View Full Version : Hello from northern Virginia

03-31-2018, 07:35 PM
1988 Camaro

Looking forward to mastering BIN files via TunerPro

04-01-2018, 03:42 AM
let us know your progress. I'm a newbie myself so I can't provide much but the headaches of newbie ( ism) are fresh in my mind. Initially it's as complicated as you let it be, get's smoother though

04-01-2018, 04:04 AM
let us know your progress. I'm a newbie myself so I can't provide much but the headaches of newbie ( ism) are fresh in my mind. Initially it's as complicated as you let it be, get's smoother though


Its gotten late tonight, so I've learned my lesson about working on electronic stuff when I'm tired.

I consider it a victory that tonight I managed to get the wife to finally shut down several automatically-recurring charges on a credit card we agreed to stop using.

Will dig back into the tuner stuff first thing in the morning.

From another board, this is where I'm at right now: https://www.thirdgen.org/forums/diy-prom/752002-how-make-copy-bin.html#post6211366

04-01-2018, 04:26 PM
I 'fortunately " have never had those issues with the wife and plastic. Im worse at that... Learn to use CC's to your advantage. It's fun making money off of them, wish I had thought of it sooner...

04-01-2018, 05:06 PM
as a newbie that don't look familiar. I use the g1 adapter myself, I dont have the ZIF adapter I use the other little adapter they sell which makes it easier to insert but is not ZIF.

D2 28-pin DIP Socket is what I was referring to , great for the end of the ribbon cable, also.