View Full Version : need help creating idle history tables!!!

10-22-2018, 12:19 PM
I cannot figure out how to create idle blm history tables! Ultimately, I'd like to only use data when idle timer is activated and using idle ve table. is that possible? I can't figure out how to construct the argument to make that happen. i bricked and had to wipe and reinstall tp once already trying....

dave w
10-22-2018, 03:34 PM
What definition are you working with?

$OD, $OE, $E6, & $31 have idle flag in the exported .csv file.

dave w

10-22-2018, 04:23 PM
Hi Dave,
$A1 is the code mask I'm working with.

dave w
10-22-2018, 11:33 PM
Hi Ron,
I have not worked with $A1. Maybe you can post a $A1 .csv file I can look at?

dave w

10-28-2018, 03:22 PM
Hi Ron,
I have not worked with $A1. Maybe you can post a $A1 .csv file I can look at?

dave w

Hi Dave,
Here's the $A1 files and a log too, in order to see how the idle works. $A1 seems to use both speed density and alpa-N both, blended at some point, but I can't figure out where. My thought process is that, short of completely blanking out main ve, I could defign a table that only picked up idle activities.
Any help is MUCH appreciated! I'm in too far anf can't see the forest through the trees.

10-28-2018, 03:37 PM
the site won't allow csv uploads. hmmm?
hopefully you can pull what you need from the log and other defs.

dave w
10-29-2018, 04:39 AM
I exported the .csv from the .xdl, thank you for posting the .adx file.

The attached .zip has an excel spreadsheet with the TPS and MPH sorted, assuming 0% TPS and 0 MPH = Idle.

I was not able to "crunch" the data, hopefully the attached excel spreadsheet will help you.

dave w

dave w
10-29-2018, 10:04 PM
Based on the spreadsheet posted, the Idle Averages (TPS% = 0% and MPH = 0) are listed below:
Tach = 900 RPM
MAP = 40.9 KPa (fair, 35 KPa would be better)
Spark Advance = 25.4 degrees (seems mostly normal, perhaps 20 degrees would be better or worse?)
BLM = 114 (poor, 128 would be ideal)

The correction factor for 114 BLM is 114/128 = 0.89. So try multiplying the VE value for cell 900 RPM's ~ 40 KPa by 0.89 to get the idle BLM averages closer to 128. Let's see what happens after correcting the VE table, before making changes to the spark table.

dave w