View Full Version : $32B definition.

04-14-2016, 04:12 AM
BPW table Fuel vs Load. I think I understand the table and how to adjust it. I just have a few questions. Is it best to datalog your current pulsewidth in closed loop then make the adjustment, then afterwards for blms? The table given really sucks with the place holders making it hard to start with. There's no real good baseline curve. I like the idea of the fueling better than the $6E way that's why I haven't went 6E... Yet. Made a post over at thirdgen about fuel tuning 32B a few weeks ago but no comments from anyone. If anyone here can shed some light on tuning 32b Id appreciate it.

04-17-2016, 04:10 PM
BPW table Fuel vs Load. I think I understand the table and how to adjust it. I just have a few questions. Is it best to datalog your current pulsewidth in closed loop then make the adjustment, then afterwards for blms? The table given really sucks with the place holders making it hard to start with. There's no real good baseline curve. I like the idea of the fueling better than the $6E way that's why I haven't went 6E... Yet. Made a post over at thirdgen about fuel tuning 32B a few weeks ago but no comments from anyone. If anyone here can shed some light on tuning 32b Id appreciate it..

Tmellot89, I had the 32B code, 87 Tpi, dumped it for the $6E, is your vehicle mapped or does it use the Maf system. The $6E code I have found it to be really a lot more adjustable using the Maf tables, vs fuel tables. It is always recommended to datalog in closed loop, far more accurate and a better block learn will also be recorded. Open loop only runs off the base chip, with little or no sensor data. I highly recommend a heated O2 sensor, for consistent accurate data. I am running a 87 Tpi Maf system , stroker , as well as a McCulloch Supercharger with Methanol Injection, the thing is a beast! If you do decide to play with the fuel table, just do minor changes, and save the original fuel table before doing so. Also a really really handy unit other than the heated O2 is a wide band air/fuel gauge....I picked up the AEM unit....pricey but at least under load you clearly see what's going down the tubes....tuning the thing at the hardest point just got easy. MrStude

04-17-2016, 05:38 PM
Okay. It's MAF i have a Paxton sn93 with meth kit on it now. I also have an LC-2 wideband that I purchased in winter just not hooked up yet. I guess I'll look more into the $6E code then I have an ARAP BIN on my PC that I copied over my timing table already. Guess I'll give that a shot and see what's going on. Thanks for the reply if you have any more insight let me know.

04-18-2016, 12:30 AM
I also have 36 lbs injectors in the car so I know I'll have to mess with fuel tables. My timing table matches my current 32B bin for arap. Started it up today with the arap bin and it runs good right off the bat but a little hard to start. I've went 12.69 @107 with my 32B bin and no fuel tuning. So hopefully I can get it to run better than that with $6E and wideband. Need to do more reading too about 6E fueling and figure out why it's hard to start also. Any one have any $6E tips?

04-19-2016, 06:11 PM
Hey Tmellott89. Really similar build to mine then:rockon:, the ARAP bin will work very well as a good runner to play with as you go. One other thing is to get rid of the cold start injector , if you have not done so already, it's not supported in the $6E code. That could be some of the start issue you have, since the cold start injector is pretty much obsolete, the $6E code batch fires the injectors to cold start the engine, way better plan, than with the $32B code. I always just wait for the fuel pump to quit after initial key cycle, fires right up. The ECM I have is the 665 unit, basically 87 Vette, Gta. Hook up that wideband, it's a must for fuel tuning, otherwise yer just guessing or flying by the seat of yer pants. I did switch to the Bosch style injectors 4 holes versus one, fuel injector connection sold them I am pretty sure they are 34-36 , they atomize about 30 % better than the old style. I am running about 10:80's but started at about 12:80's. My Studebaker truck does not weigh a lot, but hooks incredibly hard. Done 700R4 /3500 High Stall / 3:73 Posi. The biggest tip I can give you is in the PE (power enrichment ) table, that's where the shit hits the fan so to speak, mine is running a tad rich but better that, than to lean, may retune the fuel a bit in that table. Do minimal changes in there, little at a time, it makes a huge difference when I was adjusting it....the beauty is, it can be changed back! Check for a ZZ4 bin as well, about the same as the ARAP, with some differences. Clearly your on the right path....12:69 is really good. I am currently doing a LQ9 Block with all LS3 uppers, gonna be a 408 as soon as the Canadian sawbuck comes back... MrStude

Okay. It's MAF i have a Paxton sn93 with meth kit on it now. I also have an LC-2 wideband that I purchased in winter just not hooked up yet. I guess I'll look more into the $6E code then I have an ARAP BIN on my PC that I copied over my timing table already. Guess I'll give that a shot and see what's going on. Thanks for the reply if you have any more insight let me know.

04-20-2016, 12:31 AM
Alright I gotcha. Yeah the 12.69 was with a 32B chip from SLP I didn't change anything fuel wise but I added timing in certain areas to get there. For $6E I had already unplugged 9th injector. Unswitched VATS fan n\o switch I think I have right.... and copied over my timing table. One time it starts right away first crank then others I had to open throttle blades after cranking a few times. I added some fuel at start up in the .bin next I'll the wideband hooked up. I been having an issue with tunerpro not reading my temperature correctly so I need to figure it out first. Replaced CTS checked voltage and ohms through the harness and checked thermostat everything was okay I ordered an ecm but won't be able to check for a few days prolly. Car runs fine even when you beat on the ecm but beating on it makes my temp go more haywire in tunerpro andits the only input that seems bad. It's a 165 ecm.Anyways I just bought these injectors about a year ago so I'm gonna try and tune them first and figure out the 6E before I get any more radical. Any other tables to really look into or do you know a thread I can read on here? Don't seem to be much onhere for6E but I've found some on thirdgen website.

04-21-2016, 06:02 AM
https://www.eecis.udel.edu/~davis/z28/. Hey T , this link has that ZZ4 bin for the $6E code, as good as the Arap, aggressive spark, with some minor diffs as well. Ate a new Challanger for breakfast today, that was funny.... I think it really pissed him off...:yikes: Anyways he has a few bins on that site... Just scroll to the bottom its there... Mr Stude.

04-22-2016, 03:58 AM
Ahhhh!!! I figured out what was wrong with the temperature. Put a new ecm in it and it's fine. So frustrating haha. So I finally got to fully run and catalog ARAP. And it started fine right of the bat. I figured out I think that the warmer the engine the harder the start. If I open throttle blades itfires right up tho. Now datalogging was a little different this time and ONLY IDLE I datalogged. It ran fine but once closed loop came it went lean BLM 149/ INT 129. So I went to the MAF table 1 found the closest g\ sec. That my idle was and I slowly kept raising it 0.10 at a time til I would see my blms lower or at least budge. Well I ended up going like 2 grams higher before it changed and took like 20 mins to change then all of a sudden went 134\ 132 but was at 220* temp. So I turned key off. Let it cool down a lil. Fired it up and started surging like it was loading up before closed loop. I set back to stock settings right before I ran out of time. I don't think I'm liking or understanding the MAF tables. How's it even know what load your at?