View Full Version : Initial issue resolved

03-30-2018, 04:47 PM
I learned today that it is possible to upload a BIN file to a chip without being connected to the truck. I asked the question to Moates and several posts on here with no answer.. After much testing I learned the right dipswitch needs to be in the right or outboard position

These switiches should be named a - b and positions 1 & 2, that sounds too easy huh?

03-30-2018, 04:49 PM
so theoretically I should be able to plug this bad boy into the G1 adapter and the truck should start.... theory is good... let's see if it works. BRB, maybe if I dont hang myself on the way

03-30-2018, 05:11 PM
Theory worked. Bin file I loaded from tunepro did in fact go into the truck and it started utilizing the G1 adapter . Seemingly good running truck runs like garbage however but that's no big deal as the engine comes out tomorrow , I just wanted to learn to get to this point so in 2 weeks I am able to pop a BIN in teh new engine and get her up and running. Then of course the fun begins, actual tuning.

Now, if you were me what would you do right now. I have the rest of the day to fool with this and possibly learn something.

I suppose the next logical step is to put that chip in the emulator and plug her into the ECu and see where I'm at. I'm guessing I shold be able to see some more data , I will see the error codes of course. I could do that already. I'm thinking I will be able to see some tables , and possibly see why this thing is running so fat.. off to the batCave... Kaboom !!

03-30-2018, 07:27 PM
Ok, I have achieved some success today. Dip switches are officially a pin in my ear but that will go away im sure... i'ts just learning where they should be.

I've decided to pull out an old XP laptop and fire that old girl up and make it my commited tuning PC, as the one im using has way too much going on ( work, etc) . If you had a choice would you run an XP box as opposed to win7 ? I think having a commited laptop to tuning is a good idea and I have one avail. so what the heck. it just so happens to be XP.

I did some real basic items, changed idle speed so I could see( hear) my changes, looked through tables to get familiar with the sytem, etc... I feel strongly that if I find a good BIN file in the next couple weeks I should be able to get this beast running, at least OK when I pop her in

Any suggestions

Comp 260 HR - .47 lift, 110
edelbrock 2116
Holley 502-6 ( maybe) if it gives me issues I'm going to order a mod. GM unit.)
Gibson shorties
No cats
2 into 1 into 2 Flowmaster 10 - existing for now.

03-31-2018, 12:01 AM
I want to make doubly sure that you disabled the check sum while emulating AND YOU DO NOT physically install a chip onto the AUTOPROM/APU1 while emulating.

03-31-2018, 12:20 AM
I certainly didn't remove or install while emulating. never touched the chip during the whole adventure except initial install while not connected physically to anything\

As for the checksum I see this12759

03-31-2018, 12:35 AM
My Tp version shows the following which is different than the HELP file within TP



NOte the CHECKSUM piece is missing... interesting. is this a version deal? i have V5

There is one other subtle difference in these two pics. not that it matters... realtime graph & slider changes is realt time graph uploads , plus two extra fields that are one layer deeper on my version.

Ok, so based on what I'm seeing it appears that if it is checked it will put a hex checksum upon uploading , pretty simple.. lots of programs do this in other industries. What is the relevance as it pertains to this .. I'd be curious if you see the check box when you're not connected, because I am not connected currently. I don't think it will matter but my curiosity has the best of me.

It also bothers me that it says "if checked" well if checked says disabled so I would say it wouldn't send a checksum with the file....eeekkk


03-31-2018, 03:57 AM
I was referring to this:


03-31-2018, 04:29 AM
I know I didn't do that, that may be the cause of my problems. I may have a little time in the morning to play. I go to the lift for engine extraction tomorrow and put the rest of the valvetrain together on teh new one

I did find an older driver for the com port . that's my biggest headache right now. very erratic and not consistent at all

I still can't get why the instructions are different than the program ( above) in regards to that checksum deal. I just got right to the help file by default, force of habit

03-31-2018, 05:09 AM
Post #7...interesting it seems that there's a version of TPRT or is that a function of say the ADX that will disable the checksum for you when using emulation.

Anyhoo...if you didn't disable the checksum, initially it will still work. It's only when you start to make changes that the checksum won't get calculated correctly upon uploading a change while tuning on the fly. Experienced this first hand...when trying to dial in idle. Took out 10% fuel, applied the change, watched the blm lean out, took out another 10%, applied changes and bam went straight into limp home mode. WTF...two steps forward one step back!!! lol

i just opened tprt v5 loaded couple of different adx I have and couldnt find that screen shot.

03-31-2018, 01:42 PM
Now remember the one screen shot with the disable feature is from a HELP file not the actual program. I haven't got a chance to look at release notes to see if was changed at some point. Or maybe it was planned and never implemented ina release. ?? My training takes me right to the HELP by default... It's funny you say that , I was experimenting and the one thing I was changing was idle speed to see if my changes were committing as I get used to the software. It was a beginner lesson I thought of or read somewhere, simple, but last night that thing seemed like it was limp mode, running like trash. I ended up erasing the chip and checking it for BLANK, another little exercise to learn the system. I wont get much time today ( with the truck anyway ) since the old tired 350 is coming out to make room for the new heart I have been building for quite a long time. My engine builder only has a few hours on Saturday so it's been a long process, an interesting learning expedition that I am grateful for. he taught me how to balance cranks as payment...it's been fun and I hope this tuning thing will be equally as fun, or at least the final result will be good. then I can put a built not bought sticker under the hood.

I now have a dedicated XP box for all tuning , which should be good. So the next 2-3 weeks I will be reading, watching Vids, etc.. unless I can talk my buddy into letting me tune his 89... LOL

Im taking it over for the motor out

03-31-2018, 06:11 PM
I use tp and tuner cat with a 16144288, some times when I change things tuner cat says checksum error do you wish to go on. if I say yes it saves the changes but it don't run right so I take that file and put my changes in the preveis file then all seams well. never could find change checksum for a 288 in tp.

04-03-2018, 04:22 AM
I use tp and tuner cat with a 16144288, some times when I change things tuner cat says checksum error do you wish to go on. if I say yes it saves the changes but it don't run right so I take that file and put my changes in the preveis file then all seams well. never could find change checksum for a 288 in tp.

Post #8...some of us like me don't read well!!! After reading it 3-4 times, I was still looking for "checksum." Disabling the checksum is sorta a misnomer. If you read the notes on disabling the checksum, you're not changing something called "checksum" when in fact the actual changes are being made to the "mask id." :mad1:

04-03-2018, 04:57 AM
Did we ever figure out why the HELP file has that option ? to disable checksum, not that it really matters, curious