View Full Version : Need help with autoprom and TunerPro SOS

08-24-2016, 02:34 AM
I need help getting my Autoprom to work for datalogging. It works fine in terms of reading, writing and erasing chips but we can not get the stupid thing to communicate with the vehicle.

We have it set up correctly in the preferences tab on Tuner pro and we're attempting to use pass thru mode. The only thing that displays when it shows "connected" is every single gauge and reading pegged to the absolute maximum. We are running the latest and correct $42 mask.

Moates replaced the autoprom after they got into our computer remotely and could not solve the problem. We've tried the Autoprom on multiple computers and multiple vehicles but we get the same results every time. All readings pegged to Max and no problem directly talking to the chips. We have tried Winaldl with no luck. Have also reset the drivers countless times.

Can somebody please help before I smash the AutoProm into oblivion?!

08-24-2016, 02:36 AM
Also wanted to include were using a 7747 ecm and we can get info from the aldl port using a high end shop tuner. We've tried to talk to multiple vehicles with no luck.

08-27-2016, 06:20 AM
I know you said things were set right but are you double sure the xdf and adx match your version of tuner pro and that the pass thru switch is opposite of when you were burning. Only putting my two bits in cause no responses.

08-27-2016, 01:56 PM
my have to change tp settings for data logging in the prefemnces to plug in.