View Full Version : DIY Bluetooth OBDI ALDL?

11-20-2016, 10:56 PM
So now that it is so easy to just grab a USB FTDI232 (module or cable) off eBay and have a decent ALDL cable, is it time to move on to the next step?

Would it be as easy as using a MAX232 tied to a BT HC-05 module and have a cheap BT ALDL device?
If I'm barking up the wrong tree feel free to make alternative suggestions.

I know commercial BT OBDI ALDL stuff is out there, but I'm a cheapass + I enjoy DIY stuff.

I have forgotten way more than I remember about electronics, and would like to start playing around again.
Knock all the dust off my soldering station, etc. Pretty sure I have some MAX232(s), and I know I have some HC-05 boards.

11-21-2016, 05:43 AM
https://web.archive.org/web/20150709210631/http://www.xm381.com/xm381/aldl.html that's one way of going about it, the route he went, it looks like you would need something to change the baud rate around for the HC05 module since I'm assuming they don't play well with the non-standard 8192 rate. bare ATMEGAs are super cheap and the supporting circuits should be very simple to use as well.

11-22-2016, 03:10 AM
You can use hc-05 board directly with voltage level converter. It translate 3.3 ttl level from hc-05 to 5v ttl level at ALDL port. I already tried that with good results.
The main problem is HC-05 baud rate. It is possible to change that, but it is not that simple.
You will need a computer with true parallel port, some resistors to make a super simple schematics to connect hc-05 to parallel port and some software.

I got instructions how to do it, but haven`t try it yet.

If you`re interested I can give you some detail information.

11-22-2016, 03:20 AM
You can use hc-05 board directly with voltage level converter. It translate 3.3 ttl level from hc-05 to 5v ttl level at ALDL port. I already tried that with good results.
The main problem is HC-05 baud rate. It is possible to change that, but it is not that simple.
You will need a computer with true parallel port, some resistors to make a super simple schematics to connect hc-05 to parallel port and some software.

I got instructions how to do it, but haven`t try it yet.

If you`re interested I can give you some detail information.

Yep, I am interested.
I was able to communicate/change baud settings etc. using a FTDI 232RL USB connected directly to the HC-05 with a terminal program.
I was able to see/pair the HC-05 to my android phone as well. That's where I stopped though ~year ago.

Really need to dig out my old textbooks from school and try and refresh my memory.
Haven't played with this stuff since ~1995, things were different then, these small cheap boards/modules weren't around.

11-22-2016, 06:36 PM
Here are some links




http://arduino.stackexchange.com/questions/18132/setting-non-standard-baud-rate-250k-for-the-hc-05-bluetooth-module (http://arduino.stackexchange.com/questions/18132/setting-non-standard-baud-rate-250k-for-the-hc-05-bluetooth-module)


11-22-2016, 10:05 PM
Thanks, I'll look everything over.

11-02-2019, 04:06 PM
Hey guys, I know this is an old thread but just curious if anyone ever made a usable project with this? I am really considering this for an alternative to my scanmaster that is starting to die on me.. plus I was thinking about adding one of those small displays with an Arduino for live data display in a neater format. I have coded a few of those screens with arduino, and ESP8266 WiFi tools but I haven't used many bluetooth ones.