View Full Version : Tunerpro RT and Megalogviewer

06-27-2017, 01:45 AM
So I am a logtime user of MegalogViewer, back even when it was still a free program...which it is not any longer.

But, even as crippled as the free/low cost version is now, it's still *very* useful, and if I can get it to also read TunerproRT logs (as it says that it will) then I'll gladly buy it, same as I did for Tunerpro.

No matter what I do, I always just get "Engine Run Time" in all the log slots, so I am clearly doing something wrong. There is Zero help for using the software unless you're running BigStuff3 or Megasquirt-post about any other thing on the two forums for the software and you'll get your post deleted and told to not post anything but those two systems...

Has anyone else used MegalogviewerHD to work with the Tunerpro logs? I am much more familiar with that software, but just like tunerpro-there is zero support/help file available to read to learn the program, it all just comes down to experience.

I will gladly post the XDL and .csv files here if they're going to be helpful, if not then I'll not clog up the forum's database.

06-27-2017, 03:34 AM
So, turns out that TunerproRT and my ADX aren't really playing nice with the export function. LOTS of weird stuff going on, I have to open the log in OpenOffice Calc, delete the fields that I don't want, then "clean" the bad data out. (the bad data is an ongoing issue that I'm still fighting, but it's easy to identify...)

Once "cleaned" and "sanitized" I can save as the .csv, and MegalogViewerHD will open the first 400 records (for now, I'll need to buy it to look at more than 30 seconds of runtime)

Here's the big rub:

I want to be able to look at commanded pulsewidth, WidebandAFR, Left INT, Left BLM, Right INT, Right BLM, and ALSO know what cell of the fueling table(s) that I am in. Can Tunerpro Do this, and if so-HOW??

It'd be nice to not need to crash through four programs to analyze and graph data...

06-27-2017, 03:35 PM
Open graph window in tunerpro and add whatever parameter you want, by right click on the graph.
You can have have two or three separate graphics if too much items on one graph bothers you. You can do it by editing the adx file and add a graphic.

Also if you want static data display you can configure a custom dashboard.

06-27-2017, 10:01 PM
But can anything in tunerpro show me what VE cell I am in, while at the same time showing a graph/chart/numerical display of another parameter?

06-28-2017, 09:10 AM
Sure it can, as long it is available parameter on the aldl datastream. It will be flat line on the graph, but on the cursor it will show up the BLM cell number.
If you mean something else by VE cell, then I doubt you can do it that simple. You can always hack datastream and add new parameters, like raw VE value picked by PCM.

06-28-2017, 11:32 AM
You can enable data tracing and it will highlight the point in VE table you are operating right now.

06-30-2017, 08:20 AM
That's what I'm trying to do-I can do it in MLV but have to "create" a tune file that MLV can handle.