppi or pp2 and what software will it work with tuner pro v4?

04-17-2012, 01:48 PM
I'll start by saying I know almost nothing about TunerPro. If that software supports the PP1 or PP2 then you may be able to use it for the emulator.

The instructions say the emulator can be used for 2716 through 27256 eproms which means good to 256k and is the right size for the 165/7730 but not for the 7427.

The board has the 32 pin connector and that's the side which gets installed in the programmer. It would never fit in an ecm anyway. The ribbon cable extends to the ecm. If PP is sitting so the ZIF lever is at the top and the cable for the printer port is on the right, the emulator cable should be on the left hand side. The emulator cable and the PP cable should not be on the same side. There's a stripe on the emulator cable which is on the same side of the 28 pin connector as pin 1. Put that stripe on the same side of the ecm socket as pin 1. On a 7165/7130/7749 the stripe would be toward the outside of the ecm. On the C3 family the stripe would be closer to the center of the ecm.

The actual software is modified although I can't run it until I dig out my laptop to tell you what's changed. Programming voltage and the correct pin(s) for programming will matter. This information is not in the instructions. If you're familiar with older PP software then the actual user screens look very similar. Select the eprom type to emulate, load the file, then program the file to the emulator. This software mentions using the emulator for PC BIOS so it makes sense that the only way to make a change is to upload an entire new file or manually change it in the built in hex editor.

I've uploaded the instructions as a text file. It's 22k so you should be able to view it with no trouble. If I were talking to George I would send a copy of the instructions to remind him what emulator you're working with and ask for 1) technical info regarding programming, erasing, and pinouts for the emulator, and 2) the latest version of the operating software he might have, and 3) if that software will work with Windows XP.

04-17-2012, 09:17 PM
Wow, Thanks so much 1project2many ;). I have no experience with Tp as well, Craig moates told me a while back it may work with tpv4. You gave me so much info that helps alot. I have been using tc since 99. I just heard back from george his response was as expected. I will fool around with this before I list it on ebay. Im thinking of not including a g1 don't think I would get the money back for one of those.


We discounted this product in 2002 have no more info on it.



From: Brian Van Schoiack [mailto:brianlvs@yahoo.com (http://us.mg4.mail.yahoo.com/neo/compose?to=brianlvs@yahoo.com)]
Sent: Mon 4/16/2012 9:25 PM
To: George Indorf
Subject: Fw: Product information Please

Hello, george. I am wanting to use a product I purchased back in 2000. I have a few questions I have been unable to get answered. I have a rom emulator rev 2a I purchased to work with a gm ecm. I assume but don't know it is 512K ? What chip do I set the pp1 or pp2 too? Is there any instructions or information on this? Will it work with my pp1 or pp2? does the 32 pins on the circuit board goto a 28 pin adapter to hook to the ecm or do the 28 pins on the ribbon cable goto the ecm and is there a orientation? I have attached a picture on the link below.

04-18-2012, 07:30 AM
Just curious of this anceint technoligy, what was this thing supposed to do for what if it didn't work on GM ECMs?

04-18-2012, 07:40 AM
well, as long at it met the speed and size capacity, emulate a PROM in any application that used one.

04-18-2012, 01:42 PM
Just curious of this anceint technoligy, what was this thing supposed to do for what if it didn't work on GM ECMs?

This software mentions using the emulator for PC BIOS

Like Robert said, most hardware using those eproms. Long before we car hacks were fooling around with ecms, people were using rom emulators to work with computers and electronics. Real time changes weren't needed for most systems as you'd write the code then run it through the paces to see if it does what's needed. UV technology only allows maybe thousands of erase cycles, and as some folks here have learned the early stuff was rather sensitive. A single $200 box could save a bunch of time and money long term. When the car guys got involved everything changed. The emulator had to be able to rewrite single bits instead of a complete upload, had to do writes quickly enough that it wouldn't interfere with ecm reads (or it had to have two memory banks and be able to quickly switch between them while the ecm was doing a read), it had to be made with components having a wider temperature range and a little more rugged design, had to have more rugged enclosure, had to be able to survive when plugged in or operated incorrectly... not at all the same equipment as a technician or engineer would use in a shop or lab. There were a few others that were tried but didn't get the job done. The Intronics Romulator was really built for the car guys, not for the electronics industry.

04-18-2012, 08:18 PM
We should change your title to EFI historian! :thumbsup:

04-18-2012, 08:19 PM
Can we change yours too butter fingers !!

04-19-2012, 02:10 AM
But I like Snickers?

04-19-2012, 04:09 AM
I think I have some information on the Bendix Electro-Jection system.
How would you a like a trunk full of vacuum tubes and a system that acted funny around high voltage power lines and strong FM signals? :) Not to mention the power requirements and heat dissipation needs...

I have a factory service manual here for 64 Vette Rochester FI which I've studied but that's not electronic. I was able to work out the complete mechanical fuel injection system on an old gas job Mercedes years ago by comparing to what I knew of EFI. Was really cool.

04-19-2012, 09:28 AM
I have a factory service manual here for 64 Vette Rochester FI which I've studied but that's not electronic. I worked on one of those in mid 80's. After several days of double checking everything to factory specs we changed a few settings to make it run good. I wish I would have keep into that as it is more of a feel and art form to tune. But after all the time spent was a very frustrating adventure...

That Chrysler FI project of 1958 looks very cool but sounds like a disaster...