View Full Version : Trying to datalog but only couple things come up

09-15-2015, 12:44 AM
Ok so I'm trying to data log, I've read tutorials but they don't say stuff like use the ???? Cable and hit this button so I had emulation cable and aldl cable hooked up.... Only baro and some coolant readings.... Tried just aldl cable and pushing buttons still same stuff.... I downloaded the correct ads file but tunerpro said can't load so I imported ads as adx, what am I doing wrong??

Also switched 10k switch with no change

thanks everyone

dave w
09-16-2015, 07:21 AM
Bring me up to speed on what you are working on, computer and such.

dave w

09-16-2015, 06:30 PM
Ok I tried data logging on 2 different vehicles. 1st was a 1985 fiero with 1990 2.3l quad-4, 707 ecm, 8B mask.... Then I tried a 1994 truck yesterday with 427 ecm and 0D mask....same result. Pulls list but has 0 in all but the temperatures and baro's. Example; start temp reads -40 Celsius. I loaded files and they show up top, I've hit start/stop button, data tracing, switched between dash options, switched both switches on aup1 (oh yea aup1 with tuner pro rt5) I can tune both vehicles emulating and burn chips but just no data logging. I haven't let the smoke out of the aup1 so still scratching my head.

dave w
09-16-2015, 08:22 PM
I'm wondering what your "Com Port" settings are?
From TunerPro RT:
Data Acq./Emulation

See screen shot.

dave w

09-16-2015, 08:26 PM
Ok checking now

09-16-2015, 08:32 PM
Awesome thank you for the picture!!!!! That helps!!!
Ok the "interface type" drop down was blank, now it looks like yours. I will try to data log real quick and see

09-16-2015, 08:47 PM
Nope still same, I'm looking for com port settings now

09-16-2015, 09:16 PM
Ha don't know what to do now that I'm here

dave w
09-16-2015, 09:38 PM
What are your com port options? Usually I see two or three different com ports to choose. Usually I see com port 3, or com port 7, or sometimes com port 10. Try selecting a different com port to get the data log working.

dave w

09-17-2015, 12:24 AM
In that pic it has "com1" mine has "{com1}" and no way to change it. I'm looking at the device manager-ports (COM&LPT1)-USB Serial Port (COM3) and changed that to com1 in PROPERTIES-advanced settings. Should I change anything here?

09-17-2015, 01:18 AM
Ok data log works now but autoprom does not.....still looking

dave w
09-17-2015, 02:35 AM
Good job getting the data log to work.:thumbsup:

I don't have an Autoprom, so I'm not much help with that. I think there are some Autoprom settings in the same place as the data log settings?

dave w

09-17-2015, 02:41 AM
Have you read this document on moates.net? http://support.moates.net/troubleshooting-apu1-autoprom/ I don't have an Autoprom but I do have an Ostrich 2.0. The link shows the proper settings and switch positions.


09-17-2015, 07:02 PM
Yea just tried all that plus returning to default and no emulator. I had instruction sheet next to laptop to make sure of settings. Reversed all I did....either pass through mode or nothing, no matter what I do, I'll try it on a pc later

dave w
09-17-2015, 07:34 PM
I wonder if you need to set the Mask Code to AA, which disables checksum when you are emulating.

dave w

09-17-2015, 11:18 PM
OK It burns chips on PC so it's got to b laptop.... When I changed com port # tuner pro made changes to my computer, but I did not get same warning when I reset port and usb defaults, just info...
where would I find mask code? Not a xdf file right?

09-18-2015, 12:05 AM
I got a "tunerpro wants to change computer settings" when I changed com port # but did not get the same when changing back, is that a problem?? How about complete uninstall of tunerpro rt5??

dave w
09-18-2015, 12:07 AM
where would I find mask code? Not a xdf file right?

Both .xdf and .bin file need to loaded into tunerpro to edit the chip mask code.

see attached screen shot

dave w

09-18-2015, 12:20 AM
I see no parameter with that label

dave w
09-18-2015, 12:40 AM
Please post the .bin and .xdf files you are using.

dave w

09-18-2015, 01:35 AM
I am using anmp.bin with 8b.xdf I'm using iPhone to post at the moment so no files but I did share 4 bins in a post couple 4 days ago, if u want exact info I will send in a bit

09-18-2015, 01:39 AM
Oh wait it's working!!! I changed com port # on computer to 8 and nothing else and now it is working when I use the switch on side....both working now, com # in tunerpro is still #1???? What the!?!?!?!

09-18-2015, 08:36 PM
Here are the files I am working with... When I data log I only have dash and list, no monitor or history table and record button is red like it works but nothing happens when I click it. history table only has 1 cell.

09-19-2015, 02:54 AM
The history tables and monitors will have to be built and saved into your adx file. Open up one of the more complte adx files for $42 or $0D and look at how the tables are created. I added a calculated airflow history table to the $0D adx file I use. Do a search on this site for making history tables in TunerPro.

dave w
09-20-2015, 12:37 AM
I think there is a problem with the posted .ads file. It appears the posted $8B.ads imported correctly into TP5 and saved as a .adx. I attempted to populate a the History Table with BLM values, but the "Z-Output" is blank. Anyone know how to populate the "Z-Output" parameters into the attached $8B .adx file? See attached screen shots, showing $8B .adx vs. $E6 .adx. Unfortunately, the TP5 tutorials I've found here and elsewhere, "Assume" the "Z-Output" is populated.:mad1:

dave w

09-20-2015, 09:25 PM
The history tables and monitors will have to be built and saved into your adx file. Open up one of the more complte adx files for $42 or $0D and look at how the tables are created. I added a calculated airflow history table to the $0D adx file I use. Do a search on this site for making history tables in TunerPro.
I am using 0D on another vehicle at same time, I seen 0D filling cells as I revved engine and noticed the 8B was not the same

09-20-2015, 09:27 PM
I think there is a problem with the posted .ads file. It appears the posted $8B.ads imported correctly into TP5 and saved as a .adx. I attempted to populate a the History Table with BLM values, but the "Z-Output" is blank. Anyone know how to populate the "Z-Output" parameters into the attached $8B .adx file? See attached screen shots, showing $8B .adx vs. $E6 .adx. Unfortunately, the TP5 tutorials I've found here and elsewhere, "Assume" the "Z-Output" is populated.:mad1:

dave w

Sounds like Greek to me but I'm learning, I will see what I can find out. I have had problems like that with tutorials as well, they assume I am more educated on the subject. I'll keep searching till I find it tho!! :-)

09-21-2015, 03:23 AM
I was away from my PC this weekend and had posted from my phone. I just took a quick look at the adx file after I imported it ads. I looked at the VE table for the bin posted and added a BLM history table. There are two MAP items in the list and I added the first one. I dont have one of those ecm's to bench test. Try this adx file and see if the history table will populate with BLM data. Let me know if it works. I clicked the three ... and added BLM as the Z data. I also added some basic things to the dashboard.

Edit: Dug a little further and the MAP value needed is the second one in list. First is MAP Volts. ADX edited

09-21-2015, 06:45 PM
Thanks for the time you guys have spent on this!!!! I will try this file at lunch and let you know :-)

09-22-2015, 03:58 AM
Yes it is working!!!!!!! I logged coming back from lunch and changed lower V.E. Table accordingly then drove home logging and the changed was good!!! YOU GUYS ARE GREAT!!

my lack of knowledge had me thinking that editing ads/adx files would be edited in hex or code but I'm guessing that is not so looking at the image you sent. I haven't even opened the editor for xdf and adx. Is that how you made the history table?

EDIT: I am looking at adx editor and think I can find my way around in here but before I change anything will I undo what you did or can I change history table values from drop down chooses? And adding rows in table, or would I need to make whole different table, 4000-7400 (tel:4000-7400) rpm

09-22-2015, 04:04 AM
Yes, using the adx editor. I need to go back and re-import the ads file and see if I can reproduce the problem dave w was having. The steps I took were to add the simple items to the dash, created the history table, populated the X and Y inputs to the table and then added the Z. It may not show up items in the Z until you add the X and Y inputs. Glad it is working for you. Other items can be added. It just takes a little time to figure out how. The gauges in the dash can be made to look analog etc. You can view or log anything that is in the datastream.


09-23-2015, 05:31 PM
Adding gauges in the right place on dash took me 2 hours to figure out but I got 3 across top 4 across bottom and working on middle row. I also created 2 history tables, 1 is an extended rpm table, it has 4000-7400 rpm and a spark advance table that is 800-7400 rpm to 20-100 map. Will the program recognize and populate the cells acordingly, like it knows that the table starts at 4000 rpm and won't fill 4000 cell with 800 rpm value? My 2.5 yr old son woke up with a fever so I hadn't tried it yet.

I messed up the dash you made pretty good before I figured it out lol. I get a quad driver error flashing on tunerpro, #26, A/C code so I checked that code to see if it would stop reading the error too. No a/c yet, I have to weld up some custom lines. Should I post this adx file if the tables I made work right, maybe help someone else using this mask??

dave w
09-23-2015, 06:43 PM
Should I post this adx file if the tables I made work right, maybe help someone else using this mask??

Sharing a functional / tested .adx would be good!:thumbsup:

dave w

09-23-2015, 07:08 PM
Ok cool, I'll do that but should some one who knows these file real well look at it?? I have 3 ecm's I can donate one????? #707

dave w
09-23-2015, 07:26 PM
If someone has the time to independently verify your .adx, that would be awesome. Usually, the member/s actually developing, testing, and using the .adx is sufficient verification.

It's very generous of you to donate an ECM. Maybe someone with an interest in the ECM will post with a request, or send you a PM, wanting to continue testing and development.

dave w

09-23-2015, 09:18 PM
Ok that will work, Pull a part in okc has weekend specials that include ecm's for $12.50 so not a big deal to donate. I would b willing to look for other ecm's if someone can't find or to expensive somewhere else.