View Full Version : 84 CFI Corvette BIN/ADX file help please

05-07-2018, 04:37 AM
Before I start I want to say thank you to everyone for their helping out and pointing
this new to tuning guy in the right direction, your assistance is very appreciated!!!

I apologize for not knowing the correct process or terminology but I am looking for a start up BIN/ADX file to put in TunerPro RT and work with EBL Flash so I can get familiar with the program before installing it in my car.

I have a 1984 Corvette CFI auto transmission with Renegade intake, AFR/EGR delete, test pipe, timing at 12deg, fuel pressure at 14psi and running 3.73 gears. I will be installing a LC-2 wide band o2 controller, IAT and fuel pressure sensor with the install of EBL Flash that I just ordered. I will also be running parallel fuel lines with VRFPR (Vacuum reference fuel pressure regulator) with 80pph injectors before the EBL install.

Does anyone have a file or some files that will work to get me started or be able to walk me through what needs to be done too create one myself?

I have never done any tuning before but I am wanting to learn as much as I can, I've read through the Introduction to tuning part 1 guide to start figuring everything out but I have a long way to go. LOL!!

Thank you again in advance for everyone's help, I really appreciate it!!!

05-07-2018, 08:03 AM
Since you’re going to use ebl, I suppose anything from here will work: http://www.gearhead-efi.com/Fuel-Injection/forumdisplay.php?20-GM-ECM-Bins-TunerPro-Definition-Files-Wiring-Diagrams-Tuner-Info!

05-07-2018, 09:25 AM
Thank you!! I’ll go through them and check em’ out :)