View Full Version : Another option for $0D efan control

01-01-2012, 05:56 AM
Finished up a project I have had on the back burner for most of the year now. I've had been using efan code written by Fierobsessed over at FSC http://www.fullsizechevy.com/forum/general-discussion/performance/tbi-tuning-87-95-obd-i-ecm-pcm/446107-new-electric-fan-code-0d.html, which works great, but wasn't exactly what I needed. So I decided to put together code that would be address all of the requirements I needed for my truck.

What this code does:
1. Operates an engine cooling fan with Fierobsessed's second version of efan code, but has code added to turn the fan on during high TPS operation.
2. Soft starts the engine fan. I wrote this section of code from scratch, my first!
3. Operates a second fan for the transmission cooler with Fierobsessed's first version of efan code, that I removed the AC control code from.

TPS added Fan Code with Soft Start Code and TransmissionFan Code:

Output Pins:
Pin E3 = CPI Tuning Valve(Engine Cooling Fan)
Pin E7 = AIR Control Solenoid (Transmission Cooling Fan)

Ram Variables:
L02A7 = MPH
L00A2 = Coolant Temperature
L00AE = TransmissionTemperature
L004D Bit 0 = A/C Status (1 = A/C Requested On)
L0052 Bit 3 = CPI Tuning Valve Output Control (Engine Fan Output Control)
L0046 Bit 2 = AIR OutputControl (Transmission Fan Output Control)
L0150 = Minimum Fan Run Timer
L0151 = Delay Timer

Engine Fan Calibrations(160 degree thermostat):
L7000 ; AB ;Overheat Temperature for Fan On (190.9 deg F)
L7001 ; 9C ;Temperature for Fan On (170.6 deg F)
L7002 ; 9B ;Temperature for Fan Off (169.3 deg F)
L7003 ; 28 ;MPH for Fan Off (40 MPH)
L7004 ; DB ;TPS for Fan On (85.5% TPS)
L7005 ; 2D ;Minimum Fan Run Time (45 Seconds)

Engine Fan Soft StartCalibration:
L7092 ; 0020 ; Delay Time (32 PCMcycles)

Transmission FanCalibrations:
L7006 ; C8 ;Overheat Temperature for Fan On (200.3 deg F)
L7007 ; AE ;Temperature for Fan On (174.7 deg F)
L7008 ; 9F ;Temperature for Fan Off (159.8 deg F)
L7009 ; 32 ;MPH for Fan Off (50.0)
L700A ; DB ;TPS for Fan On (85.5% TPS)

Engine Fan Algorithms:
L7019 ; CE 70 00 ; LDX #L7000 ;Start of fan calibrations
L701C ; 12 52 08 26 ; BRSET L0052 #$08 L7046 ; If fan is on,
Skip to “Load MFR Timer variable”
L7020 ; 96 A2 ; LDAA L00A2 ;Load coolant temperature
L7022 ; A1 00 ; CMPA 0, X ;Compare to
“Overheat Temperature for Fan On”
L7024 ; 22 18 ; BHI L703E ;Go to "Turn on Fan" if higher
L7026 ; B6 01 FC ; LDAA L01FC ; Load TPS
L7029 ; A1 04 ; CMPA 4, X ; Compare to “TPS for Fan On”
L702B ; 22 11 ; BHI L703E ; Go to “Turn On Fan” if higher
L702D ; 12 4D 01 06 ; BRSET L004D #$01 L7037 ; If A/C is on, go to "Load MPH"
L7031 ; 96 A2 ; LDAA L00A2 ;Load coolant temperature
L7033 ; A1 01 ; CMPA 1, X ;Compare to
“Temperature for Fan On”
L7035 ; 23 37 ; BLS L706E ;Go to “Clear A Register” if Lower
L7037 ; B6 02 A7 ; LDAA L02A7 ;Load MPH
L703A ; A1 03 ; CMPA 3, X ;Compare to “MPH for Fan Off”
L703C ; 22 30 ; BHI L706E ;Go To “Clear A Register” if Higher
L703E ; 14 52 08 ; BSET L0052 #$08 ;Turn on fan
L7041 ; A6 05 ; LDAA 5, X ; Load “Minimum Fan Run Time”
L7043 ; B7 01 50 ; STAA L0150 ;Save “Minimum Fan Run Time”
to L0150
L7046 ; B6 01 50 ; LDAA L0150 ;Load MFR Timer variable
L7049 ; 26 16 ; BNE L7061 ;If timer is not zero go to
"Load MFR Timer variable"
L704B ; 12 4D 01 06 ; BRSET L004D #$01 L7055 ; If A/C is on, go to "Load MPH"
L704F ; 96 A2 ; LDAA L00A2 ;Load coolant temperature
L7051 ; A1 02 ; CMPA 2, X ;Compare to
“Temperature for Fan Off”
L7053 ; 23 09 ; BLS L705E ;Go to "Turn off fan" if lower
L7055 ; B6 02 A7 ; LDAA L02A7 ;Load MPH
L7058 ; A1 03 ; CMPA 3, X ;Compare to “MPH for Fan Off”
L705A ; 22 02 ; BHI L705E ;Go To "Turn off fan" if higher
L705C ; 20 10 ; BRA L706E ;Break Go To “Clear A Register”
L705E ; 15 52 08 ; BCLR L0052 #$08 ;Turn off fan
L7061 ; B6 01 50 ; LDAA L0150 ;Load MFR Timer variable
L7064 ; D6 02 ; LDAB L0002 ;Load Loop Counter
L7066 ; C4 F0 ; ANDB #$F0 ;Mask first 4 bits
L7068 ; 26 04 ; BNE L706E ;Skip to end if no
decrement of timer needed
L706A ; 4A ; DECA ;Decrease MFR Timer by 1
L706B ; B7 01 50 ; STAA L0150 ;Save MFR Timer to L0150
L706E ; 4F ; CLRA ;Clear A Register
L706F ; 5F ; CLRB ;Clear B Register
L7070 ; 39 ; RTS ;Return from subroutine

To Enable Engine Fan Subroutine:
L400E Bit 3 Variable Manifold Tuning Control = 0 (Not used)
L400F Bit 0 Governor Option = 0
L400F Bit 2 A/C ClutchControl/Variable Manifold Tuning Control = 0
Change hex editor values starting at 7C6E, from BD D3 99 to BD 70 19.
L7C6E ; BD D3 99 ; JSR LD399 ; Jump to CPI subroutine
L7C6E ; BD 70 19 ; JSR L7019 ; Jump to engine fan subroutine

Engine Fan Soft Start Algorithms:
L7071 ; 12 52 08 08 ; BRSET L0052 #$08 L707D ; Branch to turn on fan
L7075 ; CE 70 00 ; LDX #$7000 ; Load 0% Duty Cycle
L7078 ; FF 3F D4 ; STX L3FD4 ; Save to output fan off
L707B ; 20 44 ; BRA L70C1 ; Branch to return
L707D ; FC 3F D4 ; LDD L3FD4 ; Load fan output
L7080 ; 1A 83 77 FF ; CPD #$77FF ;Compare to 50% variable
L7084 ; 23 02 ; BLS L7088 ;Branch if equal or lower
L7086 ; 22 14 ; BHI L709C ;Branch if higher
L7088 ; CE 77 FF ; LDX #$77FF ; Load 50% Duty Cycle
L708B ; FF 3F D4 ; STX L3FD4 ; Save to output fan on at 50%
L708E ; FE 01 51 ; LDX L0151 ; Load delay timer
L7091 ; 8C 00 20 ; CPX #$0020 ; Compare to delay variable
L7094 ; 24 11 ; BHS L70A7 ; Branch if equal or higher
L7096 ; 08 ; INX ; Increase delay timerby 1
L7097 ; FF 01 51 ; STX L0151 ; Save new time
L709A ; 20 25 ; BRA L70C1 ; Branch to return
L709C ; FC 3F D4 ; LDD L3FD4 ; Load fan output
L709F ; 1A 83 7B FF ; CPD #$7BFF ;Compare to 50% variable
L70A3 ; 23 02 ; BLS L70A7 ; Branch if equal or lower
L70A5 ; 22 14 ; BHI L70BB ;Branch if higher
L70A7 ; CE 7B FF ; LDX #$7BFF ; Load 75% Duty Cycle
L70AA ; FF 3F D4 ; STX L3FD4 ; Save to output fan on at 75%
L70AD ; FE 01 51 ; LDX L0151 ; Load delay timer
L70B0 ; 8C 00 00 ; CPX #$0000 ; Compare to delay variable
L70B3 ; 23 06 ; BLS L70BB ; Branch if equal or lower
L70B5 ; 09 ; DEX ; Decrease delay timer by1
L70B6 ; FF 01 51 ; STX L0151 ; Save new time
L70B9 ; 20 06 ; BRA L70C1 ; Branch to return
L70BB ; CE 7F FF ; LDX #$7FFF ; Load 100% DC
L70BE ; FF 3F D4 ; STX L3FD4 ; Save to output fan on at 100%
L70C1 ; 7E CBDC ; JMP LCBDC ; Return to subroutine

To Enable Engine Fan SoftStart Subroutine:
Change hex editor valuesstarting at CBB2, from CE 7F FF to 7E 70 71.
LCBB2 ; CE 7F FF ; LDX L7FFF ; Preload full DC for output
LCBB2 ; 7E 70 71 ; JMP L7071 ; Jump to soft start routine

Transmission FanAlgorithms:
L70C4 ; CE 70 06 ; LDX #L7006 ; Start of fan calibrations
L70C7 ; 96 AE ; LDAA L00AE ; Load transmissiontemperature
L70C9 ; A1 00 ; CMPA 0, X ; Compare to
“Overheat Temperature for Fan On”
L70CB ; 22 1E ; BHI L70EB ; Go to turn on fan if higher
L70CD ; B6 01 FC ; LDAA L01FC ; Load TPS
L70D0 ; A1 04 ; CMPA 4, X ; Compare to “TPS for Fan On”
L70D2 ; 22 17 ; BHI L70EB ; Go to turn on fan if higher
L70D4 ; B6 02 A7 ; LDAA L02A7 ; Load MPH
L70D7 ; A1 03 ; CMPA 3, X ;Compare to “MPH for Fan Off”
L70D9 ; 22 15 ; BHI L70F0 ; Go to turn off fan if higher
L70DB ; 96 AE ; LDAA L00AE ; Load transmissiontemperature
L70DD ; 12 46 04 04 ; BRSET L0046 #$04 L70E5 ; If fan on, check if transmission
is cool enough to disable
L70E1 ; A1 01 ; CMPA 1, X ; Compare to
“Temperature for Fan On”
L70E3 ; 22 06 ; BHI L70EB ; Go to turn on fan if higher
L70E5 ; A1 02 ; CMPA 2, X ; Compare to
“Temperature for Fan Off”
L70E7 ; 23 07 ; BLS L70F0 ; Go to turn off fan if
lower or the same as
L70E9 ; 20 08 ; BRA L70F3 ; Branch to return
L70EB ; 14 46 04 ; BSET L0046 #$04 ; Turn on fan
L70EE ; 20 03 ; BRA L70F3 ; Branch to return
L70F0 ; 15 46 04 ; BCLR L0046 #$04 ; Turn fan off
L70F3 ; 7E CB 3A ; JMP LCB3A ; Return to output handling routine

To Enable TransmissionFan Routine:
L400B Bit 1 AIR Management= 1
Change hex editor values starting at CAFE, from 96 06 B1 to 7E 70 C4.
LCAFE ; 96 06 ; LDAA L0006 ; Cool temp, linear
; B1 4E 82 ; CMPA L4E82 ; Min temp for AIR
LCAFE ; 7E 70 C4 ; JMP L70C4 ; Jump to transmission fan routine

Hex Editor Values:
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F
7000: AB 9C 9B 28 DB 2D C8 AE 9F 32 DB 00 00 00 00 00
7010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 CE 70 00 12 52 08 26
7020: 96 A2 A1 00 22 18 B6 01 FC A1 04 22 11 12 4D 01
7030: 06 96 A2 A1 01 23 37 B6 02 A7 A1 03 22 30 14 52
7040: 08 A6 05 B7 01 50 B6 01 50 26 16 12 4D 01 06 96
7050: A2 A1 02 23 09 B6 02 A7 A1 03 22 02 20 10 15 52
7060: 08 B6 01 50 D6 02 C4 F0 26 04 4A B7 01 50 4F 5F
7070: 39 12 52 08 08 CE 70 00 FF 3F D4 20 44 FC 3F D4
7080: 1A 83 77 FF 23 02 22 14 CE 77 FF FF 3F D4 FE 01
7090: 51 8C 00 20 24 11 08 FF 01 51 20 25 FC 3F D4 1A
70A0: 83 7B FF 23 02 22 14 CE 7B FF FF 3F D4 FE 01 51
70B0: 8C 00 00 23 06 09 FF 01 51 20 06 CE 7F FF FF 3F
70C0: D4 7E CB DC CE 70 06 96 AE A1 00 22 1E B6 01 FC
70D0: A1 04 22 17 B6 02 A7 A1 03 22 15 96 AE 12 46 04
70E0: 04 A1 01 22 06 A1 02 23 07 20 08 14 46 04 20 03
70F0: 15 46 04 7E CB 3A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

7C60: BD 70
7C70: 19

CAF0: 7E 70
CB00: C4

CBB0: 7E 70 71

Duty Cycle %; $7000 = 0%,$73FF = 25%, 77FF = 50%, 7BFF = 75%, 7FFF = 100%.

Signed values used with Relative Addressing; 0 = $00, +127 = $7F, -128 = $80, -01 = $FF.

Lincoln Mark VIII fan, 3wires, Black ground, Black + engine operation, Blue + A/C operation; fan is PWM. On some replacement motors Black + is not used.

The soft start code is PWM,solid state relays must be used for the engine fan if using the soft start code. Use Hella P/N HL87251 / H41773001 / 5DF 007 867 00
Available from many places, all use different P/N. Search for Hella solid state relay.

Amperage rating for this relay is 22 amps, according to Hella’s web site. Some sellers are advertising higher amperage.

Use multiple relays, wired in parallel, to match your fan’s maximum amperage + 15%. My fan pulls 35 amps, so I used two relays for a total of 44 amps. (35 amps + 15% = 40.25 amps)

This relay will fit in a standard socket, and the pins are numbered the same as a standard relay, but the wiring is different.
30 = Battery+ (High Amperage)
87 = Load (Fan)
85 = Ground (HighAmperage)
86 = Switched Ground (PCM)

01-01-2012, 06:08 AM
Very nice project! Thanks for sharing it with us! :thumbsup:

01-01-2012, 06:16 AM
Cool, I'll have to look at this more closely when I'm on my PC and not my phone.

I like the idea of a seperate fan for tranny cooler.

01-02-2012, 03:26 AM
Here is a zip file with a easer to read word document and a fan control xdf.

01-02-2012, 04:03 AM
Thank you 93V8S10! :thumbsup:

Just for future reference this is a link to the other fan control. there is a link there back here as well!

01-05-2012, 05:19 PM
Just curious, why the forced fan with TPS? Is it to head off a problem?

01-06-2012, 03:09 AM
Two reasons, first I see it as another safety measure to guard against overheating, though it's very unlikely that it would ever come into play. Second reason is for bracket racing. I had first tried code that forced the fan off at high TPS, but that lead to a lot of temperature variation between runs. My truck is very sensitive to temperature variation, with times varying + or - .030 seconds with just 10* of temperature change. By having the fan stay on during runs, I was able to achieve much more consistency between runs. This was also coupled with closely monitoring temperature and trying to always start the run at the same temperature. You will also notice that I have the Fan On and Off temps set very tight, this was for the same goal.

01-09-2012, 02:44 AM
Interesting. Thanks.

And nice job on the coding.

01-09-2012, 03:05 AM

02-06-2012, 06:08 AM
Is this mod possible on the 16168625 in my 93. I plan to add e-fan and water pump as soon as i get the tune done in my suburban

02-06-2012, 08:13 AM
Yes with the 8625, but may need tweaking to work with $E6.

02-07-2012, 12:57 AM
So do I just load the $OD mask into my 8625, then do the code changes. Sorry I'm a newb.

02-07-2012, 01:44 AM
Yup. Basically same PCM $OD, $OE, $E6, $31. I don't know how versitle each is but like 16197427 is usually $OD for 4L60E but I just found one with $31 and manual trans, I have one already run on my test bench with a $OE which is usually 4l80E trans. But becuase it was the only manual trans bin I could find at the time I used it. So at least the 16197427 seems to run all mask bin files. Not sure if the others are as versitle?

02-07-2012, 01:48 AM
Yup just need to make sure the temps are located in the same addresses, and make sure the ouput channel is connected to the right pin.

02-07-2012, 04:58 AM
When the suburban is up and running without issues then i will give this a try in my 93 truck with the 8625.

02-07-2012, 05:56 AM
Yup. Basically same PCM $OD, $OE, $E6, $31. I don't know how versitle each is but like 16197427 is usually $OD for 4L60E but I just found one with $31 and manual trans, I have one already run on my test bench with a $OE which is usually 4l80E trans. But becuase it was the only manual trans bin I could find at the time I used it. So at least the 16197427 seems to run all mask bin files. Not sure if the others are as versitle?
As far as I know there for the most part completely interchangeable, but I did run across one conversation that some don't have all of the internal hardware for the 4L80E. It never became clear which ones though, sounded like it took a EE with a microscope to find out.

02-07-2012, 06:05 AM
When the suburban is up and running without issues then i will give this a try in my 93 truck with the 8625.
When you get ready, just let us know. The code can be adapted for $E6 or if you switch to $0D then you can use it as is.

Also, you can use the engine fan part by its self with a normal relay, if you don't need the soft start and transmission fan.

02-07-2012, 06:32 AM

02-07-2012, 05:18 PM
I'd like to join in on this too i have two trucks with 8625 running $e6 that have E-fans, and don't want to try to copy all my settings over to $0D in fear of jacking something up.

02-07-2012, 07:44 PM
How many things did you change? :yikes: Wouldn't be that hard, just back up the bin. Take some time in TunerPro. Open 2 instances of TP, old bin new bin and cut and paste from old bin to new bin... you could do every option in an hour.

My theory, by looking at years is $OD was the last one made, 93V8S10 confirmed it with:

As far as I know there for the most part completely interchangeable, but I did run across one conversation that some don't have all of the internal hardware for the 4L80E. It never became clear which ones though, sounded like it took a EE with a microscope to find out. they probably found one PCM that GM tried to save a buck on for manual trans? Or just a 4L60E? On an early PCM and code mask? In the end they made one PCM to cover all trans and masks saved money. If it weren't for OBDII they may have gotten better and better?

Back to my theory of looking at masks $OD seemed to be the last one in this string of PCMs so it's a progresion to better and better, all options built in last one. Since we have found 16197427 which is also by looking at years last one, came mostly with $OD, but has been found with other bins and masks in it and has been changed to other masks. So last one GM made would be the best.

I'm only using $OE on $OD 16197427 PCM becuase a manual bin to strat with has only been found in $OE, I would much rather start with a $OD manual bin. To many changes in bins from manual to auto to start otherwise... wish I could find a manual $OD bin, always been my first choice.

02-08-2012, 07:05 PM
How many things did you change? :yikes: Wouldn't be that hard, just back up the bin. Take some time in TunerPro. Open 2 instances of TP, old bin new bin and cut and paste from old bin to new bin... you could do every option in an hour.

My theory, by looking at years is $OD was the last one made, 93V8S10 confirmed it with:
they probably found one PCM that GM tried to save a buck on for manual trans? Or just a 4L60E? On an early PCM and code mask? In the end they made one PCM to cover all trans and masks saved money. If it weren't for OBDII they may have gotten better and better?

Back to my theory of looking at masks $OD seemed to be the last one in this string of PCMs so it's a progresion to better and better, all options built in last one. Since we have found 16197427 which is also by looking at years last one, came mostly with $OD, but has been found with other bins and masks in it and has been changed to other masks. So last one GM made would be the best.

I'm only using $OE on $OD 16197427 PCM becuase a manual bin to strat with has only been found in $OE, I would much rather start with a $OD manual bin. To many changes in bins from manual to auto to start otherwise... wish I could find a manual $OD bin, always been my first choice.

It's not that I made a bunch of changes. I always assumed you had to copy everything whether you changed it or not. i'll give it a shot if it dosent work I can always load a $e6 back to it. I also scowerd the internet when I first started this for reasons the $0D was better than the $E6 but couldn't find any good explinations on what is so better about it.

02-08-2012, 07:49 PM
Actually if you start with like bin it would be just the changes you made to like VE. Look in TunerPro forum for tips... When I tune a car I copy the bin, xdf and adx in a file for that car. Then when I make a change in xdf I right click XDF and change parameter name, I add a "+") so I can look back and know what was changed, I add a "-" when it was removed. Those files stay in that folder for car and I always know what was changed and have starting bin, modified bin and data logs.

I don't know that it is actually better, just the last update to a series. Most documented tuning code is done on $OD, but others are so similar it can be used with them with slight address changes needed. $OD is most popular? Thinking of the trucks it came in most produced is probably why most popular and why most code hacs and tricks are designed in it.

02-09-2012, 02:56 AM
Also, $0D has working PWM converter lock-up. $E6 has the code, but don't know if its functional. Not a big deal unless you install a newer trans.

02-10-2012, 05:16 PM
If I switch to $0D will the PWM converter lockup be a problem since I have the older transmission with the non PWM solenoid, or is there a setting I can change for it?

02-11-2012, 12:18 AM
never mind I see how to disable it. I'm looking at a bin from 94 and there are still subtle differences between the two. the line pressures for the 4l60e are alot higher in the 2 bins I've looked at so far. should I use the line pressures from my bin or the ones from 94, or does it really matter? my trans has been rebuilt and my transmission guy said we increased the line pressure mechanically so there should be no need to mess with it in the tune. if all goes well I might be able to start wiring the fans in this weekend and see how this goes.

02-11-2012, 04:48 AM
I say if you like what you have now then use that line pressure, but don't mix and match the different trans setting, I tried that once and it didn't work so well. If you can, try to find a $0D bin thats close to yours.

02-11-2012, 06:31 AM
I agree and have done the same thing. Ended up with a hot tranny cuase at highway cruise speed it was shifting back and forth from 3 to 4th gear and didn;t even feel it.

One good option is to 0 all shift times. Firms up shifts and drop tranny temps.

02-11-2012, 06:23 PM
thats what I kind of figured. the bin I found had very little difference from mine, I've copied or verified all the settings from my current bin to it. IDK how well changing the shift times will work for my transmission since its been modified to shift hard as it is. even going into 4th will give the truck a jolt on the hwy. now I need to find some solid state relays.

02-11-2012, 10:08 PM
If it's already modified I would leave them alone, you have nice firm shift points already.

My Buick Roadmaster Wagon has an LT1 and 4l60E and I took a Cadillac RPO option V4P bin which was towing option. Had many changes, I tried to do ones I thought important and ended up with the 3-4-3-4-3-4-3-4 constant shifting on highway and noticed trans temp rising so headed home and even got a trans temp error code, trans temp dropped when in town. So I used the entire bin and made my engine tune changes. What a difference in driving felt more performance or at least like a truck. Will spin tire when shifts to second on wet road.

Then looked at Camaro or Transam that had a switch/button to push for performance shifting. Noticed my bin had that option but switch not wired into car. That table was all 0s, so I changed my regular trans shift times to all 0s. Nice firm shift points. Stock it was like one long slush gear and had no feeling whatsoever. Just what a Buick Roadmaster was designed for... yuk! Tranny temps dropped by 10 to 20 degrees, 20 in town and 10 on highway.

02-12-2012, 06:23 AM
now would this code be able to run this relay set up for a set of dual fans in a camaro from a 427 ecm. i understand that the power wires would need to be either ground or hot which is no problem. if i remember correctly it turns both fans on low for the first stage of temp. then on high if needed. i dont have a/c.


02-12-2012, 08:03 AM
I was thinking your an alright kinda guy with Dale Earnhardt for an avatar. But now with a diagram like that, I'm sure your going to be a great help around here! :thumbsup:

02-12-2012, 08:55 PM
ok looked up those solid state relays $40+ not quite in the budget right now. :sad: guess this will have to wait and I'll concentrate on finishing the tune.

02-13-2012, 12:12 AM
now would this code be able to run this relay set up for a set of dual fans in a camaro from a 427 ecm. i understand that the power wires would need to be either ground or hot which is no problem. if i remember correctly it turns both fans on low for the first stage of temp. then on high if needed. i dont have a/c.
No it won't work since the the second output is set-up for a transmission cooler fan. If you change the RAM over to coolant temp, then it would work for two fans without A/C. Also, you can't use the "Soft Start" section with those relays and wiring.

I am working on a expanded version of the above code that will be more versatile, that the user could configure to cover a lot of different set-ups.

02-13-2012, 12:20 AM
ok looked up those solid state relays $40+ not quite in the budget right now. :sad: guess this will have to wait and I'll concentrate on finishing the tune.
Try these:

02-13-2012, 12:56 AM
I may be missing the obvious here but why wouldn't a regular/cheap/stock relay work?

02-13-2012, 01:15 AM
The soft start code is PWM (Pulse-width modulation), it switches off and on rapidly to create a less than 100% output. This creates a fire storm inside a normal relay, leading to a very short life.

The rest of the fan code can be used independently of the soft start, with normal relays

02-13-2012, 02:39 AM
i didnt think that the soft start would work. the way the relays are wired they come on at about a 50% spin at the first temp set in the ecm and on high only if that is needed.

02-13-2012, 04:24 PM
Try these:

I think I'll order a few of these when I get my taxes back and wait for you to finish expanded code, since I don't need the trans fan for this truck. I will definatly be using it on my other truck when I get to it. I'm starting to get too many irons in the fire...

BTW thanks for all the work you have done to support this community/hobby/addiction. I didn't realize until recently you wrote all the ADX files I pulled from tunerpro.net.

02-14-2012, 03:13 AM

02-24-2012, 06:01 AM
Got the expanded fan code done for $E6 and $0D, $0E/$31 to come later. This should be able to run a wide variety of set-ups. I have tested the $0D for basic function, I'll leave the final testing up to you guys. Let me know if you find any problem and if you like/hate it. If you'll like it, then it may find it's way into the Advance v275.xdf.


02-24-2012, 07:15 AM
If I can figure this out without blowing something up I'll try to implement this weekend and see how it goes.

02-25-2012, 08:15 AM
Ok working on getting this setup in my bin and I have a few questions.
I have a dual speed fan
1. if fan A is active will fan B be set to inactive or do I have to wire the relays so both the high and low relay's won't be energized at the same time?
2. tps for fan on. is this the tps % if I want the fan to come on reguardless how fast I am going? will this override MPH for fan off?
3. if I don't want to use MPH for fan off will leaving it at 0 disable it or do I need to set it at some really high number same with TPS?

02-25-2012, 02:40 PM
As a source for solid state, dual fan relays of automotive grade may I suggest 2003-ish and up Dodge Caravans? In the stock application one relay is used to control two fans independently. There are a couple of versions but both are fairly small and would easily mount in a 3" by 5" space. They are usually found on the LF frame rail, LH inner fender, LH side of bumper, or under the LH headlight. Be sure to mount them to a nice solid heat sink as they will get hot and will die if not cooled. Dorman 902310 (pictured with the connector) is typical of the version mounted on the bumper while Standard DR1088 is physically smaller and can be found on frame rail, inner fender, or under headlight. The 902310 is slightly more reliable but will require plenty of airflow for cooling. DR1088 should be mounted to a good, solid metal base which won't get too hot.

02-25-2012, 03:34 PM
Nice call 1project2many. I found this while looking up info on the caravan relay. "1996 to 2000 is on the frame rail under the air filter box.2001 to 2007 is in the front bumper on the passenger side.". $60 for the 902310 and $58 for the other I'll be looking in a JY for these.

02-25-2012, 04:40 PM
I only see 4 wires, on that plug there are two big and two small. How does that controll two fans? I would think the two small ones turn it on, and the two bing ones for the power (just like a normal relay)
Or is there a seperate one for each fan?

02-25-2012, 07:45 PM
I only see 4 wires, on that plug there are two big and two small. How does that controll two fans? I would think the two small ones turn it on, and the two bing ones for the power (just like a normal relay)
Or is there a seperate one for each fan?

I apologize. We have 25-30 Chrysler vans in our fleet. I just checked wiring diagrams and these modules are wired to two fans in parallel so one relay controls both fans together. The reason it seemed like they control fans independently is because some vans have an additional control circuit for one fan based on A/C input.

The pictures I posted are from a site that had prices ranging from $30 to $50. Name starts with rockaut.

02-25-2012, 09:39 PM
1. if fan A is active will fan B be set to inactive or do I have to wire the relays so both the high and low relay's won't be energized at the same time?
That's a good point that I didn't think about while putting this together. Both Fan A and Fan B will be on separate relays and both can operate at the same time. So will this hurt a two speed fan? I don't think it will, but at the moment I'm not sure. (EDIT: Looking at this further, looks like for a two speed fan you will need wiring that prevents both speeds from operating at once. I'll try to come up with a schematic.)

2. tps for fan on. is this the tps % if I want the fan to come on reguardless how fast I am going? will this override MPH for fan off?
Yes, this will override everything else except "Overheat Temperature for Fan On".

3. if I don't want to use MPH for fan off will leaving it at 0 disable it or do I need to set it at some really high number same with TPS?
If you don't need the MPH for fan off then set it to the maximum. The "TPS for Fan On" can not be disabled, but if you set it to 100% it will operate the least.


I don't know about the first relay (902310.jpg), but I have tried the second one (dr1088.jpg) and it will not work with this code. I don't remember off hand exactly why, but had to do something with a timed circuit, which may be for the A/C.

02-25-2012, 10:36 PM
I guess it depends on the vehicle but I can't see a reason for needing fan on at say 50 MPH? Unless the other fan is for a tranny cooler not mounted in front of radiator?

Some Dodge diesel trucks had a trans cooler under bed of truck with fan, cool find in JY. I can't see keeping and auto tranny to cool? Charts all seem to indacate cooler eqauls longer life, what would be a minimum for tranny temps in like alaska temps? There must be a point where warming would be advantage but it's usually heat that kills them...

02-25-2012, 10:46 PM
I can't find a schmatic that will work with the soft start, so I'll have to make one.

02-25-2012, 11:28 PM
I guess it depends on the vehicle but I can't see a reason for needing fan on at say 50 MPH?

when I race at the local mud bogs its not uncommon for me to see wheel speed of 70+ mph with a ground speed of 1 mph. tps % on will really come in handy for this though. I have a schematic for regular relays to power a two speed fan so both don't get power the same time. just have to find it.

02-25-2012, 11:37 PM
here is a link to the schematic i am going to modify to work with my setup. Let me know if this looks good. I'll post up a schematic of the finished wiring.


02-26-2012, 12:11 AM
Are you going to be using soft start?

If your not using soft start then that will work if you connect pin 86 of relay 1 to pin E3(Fan A) and pin 86 of relay 2 to pin E7(Fan B). Then connect pin 85 (both relays) to switched +. If you want override switches connect one side of the switch to pin 86 and the other to ground.

If your using soft start then it won't work because the Hella relays don't have pin 87A. You can try wiring it like the attachment below.
This isn't a perfect solution, the switching relay should be solid state, but may be OK since it's very low amperage.

02-26-2012, 12:12 AM
For those wanting to use duel fans with one fan on, for low and both fans on, for high. Then try the schematic in Post # 30. Thanks one92rs!

Use the right cooling fan as the low speed, controlled with Fan B.
Use the left cooling fan as the high speed, controlled with Fan A.
If using the soft start option with high speed then you will need a solid state relay for the Cool Fan 1 Relay position.

02-26-2012, 01:39 AM
I have been meaning to ask this for a while, I have an electric water pump on my Camaro, and due to the routing of the cooling system it takes forever to heat up because the water pump's flowrate. I would like to get the pump to run at say 25% at start up and stay at that speed, then from 150* to 190* ramp up to 100% as the temp rises.

I had previously thought about using a brushed motor speed control (ESC) like those used in RC cars, to handle the load side of the equation, and using a simple circuit to change the temp sensor output to a compatible PWM signal to control the ESC. But if this PWM control is cabable of controlling the pump through a solid state relay, that would be great. I was thinking of making a table of temp values and the associated PW or duty cycle that the ECM would command.

How hard would this be implement? I have been looking over your code, and parts are starting to make sense, but I still don't think I could handle it myself.

02-26-2012, 02:10 AM
I have been meaning to ask this for a while, I have an electric water pump on my Camaro, and due to the routing of the cooling system it takes forever to heat up because the water pump's flowrate. I would like to get the pump to run at say 25% at start up and stay at that speed, then from 150* to 190* ramp up to 100% as the temp rises.

I had previously thought about using a brushed motor speed control (ESC) like those used in RC cars, to handle the load side of the equation, and using a simple circuit to change the temp sensor output to a compatible PWM signal to control the ESC. But if this PWM control is cabable of controlling the pump through a solid state relay, that would be great. I was thinking of making a table of temp values and the associated PW or duty cycle that the ECM would command.

How hard would this be implement? I have been looking over your code, and parts are starting to make sense, but I still don't think I could handle it myself.I've never done an electric waterpump, but why would it take longer to warm up if thermastat was closed?

02-26-2012, 02:17 AM
That could be done, but not with this code, it only operates in PWM for a second or so. I'm not sure how hard it would be, but I don't think it would be real bad. The soft start section of this code is the first code that I've written from scratch, before that all I had done was minor tweaks. Its hard to say how long it took me to get a handle on the basics of doing coding, but I would guess at about 6 mounts of spare time, just reading and trying different things. How quick for you would depend upon your available time.

02-26-2012, 02:52 AM
ok got wires added to the ecu loaded the code for fan A and B. did not do the soft start. Using a volt meter I am monitoring for ground on E3 and e7. I am showing a ground for fan A. no ground on fan b. engine is not up to temp and no thresholds have been reached that should have activated fan A. this is what I have set

Fan A calibration
Overheat temp for fan on 209.8
Temp for fan on 194.9
Temp for fan off 185.5
MPH for fan off 60
TPS for fan on 14.8
minium fan run time 30 sec
use fan a with a/c set
fan b calibration
Overheat temp for fan on 215
Temp for fan on 185.5
Temp for fan off 177.4
MPH for fan off 55
TPS for fan on 99
minium fan run time 20 sec
use fan a with a/c not set

If i leave Overheat temp for fan on for fan B at -40 it will show ground on that pin. I'm going to keep messing with the settings to see if I can get fan A to work.

02-26-2012, 03:16 AM
A easy way to see whats going on, is to wire up a small light to each pin.

Be sure to look over all of the set-up stuff too, may be a mistake there.
Are you using $0D or $E6?

02-26-2012, 03:35 AM
Im running 0d. to test I have my volt meter connected to b+ and the ground connected to the ecu output. it appears that fan be is working properly. I double checked the install tables and the enable fields. no matter what I do I keep getting ground for fan A. attached is my bin i'm working from.

02-26-2012, 04:36 AM
I've never done an electric waterpump, but why would it take longer to warm up if thermastat was closed?

Because the coolant flows through engine, out the back of the manifold, through the heater core, through the radiator, and finally back to pump, until the thermostat opens. <50* outside and it takes forever to warm up while driving, due to the airflow through radiator, even without the fan on. I have contemplated moving the return from the heater core to the bottom of the radiator so the water returning spends less time in there but that requires rewelding fittings and making a new heater hose.:mad1:

02-26-2012, 04:43 AM
Everything looks to be in order with the bin. I'll try and test it tomorrow.

02-26-2012, 04:48 AM
What about using a "T" in the lower radiator hose? Thats how my S10 is.

02-26-2012, 05:12 AM
What about using a "T" in the lower radiator hose? Thats how my S10 is.

I have though about that too...... but I know that the water coming out of the back of the engine is hotter than that coming through the thermostat and I want that coolant to go though the radiator before it goes back into the engine.

02-26-2012, 05:29 AM
Because the coolant flows through engine, out the back of the manifold, through the heater core and finally back to pumpFixed it for ya!

02-26-2012, 05:50 AM
HAHAHA. yup it runs better already.:thumbsup:

02-26-2012, 06:25 AM
i cant wait till this is completed and working.

02-26-2012, 06:41 AM
HAHAHA. yup it runs better already.:thumbsup:I was serious... why is it going from heater core to radiator then pump?

02-26-2012, 06:46 AM
So that the HOT coolant gets cooled off before returning to engine? Important during summer, but something to overcome in spring and fall. I have seen GM OEM setups that are the same way, but I think some have a bypass valve in there somewhere.
http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41S+wnqG0cL._SL250_.jpg (http://javascript<strong></strong>:;)


02-26-2012, 08:03 AM

this is the one that is on my 92 camaro. same but without the electronics. on mine the top two fittings flow when vacuum is applied bypassing the heater core.goes from the rear engine port to 5/8 top port. then from 3/4 top port to the tube leading to the radiator and ties in with the 3/4 fitting on the heater core. and the 5/8 heater core fitting to the bottom. when the engine is running no heater there is vacuum letting the top two run. turn on heater and vacuum goes allowing the 2 5/8 move thru allowing heater core movement.

02-26-2012, 08:13 AM
That may do the trick, but the way it is now... no wonder it takes so long to warm up... probably takes forever to get good heat too? I'll look at my Suburban tomorrow and see how it's plumbed. I don't remember a heater line going to radiator but been a long time since I did any cooling system work on it. Big four core radiator, oil cooler, trans cooler from factory. Will idle with AC on in parking lot at 90f and never hit 200 before clutch fan kicks in...

02-26-2012, 08:58 AM
Well, I was looking at this code and wondering about something. Since I don't need a fan for a transmission cooler fan, I could use that output for my fuel pump project. What I a curious about is using the Soft Start Idea to use a single speed fan and control it at different speeds.

02-26-2012, 04:05 PM
One thing to keep in mind is that the bypass valves were used to improve A/C function by stopping flow to the heater core when the A/C is set to max and had nothing to do with warming-up. You could use one in your situation to stop the flow through the radiator while cold. You would have to rig something up to control the vacuum.

Well, I was looking at this code and wondering about something. Since I don't need a fan for a transmission cooler fan, I could use that output for my fuel pump project. What I a curious about is using the Soft Start Idea to use a single speed fan and control it at different speeds.

That could be done, would need to write some code that uses a look-up table (temp vs DC) instead of a timer. Also, could use some status bits (A/C, etc.) to select different DC's for different conditions.

02-26-2012, 04:26 PM
what thermostat are you running. my bypass valve is always activated unless you tun on the heater. your suburban may not have this hose going to the radiator. it was more likely a room issue in my gracious engine compartment,lol.

02-26-2012, 05:04 PM
I got my truck to run on your bin, and I couln't find anything wrong with Fan A. Try hooking a light or something else up to pin E3.

02-26-2012, 06:20 PM
I'll try again this afternoon. I'm connecting the positive lead from my volt meter to the cigarete outlet is there somewhere else I should be connecting?

02-26-2012, 06:49 PM
I'll try again this afternoon. I'm connecting the positive lead from my volt meter to the cigarete outlet is there somewhere else I should be connecting?The cigarette/cigar/power outlet is an iffy place for a power source since the positive lead is center of bottom of socket and barrel is ground. Maybe find a dedicated source from fuse box...

02-26-2012, 07:01 PM
If you have the relays wired-up then just connect them. Double check to see if your on the correct pin.

02-26-2012, 08:13 PM
would it matter that i am running a 16168625 that was previously running $e6?

02-26-2012, 09:02 PM
Not that I know of, but if need be, I can swap mine out for a 8625 and load your bin. Not gonna happen today though, it would be several days before I had time.

02-26-2012, 09:17 PM
Not that I know of, but if need be, I can swap mine out for a 8625 and load your bin. Not gonna happen today though, it would be several days before I had time.

I'm fixing to go out and wire in a couple lights the ecu and do some more testing. It was getting too cold last night to do the wiring.

02-26-2012, 10:55 PM
looks like my volt meter must not had enough resistance or something. it appears to be working with the relay hooked up.

02-27-2012, 01:08 AM

02-27-2012, 01:43 AM
now that is what i want to hear. glad you have it working. let us know the progress as i want to use the schematic i posted and have the ecm run the fans, engine, and the 60e.

02-27-2012, 02:58 AM
now that is what i want to hear. glad you have it working. let us know the progress as i want to use the schematic i posted and have the ecm run the fans, engine, and the 60e.
With yours C1 will go to E3 (Fan A), this will be high speed with both fans running. Connect C2 to E7 (Fan B), this will be low speed with just the right fan running.

If you want to use the soft start for high speed, then replace the Cool Fan 1 Relay with the Hella solid state relay. The relay connections will be like this:
wire B1 to pin 86
wire C3 don't use
connect pin 85 to ground
wire B3 to pin 30
wire C1 to pin 87

02-27-2012, 03:25 AM
With yours C1 will go to E3 (Fan A), this will be high speed with both fans running. Connect C2 to E7 (Fan B), this will be low speed with just the right fan running.

If you want to use the soft start for high speed, then replace the Cool Fan 1 Relay with the Hella solid state relay. The relay connections will be like this:
wire B1 to pin 86
wire C3 don't use
connect pin 85 to ground
wire B3 to pin 30
wire C1 to pin 87

you are the man. i have this saved to my camaro info folder. man i love this sight. but one question. in the diagram i posted when the first relay (or temp threshold is reached the fans come on low) the first relay hits the power on both fans but there is a croosover wire that causes them to run on about 50%, then when both relays ( second temp threshold is reached) both fans come on high. so will these grounds from the ecm come on consecutively, or is it one or the other.

02-27-2012, 04:22 AM
93V8S10 you are the man! this works great! I've attached how I wired everything up.

02-27-2012, 04:32 AM
you are the man. i have this saved to my camaro info folder. man i love this sight. but one question. in the diagram i posted when the first relay (or temp threshold is reached the fans come on low) the first relay hits the power on both fans but there is a croosover wire that causes them to run on about 50%, then when both relays ( second temp threshold is reached) both fans come on high. so will these grounds from the ecm come on consecutively, or is it one or the other.
They will come on consecutively, but you need to keep in mind that this code may not work the same as the original code. You will need to play around with is some if you want to try and match the original operation. You may be able to achieve something similar with creative use of the different parameters. Your options are all open, with one exception, if you want to use the soft start then you have to use the solid state relay in the Cool Fan 1 Relay position, controlled with Fan A.

02-27-2012, 04:36 AM

Thanks! I'm glad you got it working!

I'm gonna steal your's and one92rs's schematics!

02-27-2012, 02:48 PM
Because the coolant flows through engine, out the back of the manifold, through the heater core (http://shop.ebay.com/i.html?_nkw=heater+core), through the radiator (http://shop.ebay.com/?_from=R40&_trksid=p5197.m570.l1313&_nkw=radiator), and finally back to pump, until the thermostat opens.
This return provides the fastest warmup. Returning to radiator pulls even colder water into block. I have buses with oversized dual heaters so I have dealt with slow and poor warmup for years. OEM solution for mid '80s and '90s engines with aluminum wet flow intakes was to put heater connection in rear of manifold and ensure restrictors in intake gaskets covered rear coolant ports (coolant had to run from front of intake to rear before exiting) and to use heater outlet fitting with restrictor. I've brazed 3/8" washers to heater outlet fittings in the past to reduce coolant flow out of block. But if your intake gaskets are allowing coolant to enter manifold from rear of heads you'll never see proper warming.

03-06-2012, 11:53 PM
Got the expanded fan code done for $E6 and $0D, $0E/$31 to come later. This should be able to run a wide variety of set-ups. I have tested the $0D for basic function, I'll leave the final testing up to you guys. Let me know if you find any problem and if you like/hate it. If you'll like it, then it may find it's way into the Advance v275.xdf.


O.K , I give up , I typed all of the HEX included in the code above into the Hex editor in T/P for my .bin . How do I get the functions included in the fan control XDF that 93V8S10 provided to show up in my bin on the T/P parameter tree ?

Am I just missing something ?



03-07-2012, 12:23 AM
O.K , I give up , I typed all of the HEX included in the code above into the Hex editor in T/P for my .bin . How do I get the functions included in the fan control XDF that 93V8S10 provided to show up in my bin on the T/P parameter tree ?

Am I just missing something ?



I loaded the XDF provided in the zip and loaded all the hex through it. everything showed up just fine for me.

03-07-2012, 04:16 AM
I loaded the XDF provided in the zip and loaded all the hex through it. everything showed up just fine for me.

Got it now :)

Don't know what the heck I was doing wrong , but its all good now .



03-09-2012, 11:02 PM
assuming you guys are cheap bastards like i am, you can make an alternative to a solid state relay using some MOSFETs.

since the PCM provides ground only when it wants something turned on, a P-channel MOSFET can probably be worked in, though i would confirm this with someone who actually messes with P-channel MOSFETs.

if i'm right about this, you can grab IRF9540 units from my favorite overseas supplier for $.61 each. each one is rated to continuously handle up to 23 amps in a TO-220 package. i'd add a heatsink to it and group a few of them together, but that's just me.

i can't figure out the pull up/pull down resistor logic though(i'm used to N-channel), so i wouldn't just jump at it instantly.

12-23-2012, 11:26 AM
Just registered here after reading for hours.

Looks like you are the guys to come to when I have questions with my upcoming instal.

My first question goes to 93V8S10.....

Any chance you have a $OE ready version of this handy?



12-23-2012, 07:30 PM

post 13

12-23-2012, 09:16 PM
Thanks, I saw that one, but it doesn't include the soft start or trans fan this one does though.

I might be able to figure out the coding to add them, since that post lists most of the locations. The way I understand it the locations are the only difference between $OD and $OE for the purposes of a fan hack....??

Still not sure I am up to the task of writing/modding my own code yet. Working on getting there, just need to get my head around this stuff a bit more before I will be very comfortable with it.


12-24-2012, 02:33 AM
The way I understand it the locations are the only difference between $OD and $OE for the purposes of a fan hack....??

Yup that's pretty much it. $0D has some trans parameters that $0E doesn't, or at least aren't listed or commented. The Trans control scheme may be slightly different(which could encompass quite a lot of code), I haven't spent that much time comparing them.

Actually after thinking about it they would have to be somewhat different because of the Turbine Input Speed Sensor, and all the slip calculations that that the PCM makes.

02-18-2013, 09:45 PM
As a source for solid state, dual fan relays of automotive grade may I suggest 2003-ish and up Dodge Caravans? In the stock application one relay is used to control two fans independently. There are a couple of versions but both are fairly small and would easily mount in a 3" by 5" space. They are usually found on the LF frame rail, LH inner fender, LH side of bumper, or under the LH headlight. Be sure to mount them to a nice solid heat sink as they will get hot and will die if not cooled. Dorman 902310 (pictured with the connector) is typical of the version mounted on the bumper while Standard DR1088 is physically smaller and can be found on frame rail, inner fender, or under headlight. The 902310 is slightly more reliable but will require plenty of airflow for cooling. DR1088 should be mounted to a good, solid metal base which won't get too hot.

OK A newbie here, i have been reading this post for a few days. I finally got around to getting some of these relays (Chrysler) mentioned above. I have wired up and programmed my PCM. It works pretty good except when the fans come on the lights inside and out flicker. I am thinking maybe it is too much amps to start the fan motor. Is there any solution to the flickering lights?

02-19-2013, 11:04 PM

02-19-2013, 11:26 PM
Got to be where the fan relay is getting power from? If it's stealing power from Accessories then yes, but if the fan relay was getting power from battery it should not happen...

02-20-2013, 04:56 AM
Got to be where the fan relay is getting power from? If it's stealing power from Accessories then yes, but if the fan relay was getting power from battery it should not happen...

Thanks for responding. The relay is connected to the battery(fused). I have played around with the PCM cycles but that wont help. All wiring is clean with good connections to ground. I have 4 relays and all do the same.

02-26-2013, 04:25 AM
Could be a bad body or chassis ground

06-23-2013, 10:07 PM
I am going to be using this to control my fans. I really don't need the TPS setting. Since I don't, where should it be set so it doesn't trigger due to tps, or possibly interfere with the other triggers(don't know if it can interfere)? Leave at 0, or put it all the way up?

09-09-2013, 02:11 AM
So I just installed a electric cooling fan in my cherokee today. All I gotta do is finish up some wiring. Its a single fan, single speed, and I will be using a standard relay (not pwm). However, I am nowhere near smart enough to put the code into my bin. Is there anyone here that would be willing to do it for me if I email them a copy of my bin?

09-09-2013, 02:21 AM
So I just installed a electric cooling fan in my cherokee today. All I gotta do is finish up some wiring. Its a single fan, single speed, and I will be using a standard relay (not pwm). However, I am nowhere near smart enough to put the code into my bin. Is there anyone here that would be willing to do it for me if I email them a copy of my bin?

It's easier than you think.

Open up the hex editor in Tuner Pro (ctrl+h IIRC), go to the addresses needed and type the HEX values into the locations indicated in the first post. Once you get through the values, click on save or commit to bin, save under a new file name, and continue as usual.

You can add the parameters to the XDF as well, so that you can make adjustments, if there isn't already a posted XDF with the fan parameters in it.

dave w
09-09-2013, 03:47 AM
So I just installed a electric cooling fan in my cherokee today. All I gotta do is finish up some wiring. Its a single fan, single speed, and I will be using a standard relay (not pwm). However, I am nowhere near smart enough to put the code into my bin. Is there anyone here that would be willing to do it for me if I email them a copy of my bin?

Attached is a .bin (SBC 383 Holley TBI) that I set up including WBO2.

dave w

09-09-2013, 04:52 AM
It's easier than you think.

Open up the hex editor in Tuner Pro (ctrl+h IIRC), go to the addresses needed and type the HEX values into the locations indicated in the first post. Once you get through the values, click on save or commit to bin, save under a new file name, and continue as usual.

You can add the parameters to the XDF as well, so that you can make adjustments, if there isn't already a posted XDF with the fan parameters in it.

it wouldn't take much more effort than doing it once to make it as a patch XDF item.... then it would be a 2-click operation for anybody to add in or remove.

09-09-2013, 06:13 AM
Is patching enabled in Tuner Pro now?

09-09-2013, 06:48 AM
Yes! Take a look at the latest $42, I used the Patch to do Highway Lean Cruise, ESC Done test and EGR disable. Works sweet!

09-09-2013, 06:56 AM
Cool, I'll have to learn how to make these patch executables, for a couple patches I have found. :)

09-09-2013, 07:06 AM
i don't know if the executables work or not, but as an XDF item, they work great.

09-09-2013, 07:09 AM
Ok, I guess I'm missing something on this then...

09-09-2013, 07:19 AM
AFAIK, there are two patching "methods", one via S-Record and is done through the File menu(which i've never gotten to work correctly, probably my own lack of understanding/experience with it), the other is creating a new item in the parameter tree.

09-09-2013, 07:22 AM
How would creating a new item in the parameter tree be any easier than manually editing the bin via HEX?


I just looked at Mark's $42 XDF and I would call that a patch executable...

I see how that would be easy to use.

09-09-2013, 07:26 AM
S record has never worked. I tried to get Mark M help and he told me the S record patch I had, had hex address outside of the chip range... but it did not? I used it to make the Patch and it worked fine.

Just looked at first post and a patch would not be hard? In the zip folder is all parameters needed to make changes, these could be added to a folder in regular $0D XDF to simplify.

There is one instruction at end of Hex changes that I could not find in the detailed instructions? What does CBB0: 7E 70 71 do? There is no instruction on CBB0 ?

09-09-2013, 07:40 AM
IIRC, those 3 values are what allow the fan code to actually operate. I recall in a different set of instructions that a change outside the large block of HEX values needed to be made to enable the fan controil to work, I don't recall if it was that address or not.

09-09-2013, 07:51 AM
Well my insomnia is in full swing... so I added all the E Fan Parameters from the E fan XDF to my $0D xdf in a "E Fan Control" folder and also a patch, but have not worked on the patch yet.

This $0D XDF has everything the the original did, just re-orginized, compacted and simplified for easier use...

Maybe if I get some sleep tonight I will be coherent enough to write the patch...

09-09-2013, 07:57 AM
IIRC, those 3 values are what allow the fan code to actually operate. I recall in a different set of instructions that a change outside the large block of HEX values needed to be made to enable the fan controil to work, I don't recall if it was that address or not.Hmmm?

This all looks OK and documented:
Hex Editor Values:
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F
7000: AB 9C 9B 28 DB 2D C8 AE 9F 32 DB 00 00 00 00 00
7010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 CE 70 00 12 52 08 26
7020: 96 A2 A1 00 22 18 B6 01 FC A1 04 22 11 12 4D 01
7030: 06 96 A2 A1 01 23 37 B6 02 A7 A1 03 22 30 14 52
7040: 08 A6 05 B7 01 50 B6 01 50 26 16 12 4D 01 06 96
7050: A2 A1 02 23 09 B6 02 A7 A1 03 22 02 20 10 15 52
7060: 08 B6 01 50 D6 02 C4 F0 26 04 4A B7 01 50 4F 5F
7070: 39 12 52 08 08 CE 70 00 FF 3F D4 20 44 FC 3F D4
7080: 1A 83 77 FF 23 02 22 14 CE 77 FF FF 3F D4 FE 01
7090: 51 8C 00 20 24 11 08 FF 01 51 20 25 FC 3F D4 1A
70A0: 83 7B FF 23 02 22 14 CE 7B FF FF 3F D4 FE 01 51
70B0: 8C 00 00 23 06 09 FF 01 51 20 06 CE 7F FF FF 3F
70C0: D4 7E CB DC CE 70 06 96 AE A1 00 22 1E B6 01 FC
70D0: A1 04 22 17 B6 02 A7 A1 03 22 15 96 AE 12 46 04
70E0: 04 A1 01 22 06 A1 02 23 07 20 08 14 46 04 20 03
70F0: 15 46 04 7E CB 3A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Then maybe this is what your talking about?

7C60: BD 70
7C70: 19

CAF0: 7E 70
CB00: C4

CBB0: 7E 70 71

Because it does not match:

To Enable TransmissionFan Routine:
L400B Bit 1 AIR Management= 1
Change hex editor values starting at CAFE, from 96 06 B1 to 7E 70 C4.
LCAFE ; 96 06 ; LDAA L0006 ; Cool temp, linear
; B1 4E 82 ; CMPA L4E82 ; Min temp for AIR
LCAFE ; 7E 70 C4 ; JMP L70C4 ; Jump to transmission fan routine

09-09-2013, 08:00 AM
You asked about the values at CBB0, which IIRC enable fan control, ENGINE fan control. The E-fan patch I used did not have any transmission fan control settings.

dave w
09-09-2013, 09:24 AM
The .bin file I attached in post 106 also has 700R4 TCC enabled.

dave w

09-09-2013, 09:43 AM
You asked about the values at CBB0, which IIRC enable fan control, ENGINE fan control. The E-fan patch I used did not have any transmission fan control settings.In looking at first post in this thread from 93V8S10 he states someone else did the E fan patch and he has added to it. So you must have done this early on before he added to it.

The .bin file I attached in post 106 also has 700R4 TCC enabled.

dave wI've never done that... so is that another patch we can add?

dave w
09-09-2013, 12:31 PM
I've never done that (700R4 TCC)... so is that another patch we can add?
I don't think so, Location 400F - Bit 6 is TCC Only and available in the Flags of $OD

dave w

09-09-2013, 05:52 PM
7E is the instruction for a jump. in this instance, JMP L7071.

09-09-2013, 07:05 PM
OK, here's the new XDF with E fan patch, it works but not been tested on vehicle.

09-10-2013, 02:54 AM
If all goes well, I will test it out this weekend. I'm going to have to tweek my fan mount just a tad then finish wiring it up.

I downloaded your XDF. So all I have to do is hit apply patch and its done? I did that and saved it as new.
I will not be using soft start (I'm using a standard relay) what do I need to do to make sure its set correctly, I have plenty of relays, but I dont want to burn them up.
The flags, what are they for, do any of them need checked?
The scaler, engine fan code, says to change from D399 to 7019, but it was not changed after I applied the patch. Do I have to manually change that value?
Same thing for the trans fan, it has two scalers that say trans fan code. I will not be using the trans fan, I only have 1 fan.
Are these scalers to turn on the function?

Last, what, if anything, has been removed or replaced by this code? The variable manifold tuning controll? Just want to make sure it didnt remove something I am actually using (like ccp or something like that) and make sure if I change another parameter it wont mess up the fan/code.

09-10-2013, 04:05 AM
If all goes well, I will test it out this weekend. I'm going to have to tweek my fan mount just a tad then finish wiring it up.

I downloaded your XDF. So all I have to do is hit apply patch and its done? I did that and saved it as new.
I will not be using soft start (I'm using a standard relay) what do I need to do to make sure its set correctly, I have plenty of relays, but I dont want to burn them up.
The flags, what are they for, do any of them need checked?
The scaler, engine fan code, says to change from D399 to 7019, but it was not changed after I applied the patch. Do I have to manually change that value?
Same thing for the trans fan, it has two scalers that say trans fan code. I will not be using the trans fan, I only have 1 fan.
Are these scalers to turn on the function?

Last, what, if anything, has been removed or replaced by this code? The variable manifold tuning controll? Just want to make sure it didnt remove something I am actually using (like ccp or something like that) and make sure if I change another parameter it wont mess up the fan/code.:confused:

Sounds like you needed the first simple code...

So I just installed a electric cooling fan in my cherokee today. All I gotta do is finish up some wiring. Its a single fan, single speed, and I will be using a standard relay (not pwm). However, I am nowhere near smart enough to put the code into my bin. Is there anyone here that would be willing to do it for me if I email them a copy of my bin?Check and done with a patch! :thumbsup:

09-12-2013, 02:40 AM
Hey mark, I think there might be something wrong with the patch. I was thinking last night, it would be nice if I could test this before the weekend when I need to get it installed and running. Then I remembered, my test bench! So I applied the patch to a copy of my current bin, burnt it to a chip, stuck it in a good spare 7427, added the wire to the harness and for now just have it hooked to a small noid light so I can see if the output is working. I was going to use a heat gun to raise the temp to where the fan should cut on, and if the light comes on, then we are good to go.
Well I do all that, turn on the switch, fuel pump relay and light (a lightbulb in my harness simulates the fuel pump) comes on for a couple seconds, then starts rapidly coming on and off. I turn it off, double check my harness, all connections, power wires and everything. I think maybe I had a bad burn on the chip. I erase it and burn it again, it burns fine. Still same issue. If I connect to the ecm, it does connect, but all the data on the screen jumps from zero to max at the same rate as the fuel pump relay is clicking. I then burn a copy of my current bin without the fan patch. I try it and it functions perfectly fine and normal, connects normally and all data is good. I try the fan bin again and its back to jumping all over the place.
So I think something might not be right and it messed up the bin. Ideas?

09-12-2013, 02:45 AM
Something is seriously wrong! I was just trying to implement the patch, I wish I had a vehicle with this mod done to work on and test, but have never done the mod?

Since you don't need this enhanced PWM twin fan deal? Maybe Six has the old single fan code? We could add that patch as well, he has it working as have others. I'm not sure anyone has done this one?

09-12-2013, 03:25 AM
Code I used:


09-12-2013, 03:31 AM
Something is seriously wrong! I was just trying to implement the patch, I wish I had a vehicle with this mod done to work on and test, but have never done the mod?

Since you don't need this enhanced PWM twin fan deal? Maybe Six has the old single fan code? We could add that patch as well, he has it working as have others. I'm not sure anyone has done this one?

Reading back through this thread, it looks like PJG1173 got it working See post 86. Anyone seen him around lately?
What ever happened to 93V8S10?

dave w
09-12-2013, 05:39 AM
Try the .bin I posted on the test bench setup. The .bin I posted is in a running / driving / E-Fan / working vehicle.

dave w

09-12-2013, 05:54 AM
I can look at Daves bin as well and see what part of patch I screwed up on. Well, if it is this same patch? Or is it the first edition ?

I don't know where 93V8S10 went? Like he dropped of the planet? Hope he's OK...

09-12-2013, 06:06 AM
I can look at Daves bin as well and see what part of patch I screwed up on. Well, if it is this same patch? Or is it the first edition ?

I don't know where 93V8S10 went? Like he dropped of the planet? Hope he's OK...

He had done a vortec mpfi conversion on that S10 and posted about it on FSC a while back but that is the last I have heard from him.

dave w
09-12-2013, 06:06 AM
I can look at Daves bin as well and see what part of patch I screwed up on. Well, if it is this same patch? Or is it the first edition ?

I don't know where 93V8S10 went? Like he dropped of the planet? Hope he's OK...

Mark, I hand edited the .bin I posted with the TunerPro hex editor. I did not use the patch.

dave w

09-12-2013, 06:36 AM
He had done a vortec mpfi conversion on that S10 and posted about it on FSC a while back but that is the last I have heard from him.He's been here since then but it's been a long time.

Mark, I hand edited the .bin I posted with the TunerPro hex editor. I did not use the patch.

dave wIs it the one from first post in this thread?

Because there's another one that is just E fan...

09-12-2013, 06:41 AM
Because there's another one that is just E fan...

I posted the link to that code a few posts up...

dave w
09-12-2013, 06:55 AM
Is it the one from first post in this thread?

Because there's another one that is just E fan...

Post #106... It has WBO2 / E-Fan (without soft start) / TH700R4 TCC... The vehicle application is a 1989 Astro Van with '7427 upgrade / 383 cu in / Holley TBI 80 lb injectors @ 18 PSI.

dave w

09-13-2013, 02:37 AM
Dave, is that bin you posted set up with 93V8S10's fan code, or the version posted up by Six shooter?
I tried it with my test bench. I looked at it first with 93V8S10's fan controll XDF, and the temps were set all strange, so I changed them to lower them down some. I ran the test and the light simulating the fan came on and went off, but not at the temps I had programmed into the bin. But then I thought, maybe you have six shooters fan code.

09-13-2013, 03:35 AM
Just to be clear, I didn't write that code, I just use it. It was helo from fullsizechevy.com

09-13-2013, 04:15 AM
Haven't had any time but did find the code Six posted and then the origanal thread on Full Size(advertisments and attachment coverups).com

;## HEX PATCH (Tested with BJYM_0D_95GMC.bin on 8625 PCM)
;## Don't forget to change x7c6f, then open&save with TunerPro to reset the checksum.
; 19 b9 b1 aa 2d 0f (Adjust values to suit your needs)
; ce 70 00 12 44 10 3b 13 4f 80 37 96 a2 a1 03 23
; 31 b6 02 51 81 00 26 68 12 52 08 36 96 a2 a1 01
; 22 11 12 4d 01 06 96 a2 a1 02 23 52 b6 02 a7 a1
; 00 22 4b 14 52 08 a6 05 b7 02 51 a6 04 b7 02 50
; 20 56 15 46 04 15 52 08 4f b7 02 50 4f b7 02 51
; 20 60 96 a2 a1 01 22 2a b6 02 a7 a1 00 22 2d 12
; 4d 01 1f 96 a2 a1 02 23 07 b6 02 50 26 2a 20 1c
; 13 46 04 24 15 46 04 a6 05 b7 02 51 20 1a 20 32
; 20 16 14 46 04 a6 04 b7 02 50 20 0c 13 46 04 b2
; 15 46 04 a6 05 b7 02 51 d6 02 c4 f0 26 14 b6 02
; 50 27 04 4a b7 02 50 b6 02 51 27 04 4a b7 02 51
; 20 00 cc f0 ff 12 46 04 03 cc f0 00 fd 3f da cc
; 7f ff 12 52 08 03 cc 70 00 fd 3f d4 39 00 00 00

; 70 20 (replace D3 99 - JSR call to efan subroutine entry point)
;### START OF DUAL-SPEED EFAN PATCH (Sep 3, 2011 -helo)
ORG $7000
;FAN Calibrations:
L7000 FCB $19 ; High MPH Fan Cutoff (25 MPH)
L7001 FCB $B9 ; Coolant Temperature Very High Value Enable (210 deg F)
L7002 FCB $B1 ; Coolant Temperature High Value Enable (199 deg F)
L7003 FCB $AA ; Coolant Temperature Low Value Disable (190 deg F)
L7004 FCB $2D ; Minimum Fan Run "MFR" Time (~45 Seconds)
L7005 FCB $0F ;## Minimum Change Of State "MCOS" Time (~15 seconds)
;## TEMP*CTS = ((TEMP*F) + 40) / 1.35
;## 0xB1=177=((199)+40)/1.35

ORG $7020
LEFAN00 LDX #$7000 ; Start of fan Calibrations
BRSET L0044,#$10,LEFANALLOFF ;Status word, bra if b4==1, shutting down, turn off fan
BRCLR L004F,#$80,LEFANALLOFF ;Status word, bra if b7==0, engine off, turn off fan
; Check CTS Low value
LDAA L00A2 ; Load Coolant Temperature
CMPA 3,X ; Compare to Coolant Temperature
BLS LEFANALLOFF ; Turn off when CTS is below "low" temp threshold
; Check MCOS
LDAA L0251 ; Load MCOS Timer Variable
CMPA #$00
BNE LEFANNOPTIMER ; If MCOS > 0, Skip to timer decrement
BRSET L0052,#$08,LEFANISON00 ; If Fan ON, Skip to "Load MFR Timer Variable"
;# Here if Fan is OFF. See if it should be turned on.
; CTS very high. Ignore MPH check & turn fan ON when CTS is very high.
LDAA L00A2 ; Load Coolant Temperature
CMPA 1,X ; Compare to Coolant Temperature Very High Value
BHI LEFANLOW ; Go to "Turn On Fan" if Higher
; A/C
BRSET L004D,#$01,LEFANMPH ; If A/C is On, Go To "Load MPH"
LDAA L00A2 ; Load Coolant Temperature
CMPA 2,X ; Compare to Coolant Temperature High Value Enable
; mph
CMPA 0,X ; Compare to High MPH Fan Cutoff
BHI LEFANNOPEND ; Go to "End" if Higher
LDAA 5,X ; Load MCOS timer
STAA L0251 ; Save MCOS
LDAA 4,X ; Load MFR Timer
STAA L0250 ; Save MFR Timer
BRA LEFANTIMER ; Jump to timer decrement
BCLR L0052,#$08 ; TURN OFF FAN
STAA L0250 ; Clear MFR Timer
STAA L0251 ; Clear MCOS Timer
LEFANISON00 LDAA L00A2 ; Load Coolant Temperature
CMPA 1,X ; Compare to Coolant Temperature Very High Value
BHI LEFANHIGH ; Go to "High Speed Desired"
LDAA L02A7 ; Load MPH
CMPA 0,X ; Compare to High MPH Fan Cutoff
BHI LEFANOFF ; Go To "Turn off Fan" if Higher

BRSET L004D,#$01,LEFANHIGH ;If A/C is On, high speed preferred

LDAA L00A2 ; Load Coolant Temperature
CMPA 2,X ; Compare to Coolant Temp High Value
BLS LEFANISON01 ; Determine if fan should remain on.
LDAA L0250 ; Load MFR Timer
BNE LEFANTIMER ; >0, go to decrement timer
BRA LEFANOFF ; Turn off fan if timer reached 0.
;## Fan is ON, low speed desired
LEFANISON01 BRCLR L0046,#$04,LEFANTIMER ; Not on high speed, go to timer decrement
BCLR L0046,#$04 ; Turn off high speed output
LDAA 5,X ; Load MCOS timer
STAA L0251 ; Save MCOS
BRA LEFANTIMER ; Go to timer decrement
;## Lazy double branch (I hit the 128 byte limit!! =)
LEFANHIGH BSET L0046,#$04 ; Turn on high speed output.
LDAA 4,X ; Load MFR Timer
STAA L0250 ; Save MFR Timer
BRA LEFANTIMER ; Go to timer decrement
;TURN FAN OFF (or High->Low)
LEFANOFF BRCLR L0046,#$04,LEFANALLOFF ; If High speed is off, turn fan off now.
BCLR L0046,#$04 ; Turn off high speed output
LDAA 5,X ; Load MCOS timer
STAA L0251 ; Save MCOS
LEFANTIMER LDAB L0002 ; Load Loop Counter
ANDB #$F0 ; Mask First 4 Bits
BNE LEFANEND ; Skip To end if no Decrement of Timer Needed
LDAA L0250 ; Load MFR Timer Variable
BEQ LEFANTIME1 ; Don't decrement when 0
DECA ; Decrease MFR Timer by 1
STAA L0250 ; Save MFR Timer to L0150
LEFANTIME1 LDAA L0251 ; Load MCOS Timer Variable
BEQ LEFANTIME2 ; Don't decrement when 0
DECA ; Decrease MCOS Timer Variable
STAA L0251
BRSET L0046,#$04,LEFANAIR ;Bra if fan currently on
LDD #$F000 ; AIR output 0% DC (OFF)
LEFANAIR STD L3FDA ; Output to AIR bypass solenoid (E7)
;# Output to E3 is only required for 0D_MAF. Stock $0d bins will take care of this
;## at LCBB2-LCBD9. Safe to leave enabled (simply a redundant output on L3FD4).
BRSET L0052,#$08,LEFANCPI ;Bra if fan currently on (low)
LDD #$7000
LEFANCPI STD L3FD4 ; Output to E3 (CPI tuning valve, a/c output pin)
RTS ; Return

09-13-2013, 04:27 AM
Mark, the link to the FSC thread was posted in the thread that I posted here....

dave w
09-13-2013, 04:44 AM
Dave, is that bin you posted set up with 93V8S10's fan code, or the version posted up by Six shooter?
I tried it with my test bench. I looked at it first with 93V8S10's fan controll XDF, and the temps were set all strange, so I changed them to lower them down some. I ran the test and the light simulating the fan came on and went off, but not at the temps I had programmed into the bin. But then I thought, maybe you have six shooters fan code.

The .bin I posted is from code I found at FSC.

dave w

09-14-2013, 02:37 PM
Well I spent the past couple days playing with the hex editor, figuring out where the addresses are, finding where the stuff is supposed to go, etc.. So I figured I would give it a try myself. I could not get copy and paste to work, so I ended up having my girlfriend read off the values to me while I typed them in manually. I saved it, burnt it to a chip and tried it. Same thing as the bin that was patched by marks XDF, everything jumps all over the place, fuel pump/relay click on and off fast.
So either we are entering in something wrong, missing something, or there is something wrong with this code. I compared the bin I manually entered to the one I patched with marks XDF, and everything was the same except for the checksum.

I guess I am going to try the FSC code next.

dave w
09-14-2013, 03:50 PM
Well I spent the past couple days playing with the hex editor, figuring out where the addresses are, finding where the stuff is supposed to go, etc.. So I figured I would give it a try myself. I could not get copy and paste to work, so I ended up having my girlfriend read off the values to me while I typed them in manually. I saved it, burnt it to a chip and tried it. Same thing as the bin that was patched by marks XDF, everything jumps all over the place, fuel pump/relay click on and off fast.
So either we are entering in something wrong, missing something, or there is something wrong with this code. I compared the bin I manually entered to the one I patched with marks XDF, and everything was the same except for the checksum.

I guess I am going to try the FSC code next.

Thanks for the update.

dave w

09-15-2013, 03:29 AM
Well I went back and double checked everything and it appears everything is entered in like its supposed to be, unless I am just overlooking something. So without the author here to help, I am just going to have to give up for now on this code. Its just way to over my head trying to figure out whats wrong with it.

So I figure I would give the FSC code that six shooter posted up a try. Started with my bin, had my girlfriend read off the values as I typed them in, saved, burnt to a chip and gave it a try in my test harness. No jumpy data or fp/relay. TP connected fine, ran the dizzy and used a heat gun on the CTS. My noid light (simulating the fan) came on when it should, went back off as it should too. Seems that code works fine.
I finish up the wiring on my jeep and go for a spin. Fan cycles on and off and seems to work as advertised. So I now have a working E-fan controlled by my PCM.

Would kinda like to figure out whats wrong, or what I did wrong with 93V8S10's code. It has some nice features, like the ability of soft start and a second fan. But its over my head and would take someone smater than me.

09-15-2013, 05:08 AM
Since you typed in in and had same results as my patch method, I'd say there's something wrong with the code?

Glad you got the other one working!

Were the E fan XDF parameters I added to the $0D XDF any help with old/first E fan code.

09-15-2013, 04:25 PM
No, I was about to post up about adding the parameters to the XDF.
On the FSC code, some of the addresses are the same, but what they are/do is different. So we probably want to delete them from your XDF, or change them and the patch to the FSC code instead untill we can figure out what's wrong 93V8S10's code.
I can add the items to my XDF, but it has been so long since I have added a new parameter I need a refresher to do it. Copy and paste I can do fine, but adding a completely new one I have forgotton. I know how to add it, title it, discribe it, and enter the address. But its what I put for size and output type, and if I need to put anything in the conversion tab, and if I do, what I need to enter into the conversion.
Here are the items listed on the FSC code that need to be added:

L7000 19 db High MPH Fan Cutoff (25 MPH)
L7001 B9 db Coolant Temperature Very High Value Enable (210 deg F)
L7002 B1 db Coolant Temperature High Value Enable (199 deg F)
L7003 AA db Coolant Temperature Low Value Disable (190 deg F)
L7004 2D db Minimum Fan Run "MFR" Time (45 Seconds)

11-25-2015, 08:24 AM
Anyway to change coding to also use fan #2 output as engine temp instead of trans temp? Im wanting 2 temp settings cause my fans have low and high. Very efficient as on colder days the temp is consistent on low.

11-30-2015, 04:46 PM
Anyway to change coding to also use fan #2 output as engine temp instead of trans temp? Im wanting 2 temp settings cause my fans have low and high. Very efficient as on colder days the temp is consistent on low.

yes as this is how mine is set up, read the instructions in the setup bin file. there is a bit that needs to be changed to select coolant temp for each fan.

12-02-2015, 06:19 AM
I don't see it in the instructions how to change the transmission fan to 2 engine fans. Looking in tunerpro rt i see some scalers and flags I don't see option to change this.

12-05-2015, 12:27 AM
under fan b calibration you should have 3 scalars labeled "Engine or Transmission Temperature" 1 through 3. set them all to "AE" as per the scalar descriptions:

Engine or Transmission Temperature 1
Location: 70CD

Set to A2 (00A2 coolant temperature) to use Fan B for cooling engine.
Set to AE (00AE transmission temperature) to use Fan B for cooling transmission.

Engine or Transmission Temperature 2
Location: 70E5

Set to A2 (00A2 coolant temperature) to use Fan B for cooling engine.
Set to AE (00AE transmission temperature) to use Fan B for cooling transmission.

Location: 710A

Set to A2 (00A2 coolant temperature) to use Fan B for cooling engine.
Set to AE (00AE transmission temperature) to use Fan B for cooling transmission.

12-07-2015, 04:03 AM
I see my problem. I must of been using the older .xdf I found $0D Fan Control v100.zip and it had the scalars I needed. Thanks for yalls help.

Danny's S10 E.F.I.v8
08-11-2017, 05:27 AM
new at tuning do i add to existing xdf or open fan xdf after and set ?

08-12-2017, 05:07 AM
Easiest is to just open the xdf when you want to change the fan settings. Be careful to double and triple check the code you are adding to your bin for e-fans.

Danny's S10 E.F.I.v8
08-12-2017, 06:07 PM
I loaded the XDF and set my setting it only put hex for those settings.I thought it was going to be that easy, then download a Bin from this topic if you go to page 7 i think you can download it that's how i figured that out it ain't that easy. I have learned a lot from this forum maybe I'll find a write up about writing hex editor If anyone knows somewhere i can learn more please point me in the right direction O by the way I think I got the fans figured out

Danny's S10 E.F.I.v8
08-13-2017, 04:20 AM
How could i get the trans fan to control a heated o2 sencer, just a thought.