View Full Version : importing a bin

02-24-2016, 02:49 AM
hey guys ,,, im trying to read and import a bin (a chip I bought online for 89 bird with 350) from my apu1 to tunerpro,,,

I cant seem to figure it out ,,, tried to use the help areas but still cant get it ....

im using windows 7 --- have my apu1 on com 5 - tunerpro sees its there ... after that I don't know what exactly to do !!!!

is there different software needed to do this ???


dave w
02-24-2016, 07:47 AM
Maybe these links will help?

dave w




02-24-2016, 09:41 PM
thanx.. been thru those and got some results---- but question is --- how do i read the bin from my chip in the apu1 and save it in tunerpro ???? i did get the flash/burn program to save it to buffer -- named it and saved it ,,, but when i try to view the bin in tunerpro -- its all 00 like nothings there !!!! i can view downloaded bins in tunerpro just fine---- but seems im missing a command or action or click someplace to do this from tunerpro by itself.... ideas ??? thanx again !!!!

dave w
02-24-2016, 11:51 PM
I own a Burn 2, so I'm not up to speed with the APU1 .

In a nutshell the Burn 2 chip reading process is as follows, maybe the APU1 is the same / similar?
Select the chip type, for example 2732.
Set the Offsets, for example a 2732 chip - Buffer FFF / Chip Address FFF
Read the chip.
Save the Buffer to a file, for example Read AMUR saved to a folder in my documents named My Tuning Project.

dave w

02-25-2016, 05:57 PM
much thanx...... it was the offsets ,,,
I took it for granted that they popped in there correctly for the chip I selected..... still learning !!!!
but have read the chip /saved the bin that I bought online ------ and also programmed one with a bin I downloaded from here !!!!

will be a while before I can test them ,,,, its gotta warm up and melt some snow first !!!!

rock-on !!!! thanx again