View Full Version : no aldl stream problem

10-15-2017, 11:24 PM
6395 ecm OE and moates apu1 and TP rt. When I put it all away over a year ago data logging and chip burning worked fine. Went to use it yesterday and no data sream showed up on tp dash. I checked both switches on Apu were to the right ( 8192 and pass through ). The aldl to apu cable is the same one I have always used. I am able to erase and burn a chip so don't think there is a problem with comm ports as the apu talks to the laptop. Does anyone have a test or idea I can try.

10-16-2017, 11:05 PM
Hello Myburb

Try this procedure from the moates site. Possibly sitting for a year it falls into this category.

Many of our products have physical switches on them to change device behavior. Unfortunately, we’ve noticed quite a few problems related to these switches. Over time, sometimes switches fail to behave as you would expect them to. We suspect this is due to oxidation on the contacts, dust or another slow-acting cause.
Affected Devices
These devices use the switches which are known to have issues:
•AutoProm / APU1
Fortunately, the solution to switch glitching is really easy. Sliding the switch back and forth vigorously 5-10 times has been successful in restoring normal operation.

10-17-2017, 12:52 AM
Thanks for that info. I hadn't seen that on moates site. I tried it but unfortunately that didn't work. The indicators in TP RT indicated things were changing between apu mode and pass through mode. Your ride sounds cool.