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08-17-2015, 08:48 PM
Just curious what Flash chip programmer do you guys recommend that does work for burning N28F512/N28F010 150 flash chips with GM Cal and tune Bin's. Its a 97 OBD2 LT1 I ordered a TL 866cs but that errors out on the GM bin files. But wil read and burn bin file that come off an old chip.


08-17-2015, 11:40 PM
wil read and burn bin file that come off an old chip.
Then the problem is not the programmer.
Most BINs used for tuning are in a different format than they are stored in physical memory chips.
Why do you need a programmer to flash 97 LT1 PCMs? There is software available to flash them directly thru OBD2

08-18-2015, 09:10 AM
I have a socketed pcm so I can pull them out. And currently just cause it was cheap and supposedly worked good. I got a china made TL 866cs flash chip burner that supports N28F010/N28F512 chips.I did come across a True-USB Willem programmer(GQ-4X) that some have been using with good results. I had contacted a company that deal with chips and the bin files for both sides. So I dont need to program it though the data port of the car, cause with the programmer it will load the needed file to each side. The chip or the programmer shouldnt care what is in the file is whats got me..... Its blank and how would it know if its correct or not. I would think that is up to the pcm. So I'm thinking its the software end of it and I'll try this other one that I found and hopefully it will work, seems like there is more support for it and its from our Northern friends in Canada so if there is a problem I should be able to get help. Had I known about them I would have gone that route but I didnt come across any info for their units or I would have order thiers for simple fact I can read their website and they do have support for thier units.


08-19-2015, 04:46 AM
Anyone know the start and stop adress. I was just going off the software default of start 00000000 and stop of 0000FFFF


08-25-2015, 07:49 PM
If you get errors loading BINs then they are not in the format the programmer needs them. Most tuning software modify the BIN files slightly and the programmer's software will not recognize it.
You need raw BINs.
Can you post the bins giving you trouble? I have chips and programmer to test.

08-25-2015, 10:09 PM
I was wondering about that. I sent them to someone also and it worked for him and was same programmer I believe. However that would explain way I was able to put an old chip that had data file on it and pull it off and was able to burn it to other chips.

08-30-2015, 09:07 AM
Well problem solved... just dont think the programmer I have will read bin files that it doesnt take off the flash chips it self. Had someone burn my files onto a set of chips and I am able to read them and burn them to other chips now since I was able to read the chip and save it. So time to invest into a better flash programmer.

And if anyone needs I have RAW Bin files for 97 LT1 OBD2 28F512/28F010 150 Intel.
