View Full Version : 7427 ECM

01-04-2018, 06:52 PM
I see this seems to be a popular one (7427). What’s the reason??
Also here you talk about different colors of them so I guess your talking about the colors of the connectors?
The one in my truck has a red/blue connector and a service number of 16196395.. Are you swapping ecm’s from different cars/trucks and then tuning??
Also anyone here piggy back a ecm to use with a E trans and use the ebl to tune??

Lots of questions and this is all new to me so I have been reading as much as possible and any insight you can give me or point me what to read will be great. Thanks

01-04-2018, 07:40 PM
Yes red blue referes to connector colors. Your 6395 operates the same as a 7427. I suspect there was something different in them but I swap between them with no noticeable difference.